There are many forces in the plight, and the situation is changing rapidly. Now, apart from Tiandu, the Nan Wulin guarded by Tianyan Mocheng is calm, while the Central Plains, Dong Wulin, Xi Wulin, and the Northern Territory are all in chaos. Civilians are no less than [-] people.

This completely messed up Di Ming's plan, but he was quite satisfied with the result. Before he knew it, the "Power of Blood and Darkness" was already full!

Relatively speaking, this is good news, but for people in distress, it is a disaster.

The Commander-in-Chief was originally a military power idea, and he had long wanted to invade the plight. Now that the plight overlaps with the plight, he thinks it is a godsend. Although the plight is surrounded by many forces, it makes him feel very difficult, but as an old soldier It's not his personality to give up easily.

After careful deliberation, Ye Shibingquan adopted a strategy of distant and near-attack, and gradually confronted the local forces in the bitter realm, using warfare to support the war, and slowly expanding the group.

The fire house Buddha prison of the same intruder is more tragic!

The King of Fire House Buddha Prison, the Lord of Cursed World was accidentally killed by the dead country Asura, the Demon Prince disappeared, the high-end combat power is a triumphant prince, and the triumphant prince is in a miserable situation, and can only be regarded as a second-line combat force. Hanging life.

In order to prevent the complete destruction of the Fire House Buddha Prison, Marquis Kaixuan presided over the overall situation, received "Jumang" and was promoted to King Kaixuan.

In the plight of the strong, the King of Triumph had to endure the humiliation and bear the burden and bow to the heaven in order to preserve the fire dwelling Buddha prison, and reached an agreement to manage the fire dwelling Buddha prison conscientiously and strive to survive and grow in the cracks!

As for the Tianjiang Shepherd, he did not let go of his hatred for the prison, nor did he follow Lin Feng's suggestion to close the Tianjiang channel. Instead, after preparing to recuperate, he would lead Tianjiang to destroy the prison and avenge his revenge.

Today's Prison Lord still doesn't know anything after turning black.

At this time, Daquan was busy looking for her son (Tianluozi) after turning black, and she didn't care much about the prison. Although the prince was unwilling, under the pressure of Lin Feng, he could only do his duty honestly.

Nihai Chongfan was not idle either. During the war, the three sects were too busy to take care of themselves. Nihai Chongfan hyped up his beliefs and recruited believers. Hei Gui Peacock and Tian Yu were both masters of flickering people. Hai Chongfan would receive shelter, and immediately many believers poured in, and the power grew rapidly.

At the same time, Martial Dao Qixiu and Qihua Babu fell into hostility because of the secret provocation by Cemenghou, and there have been constant frictions recently.

Qiluosheng actively dealt with it, which can be said to be heartbroken.

And the death of Su Yuehan also brought great trouble to Qiluosheng and Yi Qixing!

Su Yuehan's identity is not simple, his father is the middle man in the five legends.

His mother is Xiyou Ouyang Jin, one of the five legends.

The uncle is Buwu Donghuang. Qi Taizu.

The adoptive mother is Dugu Po, the leader of the Tushan Poison Vein.

His identity background is quite strong.

Uh, even though Tu Yuehan's mother Xiyou died, her father is still in a mental hospital, and her uncle Wu Donghuang retreated in Youmeng Xuanhu, but her adoptive mother Dugu Po is a very troublesome character.

Dugu Po has a lofty status in the drug world. Every few years, he will hold a banquet for the banquet in Tushan. He has a gloomy and ruthless personality and is very strong. Hu Yuehan was brave enough to accept her as a righteous daughter.

Now that the adopted daughter is dead, of course she, the adoptive mother, has to stand up for her. (Zhao of Zhao)

After some investigation, Dugupo finally found out the murderer of her righteous daughter, Lin Feng became her number one target of revenge, but she couldn't find where Lin Feng was, so she decided to take Qiluosheng, Yiqixing, etc. People cut.

