A bunch of questions swirled in Su Huanzhen's mind, and when he opened his eyes, Su Huanzhen quickly got up and observed the surrounding situation with Qiuhao's eyes.

Although memory is like a blank sheet of paper, some instincts are still preserved.

I saw that all around were splendid rooms, the facilities in the room were extremely simple, and there was no decoration, so it was clear at a glance.

"What is this place? Why am I here?" Su still really doubted, and saw his face through a mirror.

White hair, lotus crown, swirl eyebrows!

"Well, this is what I look like, I'm still pretty handsome!" Su Huan really touched his big face narcissistically, revealing a row of white teeth (all healed by missing boats).


Suddenly heard the melodious body of the flute, Su Huan really heard the sound, moved in his heart, and went away with the sound of the flute.

When I opened the door, Su Huan was really caught in the dazzling sunlight, and couldn't help but narrowed his eyes. It took a while to get used to it. After carefully observing the surrounding things, he found that the place where he came out was a huge and incomparable pagoda!

Seeing that there was no one around, Su Jin went to a cliff by the sea looking for the sound of the flute.

 I saw a man standing against the wind, with a white robe and three thousand snow hair fluttering in the wind. This man was facing the sea, and he could only see his back, but even so, Su Huanzhen felt that the other party was extravagant and compelling, and there was a sacredness that could not be avoided. The blasphemous temperament, out of the dust and picturesque, can't help but break.

As soon as the flute stopped, the man put the jade flute back on his waist and turned around.

At this time, Su Huanzhen could see the face of the other party clearly, seeing that his facial features were rich and handsome, his eyebrows were handsome, his double eyelids, a pair of brown eyes, white clothes, white hair in a high bun, two curly hair on the ears and temples turned inward, and a crown of hair. Like a lotus like the moon, with two silver hairbands hanging from the bun hidden behind the ears, there is an air of floating out of the dust, hiding the appearance of an expert outside the world.

Quezhou Yifandu said indifferently: "Su is really true, you are here!"

"Su Huanzhen? A very familiar name." Su Huanzhen listened to Quezhou's words, and suddenly there was a ripple in his heart. Although he lost his memory, some things were deeply rooted. Hearing "Su Huanzhen" three I thought it must be my name.

Su still thought about the memory sincerely, but it was still blank, and then bowed to Quezhou: "Your Excellency?"

"Great wisdom." Quzhou Yifandu responded, and then said: "You must have a lot of doubts now, but don't worry, let me introduce someone for you first."

When the words fell, Su Huan really only felt that the surrounding space changed instantly.

Quezhou Yifandu has disappeared, Su Huanzhen looked around and found that layers of red gauze were placed on the ground, and the surrounding lights were lit up. The layout here seemed to be familiar.

"Jingle bell~"

Thousands of lights, the wind is almost extinguished, and the bells are clear, which evokes the strange thoughts of Su Huan's heart.

Su Huan really only felt a surge of excitement in his heart, as if a wanderer was returning home, walking towards the bell.

"This place, why do I have an inexplicable sense of familiarity, and I can't help but feel the inexplicable sadness!" I don't know when, there were two lines of clear tears in the corner of Su Huanzhen's eyes!

"Dang bang~"

Walking through the red bridge, Su Huanzhen suddenly heard the beautiful sound of the piano, and then heard a familiar voice chant:

"After a dream, the terrace is locked, and the curtain is lowered when you wake up.

Last year, when spring hatred came, Luohua people were independent and swift and swallows flew. "

Looking around, I saw a woman in red stroking Suqin, her delicate face was gentle and graceful, her black hair was lustrous and 983 slender, wearing butterfly hair accessories, neat bangs, pure white sleeves, and condescending to the crowd.

Su Huanzhen suddenly had an indescribable sourness and joy in his heart.

"Yes...Yes..." Su really wanted to call out the woman's name, but when the words came to her mouth, she couldn't remember the other person's name, and then changed her mouth to say: "Girl, it's true in Xia Su, you... ...have we met!"

"I remember that when Xiao Ping first met, there were two hearts, Luo Yi.

Acacia is said on the strings of the pipa.

At that time, the bright moon was there, and the colorful clouds returned. "

The woman in red recited poetry, then looked at Su Huanzhen with a hint of tenderness and anger in her eyes, and said softly, "You don't remember my name?!"

When Su Huanzhen heard the words, he couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart, as if he had committed some unforgivable wrong, full of self-blame.

Should not be!Remember, remember quickly!

Su Huan was really full of distress and anxiety, her face turned red, a figure in her mind gradually became clear, a flash of inspiration, Su Huan was really ecstatic: "Cai Ling, you are Cai Ling!"

Love can go through, memories can fade, but people who are unforgettable are deeply locked in their hearts!


Thanks to Eternal Emperor Zun, Donggong Shenxi, Kalut, Medicine Master Wang Rulai, She Tianqin Qi, woaiwohen168, EP 灬TheOne, Xuantian and other book friends for their rewards, flowers, monthly passes.

Recommend your friend's new book "Journey from the End of the World"!

Chapter [-]: Dreaming into the Lotus Heart

When we first met, the lights and shadows illuminated the red clothes, and the book zheng showed his talents.

The unparalleled talent and beauty of Suzaku Yundan is a play she played in her true colors, and the indulgent conversation for seven days and nights is a game she carefully set up.

And Su is still true, willing to enter the play, and risking his life to go to the game.

See you again, a glass of sake will bring joy and sorrow together.

It's the end and it's the beginning.

It is a cautious temptation, but also a reckless indulgence!

Entering the play, going to the game, confused and emotional.

He served her sentence on the hanging chessboard for her safety, and she self-destructed for him and left her hometown.

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