"When~ when~ when~"

Taking a step forward, the Sanskrit sound suddenly entered the ear, the future was like smoke, and he muttered to himself.

"Follow great wisdom and save the world with great compassion!"


Seeing that more and more people follow the great wisdom and become the guardian of the four heavens, King Xian smiled, and while eating grapes, he said to the king of hell next to him: "Brother, this is the third floor, the underground door. The concept has been implemented even more deeply!”

Yama, who is also the guardian of the four heavens, seemed to feel it, and said gloomily: "I'm only afraid that the world is stupid and obsessed!"

"Who... ah~"

Hearing a scream, I saw that the guards on the periphery were knocked into the air, and King Hades stepped forward to take them, only to find that the guard was still shattered.

"Damn, who dares to break into the underground door and kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

Although King Yama was brainwashed by Quzhou and became one of the four guardians, his personality has not changed much, and his temper is not good, especially for people outside the Dimen.

"Qingu Qinghuai, why send it, but compared to Chenghong Kuiwei, regardless of success or failure, whether it is successful or not, it is accomplished, and who can match it."

"If you don't go out of the valley, you will know the world, and all things will be heard. If you don't see the 3.2 way, you will see the heaven, and there will be nothing to pass on."

"Cultivation is no different, as long as you know the road, if you know the road, you can clear all the confusion."

With the sound of the three verses, Ying Wuqian, Chong Yuzhi, and the head of the three sects of the Buddha appeared suddenly.

Yan Wang looked at Ying Wuqian and said coldly, "It's you again!"

"Yes, don't be in a hurry last time, this time I'm here to ask for advice." Ying Wuqian answered indifferently, unable to see what his thoughts were.

King Xian looked at the dusty grapes and the civilians around him who were injured by the energy of the three men, with a cold expression on his face: "The ignorant Buddha bearer broke into the territory of Guangze Pagoda and hurt my followers, King Xian..."

Hades: "Yeah..."

King Xian and King Yan said in unison, "Never forgive me lightly!"


Thank you qq1102349, find a girl to marry, I love Baiyun, Xianxin Zangxuan, Torrent, Shao I drag heroes, 12345G2, Xiaoqiu and other book friends' monthly passes, flowers!

Chapter [-]: The Earth Gate Counterattack

An unnamed village.

Dimen ushered in the first challenge, and the three headmasters joined forces.

"Those who carry the Buddha dare to trespass on the Guangze Pagoda! Everyone, quickly retreat behind me!" Knowing that the comers are not good, the King of Hell is afraid that the battle will spread to the surrounding civilians, and let these believers who have just converted to leave first, so that they can let go of their hands and feet. .

"Life is a knife, death is a knife, you don't know the heights without seeing the Heaven Slash, and life and death come from two swords." King Su snorted coldly, and turned into the magic weapon "Heaven Slash" that was repaired by King Ju, pointing to Ying Wuqian: "Last time Let you get away with luck, but I don't want you to dare to come here again to make trouble, so I can't keep you."

Ying Wuqian and Chong Yuzhi really didn't care about the lives of civilians, but they were followed by a group of people from the three religions, so it was inconvenient to act directly at this time.

And at this time, it was the time when "Guangji Pagoda" issued "No-self Sanskrit", so they did not act rashly, but were waiting for the opportunity.


The bell stopped abruptly, and the surrounding civilians also withdrew several miles away, and the chilling atmosphere instantly solidified in the radius.

Pieces of fallen leaves fell and between the two, silently, instantly turned into powder.

"The long days are over, and the red sky will rise.

Thousands of miles of tyrants sing, only my red life! "

"Zi Zhou is a great hand, 15 years of extreme refinement.

Heaven and earth are in the palm of my hand, good fortune Wuyan. "

Following the domineering poem number, two figures, one red and one purple, suddenly fell from the sky, standing next to King Xian and King Yan.

Gui Fang Chi Ming's "Gui Fang Chi Xue Slash" froze on the ground, and looked at Ying Wuqian and the others coldly: "If you meet the Four Heavenly Kings of My Dimen, you are unlucky, don't scoff, let's fight!"

Perhaps it was because he had forgotten the past, and now the Red King is a little flirtatious.

His broadsword is already thirsty!

Although he was transformed by the Earth Gate, the Chi King was still very belligerent. However, the Earth Gate was calm and there was no room for him to play. After finally seeing the "invader", Ghost Fang Chiming was so excited.

The first battle of the counterattack.

Looking for their opponents, Ying Wuqian confronts Shang Gui Fang Chi Ming, Chong Yuzhi confronts Shang Yan, Di Buddha Lord confronts Shang Ju, and Sui leads the guards of the underground gate to confront the three sects.

The four kings of King Yan, King Su, King Ju, and King Chi have recovered from their injuries, but the foundation of consumption has not recovered, and their current strength is top-level innate.

On the other hand, Ying Wuqian, Chongyuzhi, and the three sects of the Buddha are also innately at the top level. In terms of foundation, Yan Wang and others are slightly stronger, but they do not have an absolute advantage.

"Seven Absolutes Leaving Hate!"

The King of Hell was merciless, the fans swept away, and the evil spirit Yuan quickly attacked Chongyuzhi with the evil palm entrained in it.

"Well, this beast is fierce, I should handle it with care." As soon as Yan Wangfu made his move, Chongyu Zhi dared to put pressure on him, and with a wave of "Jade Zhi", Daoist mastery was mastered.

"Jiuyuan decrees!"

As soon as he raised his hand, it was instantly dyed with bright light, and "Jade Purpose" came out of his hand and turned into a barrier. Although Chongyuzhi's heart was cruel and sinister, full of cunning, so that the realm of martial arts was slow, and he could not break through the supernatural realm for a long time. But years of precipitation should not be underestimated.


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