With the support of Lin Feng, Ji Wuxia's strength has improved very rapidly, but the corresponding lack of training has made his realm unstable. .

Chapter [-]: The God of the Pit of Heaven

The emperor of heaven, the god of the back earth.The family wishes to descend, belongs to Mu Liyuan.

As the parents of the people, she dare not be a shepherd.The long sky is full of joy.

The prosperous and prosperous land is exhausted.The husband is expensive ~ in the animal husbandry.

The pastoral land is in the earth, and the pastoral land is in the people.The herdsmen are in the heart, and the shepherd's heart is benevolent-.

Through the ages Zhaozhao, how glorious.Zhuangtian _ Xinjiang, Zewu all spirits.

Shepherd wishes to be a stone, and Li Deng looked at it.Shepherd's wishes are stones, solid hearts.

Shepherd is willing to be a stone, forever guarding the heavens.


Outskirts of Tianjiang.


The swords are intertwined, one is as beautiful as a fairy, the other is an old ghost in the sword, and the two sides fight endlessly.

Sword Ghost is worthy of being the second master of Tianjiang, his strength has reached the top innate peak, his swordsmanship is violent and ferocious, and his power is unparalleled.

Ji Wuxia does not give up too much, and even his strength and foundation are stronger than that of the Sword Demon. If he hadn't used his full strength, the Sword Demon would have already been defeated at this time!

"Sa! Hard horns!"

Although the Sword Demon fell behind, his arrogance remained unabated. As a top swordsman, the Sword of the Sword Demon was decisive and did not give in at all.

The so-called strong man must always have a strong strength and a strong heart.

Unless the difference is really too great, it is impossible to give up easily. A person who can only escape when encountering an accident cannot become a strong person!

Ji Wuxia, on the other hand, used the Sword Demon as a sharpening stone, and fighting against him would have benefited a lot.

Lin Feng used the "Eye of the Holy Demon" to observe the swordsmanship of the sword ghost, taking the essence of it to enhance his martial arts background.

As for strength, Lin Feng has never been too strong. The so-called strength is only different from person to person. Now Lin Feng is invincible in the plight of the world, but it is not an exaggeration to say that he is invincible in the world. The ancient god of creation can only be a man with his tail between his legs.

If it is a top-level world like Honghuang, there are also many people that Lin Feng can't deal with now.

Of course, if you just can't confront it head-on, it's not a big problem if you save your life.

"The angry horse cuts the slope! Sa~"

After fighting for a long time, the sword ghost's whiskers became arrogant, angered the Meishan Mountain, and with a long drink, the sword ghost slammed the sword immediately, the sword ghost took off with vigorous strides, and swung the "Refining Ghost Hundred Seals" in his hand with extreme speed. The violent sword energy was approaching Ji Wuxia's body.

It seems to be cutting the woman in front of me under the sword!

Ji Wuxia has no fear, and the "Tai Ruoshan Sword", which is as heavy as a thousand tons, is like a willow branch in Ji Wuxia's hands.


The swords and fronts met, breaking through the black and yellow, and the energy shook the eight wastes, setting off a large amount of smoke and dust, and the turbulent air flow went straight to the surrounding mountains and forests.

The body shield on Lin Feng's body automatically dissipated the incoming energy, and when he looked around, he saw that the sword ghost's hands were shattered, the blood slashed down the "Hundred Swords of Refining Ghosts", and his figure retreated again and again.

As for why ghosts have blood, only ghosts know!

The old ghost stepped back several dozen feet in a row before he could stabilize his body, only to feel that his hands were about to crumble, and the "Hundred Swords of Ghost Refining" still trembled, exclaiming: "What a sturdy girl, such a strong one. Weird, the old ghost respects you as a man!"

Although Ji Wuxia has divine power and a sturdy personality, she is a woman in the end. Hearing Sword Ghost's paradoxical praise, she is really not happy.

If she hadn't met Lin Feng before, Ji Wuxia might not have cared, but now that she is Lin Feng's woman, Ji Wuxia doesn't know whether to be angry or laugh when she hears this.

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth twitched slightly when he heard the words, this sword ghost is a talent, uh, a ghost!

  "Crazy ghosts and prisons break through thousands of caves!"

The sword ghost is reborn, the sound of ghosts and wolf howls keep roaring, the situation changes, the blood-stained sword edge is even more mad, the concentration is concentrated, fast, not as fast as the blink of an eye, fierce, majestic and domineering!

"Guanghua. Flawless Moon!"

Feixue rolled in fury, the ice was piercing to the bone, Ji Wuxia suddenly shouted a long drink, the sword came out like the moon rising, and in an instant, the frost dyed the sky.

Sword Ghost. Feiren Zai is the soul of the sword of "Refining the Ghosts". Swordsmanship is like a natural gift. It is wonderful and extraordinary, but the foundation is flawed.


Sword Ghost Inhuman flew out and smashed a large rock. The soul body that was originally condensed and seemed to be real is now not so real.

"I am proud of my shepherd, and Dewei is a proud man.

As the town Fangyue, there is an emblem of its height. "

Following the proud poem, white robe, hood, and holding the "Nine Songs", the Tianjiang pit god, er, the shepherd, galloped, and when he saw the inhuman appearance of the sword ghost, he couldn't help but be startled, and hurriedly took the sword The ghost was in his arms: "Old ghost, old ghost, cheer up, old ghost!"

The current Faun has not been completely black, at least his great cause of pit gods has not yet begun, and he still attaches great importance to his friend Sword Ghost.

The sword ghost was held in the arms of the Mushen, and he felt a little uncomfortable: "Old Mu, don't shake it, he didn't die in the hands of others, but you also shake it to death!"

· · · Flowers 0

"As long as you are well, I won't hold you." Mu Shen heard the words, and his heart was relieved, and he looked coldly at Ji Wuxia, who injured the sword ghost, and Lin Feng not far away: "Traveling into the Tianjiang privately, hurting my friend, You are unforgivable."

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