At the same time, the True Essence was smashed, and the "Moruo Tianzhang" stabbed a sword in a normal manner.


The sword tips of "Moruo Tianzhang" collided with the "Fengfeng Sword", which instantly caused a huge wave. In the shock, a crack appeared on the tip of the "Fengfeng Sword".

The reason for this result is that Lin Feng's foundation is far superior to Feng Zhihen, and the quality of the "Moruo Tianzhang" in his hand is higher than the "Sword of Wind" in Feng Zhihen's hand.

Weapons are very important to a martial artist. Anything without a sword is better than a sword. Those are all bullshit. It’s okay to pretend to be an opponent of strength. win.

Facing a master of the same level, with the same foundation, is there any special physical means, one holds a magic weapon and the other is bare-handed, the battle is definitely a one-sided situation.

Don't you see that the saint is so powerful, and you still need equipment, a Tongtian sect master who has the "Sword Executioner" and a Tongtian sect master who doesn't have the "Sword Executioner", that are completely different things!

Although Wind Zhihen's "Sword of Wind" can be regarded as a good magic weapon, but compared to "Moruo Tianzhang", it is obviously inferior.

"How, do you want to continue?"

Lin Feng repelled the combo of Wind Scar and One Page, but did not kill them all.

He also didn't care much about Su Huanzhen and others fleeing.

Although Su is really smart and like a monster, but in front of her absolute strength, she can't overcome too many waves. If Lin Feng is willing, even if Su Huan really has the luck of this world, Lin Feng can make Su Huanzhen's soul fly away at any time, forever. Not to be overborn.

Lin Feng really didn't believe that if Su Huanzhen's spirit was wiped out, Su Huanzhen could really be resurrected!


In the face of Lin Feng, who has an absolute advantage, Wind Zhihen is not discouraged, his arrogant sword spirit is still outstanding, and he regains his original sword heart.

Naturally, this violent monk, Yi Ying Shu, would not admit defeat. He had fought countless times in his life and had lost, but he had never admitted defeat.

· · · Flowers 0 ·

I saw Wind Zhihen holding his breath, his breathing seemed to stop, and the airflow was frozen at this moment, like a static world, only one person stood with a sword.

Suddenly, the wind blew up on Wind Scar's belt, and the flying white hair covered Wind Scar's cheeks, but it couldn't cover the deep eyes under the mask.

The atmosphere changed in an instant, and I saw the cracked "Sword of Wind" split into two from the middle, and then a black, cold, handsome and mad figure differentiated from the body of Wind Scar.

Yokono's crazy magic sword, calm and happy wind marks, interweave the most splendid battle dance.

"Magic Sword!"

"Scar of the Wind!"

Two figures, one black and one white, stood side by side, holding a red and a blue sword in their hands.


"Great Brahma Sacred Palm!"

Yi Ying Shu shot first, flew with a palm, was knocked back by Lin Feng's body shield, and shot out with an improved "Armor Breaking Pinnacle Seven-Twisted Finger". smashed.

Even Lin Feng did not expect the sudden change, and he stepped back three feet, forcing him to be sharp.

The Mo Liujian kills with cold eyes, and the crazy swordsmanship carries unparalleled power, rushing up.

"Get out!"

Lin Feng waved the "Shadow God Saber", the sword swept across, and the Mo Liu sword avoided the weight lightly, and the foot was in the air. Lin Feng's wrist.

Lin Fengfang wanted to fight back with the "Moruo Tianzhang", and he bullied him with a page of the book, and waved the Buddha dust with gentle force to block the "Moruo Tianzhang".

At the moment when Mo Liujian, a page of books and Lin Feng stalemate, Wind Zhihen displayed an unbelievable speed, and appeared behind Lin Feng in the blink of an eye.

"In vain."

With a sound of vain, Lin Feng suddenly burst out with a gigantic energy, which impacted the surroundings indiscriminately, the magic sword, the wind mark, and a page of the book was suddenly shaken back by the incomparable energy.


Thanks to "petersweethreat", "kalut", "jiajie", "[Dimeng] Lingfeng Snow Drink", "Liu", "Brother Jun", "**", "**", "Brahma becomes a Buddha" , "Buddha's Three Realms" and other book friends' rewards!

If you have time, I hope you will leave a message in the comments, thank you for your support! .

Chapter [-] You have successfully attracted the attention of this emperor 【Seeking Monthly Pass】

One-page book, Wind's Mark, and Crazy Blade in Troubled Times have a clear division of labor and tacit understanding, but Lin Feng's upgraded version of "Sacred Devil's Body" is indestructible. "Heaven and Earth Roots", Buddha, Demon, and Dao, the three major defense-breaking techniques, are powerless.

Unknown intentions, unknown thoughts, Lin Feng slammed it out, the space collapsed, the sky was shattered, and the gigantic force was unmatched. Brahma pushed the "Uncommon Sacred Art" to the extreme, purifying the Buddha's essence infinitely close to divine power, and confronted it head-on. Lin Feng's trick.


The gust of wind does not stop, the waves are endless, the gods and ghosts are saddened, and the lack of physical fitness is tolerated. The strength of a page should not be underestimated.

Lin Feng's strength was suppressed near the peak of the gods, and the diluted divine power was almost the same as Brahma in terms of quality. The energy collided with each other, and the space split into one after another hideous cracks, generating a strong suction, swallowing everything.

Seeing this scene, Mad Saber "[-]" in troubled times hurriedly retreated ten miles backwards. The originally arrogant and unruly face now had only indescribable shock and unwillingness.

After years of concentrating on cultivating connections, the strength of Crazy Blade in Troubled Times has reached the peak of the top innate. With his unique skills and the "Lion Head Treasure Sword", he will not be defeated even in the face of ordinary super innate.

However, compared to a book, there is still a big gap between a strong person like Wind Zhihen. Even if a page book and Wind Zhihen are not complete, they are not comparable to the mad sword in troubled times. With the current strength of the mad sword in troubled times, even Can't keep up with the fighting rhythm of Lin Feng and others.

This is an unimaginable blow to the mighty mad sword in troubled times!

It's just the aftermath of Lin Feng's battle, and the Crazy Blade in Troubled Times is very difficult to deal with. Looking at the constantly broken space, Crazy Blade in Troubled Times can only avoid it. At this level of battle, he is already powerless to intervene.

After learning the martial arts of a page of the book, Wind Scar, Lin Feng suddenly sensed the changes in the demon market, and he was about to shake a page of the book and the Wind Scar flying, and left.

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