Dugu Po here is ready to attack, and Bei Gou Mo Yin is also very unhappy over there.

At that time, the white dog was walking Xiaomi Tao (white snow mastiff) on the street. He glanced at Qiluosheng in the crowd, and then recognized this person as Jiuqiansheng. As for who Jiuqiansheng is, Beigou also But forgot!

The most time is the young man of light that the sundial of the Time City absorbs and transforms into the essence of the sun.

In the past, in order to save my dear friend Jiuqiansheng, the most timeless gave up the heart of time contained in the sundial to Jiuqiansheng, and made a contract with the time tree, becoming the time-sweeping messenger of the time city, and guarding the time tree forever. In exchange for a chance to meet the reincarnated Kuchikatsu again.

The most time is to rely on the counterclockwise time given by Time City to look back on life every ten years to survive, but after a long time, I am tired of everything because of the unbearable memory washing, forget the original intention of the agreement, and don’t hesitate to throw away the counterclockwise, and die at the end of time. .

The spiritual sense was kept alive by the crown of the soul, and he forgot the truth of death. Later, he turned into an old dog, wearing a dog-head mask, and walked the rivers and lakes with the dog Xiaomi Tao who was accidentally rescued. He participated in the death penalty twice and was praised as It is the "North Dog" of ". 〃 Five Biography. ~ Odd". .

Chapter [-]: Shura Field

After Bei Gou died, he forgot a lot of things, and he couldn't even remember his past, but Bai Gou knew that Jiuqiansheng was a very important person to him.

After seeing Qiluosheng, Beigou couldn't help being attracted, a strange feeling surrounded his heart, without thinking much, Baigou followed Qiluosheng secretly with Xiaomi Tao, trying to understand why this feeling came.

However, Beigou found that the person who made his heart move was actually with a white-haired swordsman (Yi Qixing). The two sat on the painting boat, playing the qin and singing, full of passion, and seemed to smell the sour smell of love. Bei Gou, a single dog, suddenly felt an unnamed evil fire in his heart.

Beigou didn't know why he felt this way, but he knew that if he didn't vent it, he would go crazy.

With a flick of the "dog's tail", it turned into a bone "beast knife", and walked on the waves with murderous aura.

"Waste and wasted, spent time, and the most time is turning into foam!"

"Well, murderous!"

Yi Qixing and Qi Luosheng stopped "Drunken Cold River" and looked at Beigou, who was walking on the water. Judging from the breath of the other party, they felt that the visitor was not good.

Ambush in the dark night, the confronting eyes on the Yuyang River, according to a flash of fire, Bei Gou threw the "beast knife" on the painting boat, and the whole person jumped up.

Qiluosheng was a friendly person, and the moment he saw Beigou, there was a hint of familiarity, and he wondered: "This friend is murderous, can we have hatred between us?"

"No, Lord Nine Thousand Wins 500, I just want you to be my dog." Bei Gou's words did not mean to insult Qiluosheng. Beigou has a paranoid love for dogs, saying that Qiluosheng should be him. The dog, in fact, means to make friends.

However, this sentence sounds like a curse to ordinary people. Before Qiluosheng said anything, our Lord Jiansu was angry!

Yi Qixing brushed his shoulders and said coldly, "Insulting my friend, you have provoked Yi Qixing's murderous intention!"

Beigou had long noticed that Yi Qixing was not pleasing to the eye, and pouted: "It's long-winded!"

Bei Gou raised his sword and attacked, but Yi Qixing swung his sword to block his attack.


The swords clashed, the river was turbulent, and the weapons intersected, Yi Qixing suddenly felt that the opponent's cultivation was extraordinary, and he knew that he was a fierce enemy that he had rarely met in his life, but how and the arrogant Jiansu would give in at this time.

Qiluosheng didn't want to make bad relations for no reason, he waved his folding fan and helped Yi Qixing to resist Beigou: "Your Excellency is excellent at swordsmanship, but it's so unreasonable, but you shouldn't!"

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