
The fifty-second chapter lifts the Buddha again [three more]


With the sound of the Sanskrit sound of the bell, many civilians who heard the bell within a hundred li radius of the city of magic swallowed the bell, and their eyes suddenly became confused, and they murmured:

"Follow great wisdom and save the world with great compassion."

"Follow Great Wisdom, Save the World - Broad Compassion."

"Follow great wisdom and save the world with great compassion."


The group voices were like waves and mighty, and countless people began to walk in the direction of the bell. Some martial arts people were slightly more resistant. Looking at the people around them, they couldn't help but panic and fled in a hurry.

And in the nearest city of the bell, a Buddha Tribulation is about to kick off!

"The sea of ​​suffering is endless, turning back is the shore.

A single thought, the world's purgatory. "

Missing a boat and sailing across the white clothes, accompanied by the flying golden lotus, the temperament is picturesque, carrying "Manjusri" on his back, his silver hair fluttering in the wind, the end is peerless, and the air is covered with clouds.

One whirlwind, one step, the enchantment of the Devil's Swallowing City shattered!

At the same time, two long-lost Buddha's horns sounded:

"Seven loves are not ignorant of the four kinds of grace, and the eight rafts often return to the souls of the ten realms.

Negative karma, all the dust and sages have crossed the calamity, and the boundless water and moon are stored in a thousand. "

"One nature comprehends all natures, one dharma covers all dharmas.

In January, all waters are common, and all waters and moons are captured. "

With the familiar poem title, Buddha of Heaven, the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms is once again in the world, like a double star holding the moon, guarding around Quzhou Yifandu.

The three Buddhas, also white-clothed and white-haired, are beautiful and picturesque, but their aura is turbulent.

The magic swallowing immovable city's barrier burst, and the totem of the twelve palaces of the devil swallowing appeared on the ground, and the sword ape and sword wolf that appeared there were strangely murderous and intercepted.

"Whoosh whoosh~"

One page of the book, Wind Trace, Su Huanzhen, King Yan, King Xian and others all rushed out. One page of the book saw the Buddha of Heaven and the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms behind Quzhou Yifandu, and his complexion changed.

Because a page of the book can be seen from each other's eyes, the two seem to be unfamiliar with him, and there is no familiarity in the past!

"The Buddha of Heaven and the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms have different expressions, everyone be careful."

One page of the book reminded, and then said to Quezhou: "I don't know why Buddhist friends come here?"

Quezhou returned a Buddha salute: "You should call me... Great Wisdom!"

"Great Wisdom?" Yi Ying Shu was stunned, listening to his unfamiliar tone, it was obvious that the visitor was not good.

"The name of Great Wisdom represents the eternal and unchanging Dharma, the Buddha Dharma." Quzhou Yifandu looked at a page of the book, Su Huanzhen and others, put his hands together, and said softly, "All sentient beings have drowned in the sea of ​​misery for too long, too long. Now, redemption will take this as the starting point, purify the world's sins, and the gates of the earth will travel all over the four realms, and then start the cycle of rebirth."

"Dimen, what kind of organization is this?" Su Huanzhen heard the words and pondered in her heart, but she had no clue, and then said vaguely: "Do you want to unify the four realms?"

"It's redemption." Quezhou Yifandu said indifferently.

"Say something crazy and die!"

The newly born calf of the sword ape is not afraid of tigers, and the "Ghost Sword" churned.

"No way~"

Su really wanted to stop it, but he took a step back, and the moment the fire hit Quzhou, the sword ape moved like a meteor, scratched without a trace, and the knife was vicious and killed, killing Quzhou.


The Buddha of the sky drank coldly, his anger was shocked by the wind and thunder, and he waved his hand casually, and the Buddha's light swept the sky with fire, and his remaining energy was undiminished.


With a loud explosion, Fudo City vibrated, and a page of the book vomited blood, protecting the sword ape back.

One page of the book was severely injured when he fought against Lin Feng, and he had lost some of his skills for Su Huanzhen's healing. Now his strength is less than [-]% of the heyday. Although he saved the sword ape, he was injured more and more!

"Heavenly Buddha's skill has been fully recovered, how can it be possible in such a short time? Could it be because of him." Yi Yeshu looked at Quzhou Yifandu, and he understood a little.

At the beginning of the Holy Demon War, the source of the Buddha of Heaven was damaged. If it is normal, it will not recover at all without a few years of dedicated cultivation!

But just a palm, a page of the book felt that the foundation of the Buddha of the sky was stable, even far beyond the original. In a short period of time, the Buddha of the sky not only recovered his power, but also took a step closer, which is absolutely impossible to achieve by human means.


At this moment, the bells rang again, Su Huanzhen, a page of the book, Yan Wang and others all felt that their consciousness was inexplicably disturbed. Yan Wang, whose soul was already injured, was the first to be recruited, and his memory began to be cleaned, and he fell into confusion. middle.

"This bell can actually erode consciousness, lack of boat... great wisdom, what do you want?" Su really asked anxiously.

Quezhou Yifandu said softly: "Memory is the source of pain! Forgetting is also a good thing. This is the real Datong world."

"Heavenly speaking, Brahma will not tolerate it."

Even though he was injured in the first place, Yi Ying Shu still fought back angrily, and a golden swastika flew towards Quezhou!

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