within the gate.

Ying Wuqian and Chong Yuzhi were deprived of their skills and accepted the brainwashing of "No Self Sanskrit". Under the bad taste of lack of boats, they became a father and son. Chongyuzhi played the role of a terminally ill old father, and Ying Wuqian took the lead. A dutiful scholar who has no strength to tie a chicken, he lives an ordinary life with daily firewood, rice, oil, and salt.

The "Guangji Pagoda" is still expanding, the territorial site is getting wider and wider, and more and more people follow the great wisdom. At the same time, it will inevitably collide with other forces.

However, if there are such eminent monks (violent monks) as the Emperor Tathagata who have attained the Tao, there is no Buddha's head, and if there is a problem that they cannot solve with one punch, if there is, then two punches.

Under the influence of the "Three Bodhi Forms", "Laughing Heroes", "Zhan Tian Jiu Ding" and other great love moves, the resistance forces have either entered the underground gate or entered hell!

The strength displayed by the underground door makes people feel hopeless. Can you think of a page of the book, the picture of the emperor Tathagata, the Buddha of the sky, and the Buddha of the Nine Realms, these violent monks come to the door and beat people together?

It's more than tears!


Now the forces of misery are intricate and complex, and they are rising together.

Nan Wulin is now basically in the hands of Tiandu and Tianyan Mocheng, and the demons dominate one side, and no one dares to fight against it.

However, after pulling the four worlds into a miserable situation, Emperor Yuanxie did not make any further moves, and Demon Emperor Zhi Xin also managed the Demon Race in an orderly manner with the assistance of Duan Junheng.

Although there are occasional conflicts between the human, demon, and demon tribes, they are considered peaceful.

The situation in the Northern Territory is not optimistic. Seven martial arts repairs, eight strange flowers are in civil war, the burial of swords, the prison in the Black Sea, the Chongfan against the sea, the division of the forces of the Jianhai Sea, the reappearance of the Tianjiang Shepherd, and the official intervention in the Tianjiang region. misery.

Dongwulin is also chaotic. The dead country and the gathering area. In addition, the four realms have fallen from the sky not long ago. The local forces and the gathering area are bound to have friction.

The Heavenly Realm didn't move, Yutian Wulong knew the horror of Yuanxie Emperor, and Yutian Longhuang didn't have that ambition, just wanted to defend his own one-third of an acre of land.

As for Lin Feng's cheap brother-in-law, the Demon Prince, he had a pain in the ass all day, riding around with red eyes to kill.

West Wulin, and the principle of Yuzhong is the place where the underground gate is vigorously developed. For ordinary civilians, the impact is not too great. Although the memory has been partially changed, it has been sheltered by the underground gate, and the safety factor is undoubtedly higher. [-]%, maybe even if they are sober, they are not necessarily willing to leave!

Because weak people usually have little power to choose, compared to other regions, Dimen can already be said to be a paradise on earth!

And Dimen in the Central Plains, and the vigorous development of Xi Wulin, inevitably touches the interests and bottom lines of many people, causing the dissatisfaction of many forces!

It also includes the secretly developed desire realm.

As for the three religions, they have gone through all the hardships. At present, the moral and ancient Taoism is still relatively strong, the Taoism is declining, and the Buddhism is even worse! One-page book, the Buddha of the Heavens, the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms, the Emperor Tathagata, and several violent monks have all been abducted to the underground gate.

In addition, a lot of black histories about the three religions have been reported in the martial arts public pavilion recently, which has caused the prestige of the three religions to plummet. Nowadays, almost every street in a prosperous town has a "district" to spread the "glorious deeds" of the three religions and create public opinion. pressure.

Even some forces that have been suppressed by the three religions for a long time have begun to form "reverse three religions" to crusade against the three religions.

Now the three religions can be said to be embattled and have entered an unprecedented trough!

Tianfo's hometown, deep que.

Ever since Emperor Yuanxie blew up the Demon Buddha's body, the three bodies of the intellectual body, Mi Da, the evil body Yan Da, and the female body Nuya were scattered.

Later, Mida took control of the forces of the Desire Realm, found the hometown of Tianfo through secret methods, and found Yan Da who absorbed the karma of Tianfo's hometown. , concentrate on development.

Because they were beaten up by Emperor Yuanxie last time, neither Yan Da nor Mida dared to be too ostentatious.

"Has Nuya not gone yet?"

Under the nine rounds of the sea of ​​desire, Yan Da, who had a ferocious face, asked, with irritability and impatience in his tone.

After hearing this, Mida said without rushing: "I can only roughly sense the position of Nuya, it may be that when Nuya split, her consciousness was impacted, so don't be impatient, Nuya's return is only a matter of time, and now it is urgent. It's the door to the ground."

"Is the underground gate very powerful? I'll destroy it." Yan Da has a tyrannical personality and is brutal and bloodthirsty. He has been absorbing Buddhist karma recently, and he is not clear about the outside world.

For Yan Da, fists are the best way to deal with things.

When Mida heard the words, he patted his forehead helplessly. If the underground door was so easy to deal with, he would have led people to destroy it long ago. Although Yan Da's strength has soared to the peak of the innate, he can only beat the dog with meat buns when he goes there. .

According to the information obtained by Mida, there are only five super-innate peak masters in the ground door, a lot of top-level innate talents, and an unfathomable lack of boats and sailings. toss.

Mida stopped the reckless Yan Da and said, "Although the underground gate is developing rapidly, there are many enemies. The wider the expansion, the weaker the defense. Now is not the time to officially start the war, so let those who think they are right go. As the forward, a mantis from the world of desire will come to catch the cicada and the oriole at the back."

He's so right, I'm speechless!

It's okay for Yan Da to fight. In terms of IQ and strategy, you still have to listen to Mi Da.


Monster Market.

Above the deep sea, the black moon is in the sky, and the sea is frozen for thousands of miles under the illumination of the black moon.

At the beginning of the battle of the demon city, Hades summoned Heiyue to destroy the demon city, but was defeated by Lin Feng, Hades fled, but Heiyue arrived as scheduled.

As the demon city was affected by the black moon, Lin Feng pushed the black moon above the deep sea.

This black moon is not actually a real moon, but a huge crystal of the yin essence with deadly radiation.

This fatality is only for most people. For Lin Feng, the black moon is completely food, and the energy of the black moon can be directly absorbed by him to strengthen himself.

But solitary yin does not arise, solitary yang does not last long, and the black moon is the power of pure yin. Although it can be absorbed, it is easy to make the energy in the body unbalanced, so the energy of pure yang is needed for neutralization. Lin Feng immediately thought of Tianjiang's energy. Gu Yao, if (Nuo Li Zhao) absorbed and refined all of Heiyue and Gu Yao, Lin Feng is sure to practice the "Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art" to the eighth revolution, and upgrade the physical body to the body of Daluo Jinxian.

Lin Feng, who was sitting on the black moon, suddenly opened his eyes, and the color of the orchid in his eyes was fleeting. He also stayed on the black moon for a while, and the black moon shrunk by one tenth. According to this progress, it is estimated that It will take several months to refine the Black Moon.

Lin Feng is not a person who sits and lives. "Holy Soul" and "Devil Soul" had so much fun, after a while, he was ready to go out and have a good time.

After taking a look at the demon city, Lin Feng decided to leave quietly, so as not to be chased and chopped by Sister Wang with the "Or Heaven Halberd".

After sealing the black moon, Lin Feng threw it into the inner space, then opened a space crack and came directly to the Divine Realm.

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