There was a loud noise, the heaven and the earth shook, fire and rain fell, white feathers flew, and thousands of miles of clouds dissipated in one breath.

Seeing this, the Lord of the Cursed World and the Dragon Emperor Yutian had different thoughts and were preparing to move when they suddenly felt a huge earthquake, as if the sky was collapsing. 5.4

The entire Tower of Compassionate Light, no, the entire Four Worlds is trembling.

"Yutian Dragon Emperor, what the hell are you doing?!" Curse World Lord's first reaction was what the Yutian Dragon Emperor did.

"Fuck, this emperor wants to ask you!" Yutian Longhuang scolded angrily, but seeing that the world-cursing master didn't look like a fake, he also concluded that he was not the world-cursing master.

"This sense of vibration and weightlessness, the four worlds are sinking!" Yutian Dragon Emperor sensed that the four worlds seemed to be involved by some unknown force, and was sinking rapidly, his face became extremely ugly.

If the four worlds are destroyed, then what's the point of killing them!


Thanks to "Phoenix", "s1e2e3d4", "leojoe123456", "Prodigal Son", "Jian Wuyu", "Blue Tears" and other book friends for their monthly tickets, flowers, and evaluation tickets. .

The forty-ninth chapter breaks through the sky [three shifts]

Distress, on the peak wall.

The sky was densely covered with dark clouds, a strange and evil atmosphere shrouded, the earth trembled, the ground shook and the stones rattled, trees in a radius of a hundred miles fell to and fro, and birds and beasts fled.

I saw the "Demon World Buddha" towering, countless roots penetrated deep into the land of misery, and from a distance, it looked like a pillar to the sky.

"Guerlain is proud of the world, but Shaoyoufen hides in secret.

Don't look at all the flowers competing for beauty, only love the fragrance of sparse cherry blossoms. "

Above the distant mountains, cherry blossoms are falling one after another, accompanied by the Qinglangshi number, a pink figure floats down, the master of Fuyingzhai looks at the "Demon World Buddha" where the evil light erupts, his face seems to be happy but also worried.

"Emperor Yuanxie actually intends to bring the four worlds into a miserable state, what exactly is he planning to do?" Master Fuyingzhai had doubts in his heart. If in the past, the Buddha's Prison of Huo Zhai entered a state of misery, Master Fuyingzhai would not be able to ask for it.

But now the forces of distress, for some reason, are springing up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Not to mention the right way of the three religions, just the forces of Tiandu, Demon City, Xie Zun Dao, Black Sea Prison, Nihai Chongfan, Hills and Hundred Demon Roads, Jijing, Destroying Realm and other forces that have appeared in recent months have made Fuyingzhai. The main scalp is numb!

Many of these forces are comparable to, or even stronger than, Fire House Buddha Hell!

Since the battle of the Holy Demon, although there has been a period of calm, this is obviously the tranquility of the 11th before the storm.

The undercurrent of misery is surging, and a battle between the ancient forces and the emerging forces is inevitable. If the Fire House Buddha Prison is involved at this time, I am afraid that it will end up with no bones left!

Just when the master of Fuyingzhai was worried, a familiar poem sounded.

"Laugh and see the bright red dyed in the middle of the mountain, the wind is thousands of miles between the white clouds.

Xiaoyao is not a guest here, and the three talents of heaven and earth are ordinary. "

Lan Yan is light and diffuse, only seeing a vague figure, accompanied by the red maple in the sky, forming a leisurely style.

"Long time no see, friend!"

The master of Fengyou suddenly appeared, the feather fan shook lightly, and looked at Master Fuyingzhai meaningfully.

Master Fuyingzhai smiled indifferently: "Oh, Master Fengyou, you are here too!"

The master of Fuyingzhai was originally one of the three princes of the Fire House Buddhist Prison, the Marquis of Triumph. The purpose of coming to the misery was to open up the passage connecting the misery and the Fire House Buddha Prison, so that the Fire House Buddha Prison could snatch the resources of the misery.

He knew that the master of Fengyou had taken refuge in Tiandu, and now he was the counselor of Emperor Yuanxie. Seeing him appear, he already knew that the other party doubted his identity, and he was thinking about whether to take action or retreat!

But I heard the owner of Fengyou say: "If I don't come, I'm afraid I can only raise the little rabbit on your behalf!"


With a groan, Master Fu Ying Zhai's thoughts turned around, but he finally pressed down.

They have been friends for many years. The master of Fuyingzhai and the master of Fengyou are both enemies and friends. If they put aside their positions, they may become friends who can talk about everything. The master of Fuyingzhai knows the personality of the master of Fengyou very well. If the grapefruit master said so, it must not be empty words.

Lord Fuyingzhai still knows how powerful the Emperor Yuanxie is, let alone him, even the Lord of Cursing World can't be defeated, so let's just wait and see how it becomes better.

The master of Fengyou already knows the identity of the master of Fuyingzhai, but after years of friendship, he has an inseparable affection.

People’s hearts are the most unpredictable. No matter how pleasing they are, you are also bored, while some people only need one look, and they can show their hearts and souls. Looking at the gradually darkening sky, the master of Fengyou said solemnly: "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, friends, follow me soon. I'm leaving."

After speaking, the master of Fengyou turned into the light, and the master of Fuyingzhai thought about it again and again, and finally followed.

At present, the master of Fuyingzhai believes that he has no ability to stop Yuanxie Huang, and since this is the case, there is no need to run and die!

Inside the Demon World Buddha.

Emperor Yuanxie smashed the magic essence, and the towering "Monster World Buddha" was augmented by the magic essence, and suddenly broke through the sky, breaking through the space barrier of misery, and connecting the four worlds in the void!

 Opposite the peak wall, it is the closest place between the misery and the four worlds. After the "Demon World Buddha" broke through the void, countless tentacles were separated from the top of the tower, and they grabbed the fire house Buddha prison like the roots of a tree.

If you stand in the void and the distance is far enough, you can see the four worlds like a world tree, being pulled by countless "tentacles" to a huge space crack of thousands of miles.

On the opposite side of the crack, is the outer space of misery!


With the pulling of the "Demon World Buddha", the Siji Realm fell toward the misery. During the violent shaking, some weak strata in the Siji Realm area were shaken away, like a meteor piercing the atmosphere, setting off a meteor shower, which was particularly dazzling.

There are also some unlucky eggs from the four worlds that fall together. The stronger ones can fly in the sky, and those who fight the five scum will inevitably be shattered.

The four worlds broke through and landed. Under the influence of the gravity of the misery, they quickly fell to the earth of misery. The fire house Buddha at the bottom rubbed with the atmosphere to create flames, burning the sky for thousands of miles, bringing a terrifying feeling of crushing!

The Siji Realm is a unique world, but it is not a complete world. The Siji Realm is only a few thousand miles in size, and it is almost the same as the Gathering Realm, but it has a few more layers. For the suffering realm, it can only be regarded as an odd place .

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