Qingyangzi said coldly: "The cycle of cause and effect has a certain number, and magical powers are still inferior to karma, not to mention great wisdom."

"If karma is rewarded, it will be rewarded by great wisdom, and that great wisdom will wipe out the smoke and ashes. If you can make my smoke and ashes disappear, it will prove that this way is not true. If you can't, then until the day you can, if you can. That day will never come, after tens of thousands of kalpas, all sentient beings will become Buddhas! Great wisdom will only realize the Great Way!".

Chapter 6 The Battle of the Earth Gate [-]

"If you can't convince me, try your best to defeat me. Force is also a way of proving the Way!" In the gigantic golden body of Tathagata, Quzhou Yifandu suddenly opened his eyes. Until the violent force like a tornado swept out, and directly slammed into the nine masters who invaded the door.

"Xuan Hao's three poles, a thousand years of spring and autumn will be overturned in one day!"

In the four-pole formation of Xuan Hao, Huang Ru Wushang was not idle during the previous conversation. He had secretly used his consciousness to negotiate with One Page Book, Di Ming, Gui Qi Lord, Qing Yang Zi and others, and asked him to stand there. In different positions, when the boat is lacking to attack, three or three are eyes, output skills, and instantly form three triangular enchantments to resist.


The storm swept over, and the monstrous energy storm ravaged the world, hitting one after another, like a wave after wave of monstrous waves, as if endless.

"Qiaozhou uses divine power that surpasses the human world. Both quality and quantity are beyond the limits of human practitioners. If we continue to stand still like this, we have no chance of winning!"

Yi Ying Shu did his best to use the "Nine Brahma Divine Seals" to elevate the Buddha's essence to the extreme, but it was still difficult to support.

The Emperor Confucian Supreme shouted: "If we can't stop it, we have to stop it, we have no way out!"

Quezhou Yifandu continued to mobilize the power of the situation, watching both the good and the evil in their retreat: "Give up the resistance and accept the baptism of the Dimen!"


At this moment, the situation changed suddenly, the sky and the earth 573 lost their color, I saw only the nine heavens, and I don't know when a magnificent and magnificent gate of heaven appeared!

I saw the magnificent opening of the gate of heaven exuding brilliant colors, and the huge immortal mountain suddenly descended from the clouds at high speed, with an earth-shattering force, smashed on the head of the Tathagata Golden Body, and smashed the Tathagata Golden Body that lacked a boat into it. Underground, the huge impact force caused the earth in a radius of [-] miles to fall instantly.

Fa Ru is selfless, Di Ming, Gui Qi Zhu and others got a chance to breathe, and they all took the opportunity to retreat.

Di Ming, who was wearing a mask, looked at the sky and said in astonishment, "He is the gate of heaven!"

The words fell, Liuxia rushed to the sky, ten thousand feet of holy sky, straight through a hundred miles, and saw one person in Jiutian, with an unparalleled expression, partial to drunk and happy, proudly standing on a leisurely tour, and descended in a dashing manner.

"Strike the sky, clear the clear sky, ride the clouds and waves for thousands of miles;

The sky has lines, the earth has no traces, how can Qianqiu be swept away with a sword, the divine light is free and easy. "

The Guiqi Lord's eyes were gloomy and he looked at the falling figure: "Tianji. Yu Xiaoyao, it really is him, I can't imagine that without the 'Three Lights', Tianji can still get out of the 'Gate of Heaven'."

"Xiaoyao...Senior Brother!"

Fa Ru selflessly looked at Yu Xiaoyao who came down gracefully, and remembered seeing his father Jiutian Xuanzun's handwritten note in Xianmen, and his heart was mixed.

Huang Confucian Supreme showed a smile: "This stinky boy is really big, and there is a (bffh) opportunity in the future to teach him a lesson."

That's right, the one who came down from the "Gate of Heaven" is one of the three vehicles of the heaven, earth and human beings.

Tianji fell to the ground and bowed his hands to everyone Huangru Supreme: "I'm sorry, senior, the gate of heaven is broken, there is no way, it's a little late."

As he said that, he looked at Guiqi Lord and Di Ming, his eyes were a little unkind, but the strong enemy did not immediately turn his face.


With a loud explosion, Quezhou flew out of the ground with a single sail. Although his Tathagata golden body was smashed into the ground by Xianshan, it did not cause much damage to himself.

Looking at Yu Xiaoyao, who was "showing affection" with Jun Fengtian, Quzhou said lightly: "With Tianji, you still can't change the defeat, Manjusri. Raise the sword!"

The "Menjusri Sword" rose in response, and the holy light was charismatic in an instant, and a burst of righteousness permeated all around. Quzhou stood in the void holding the sword, and it had an awe-inspiring power of inviolability.

Yu Xiaoyao, Jun Fengtian looked at each other with a consonance, and at the same time raised his sword.

"Drop the oracle."

"Now the law is upright."

Seeing the signs of the sky, the Fa and the Confucians shouted in unison, and the two divine soldiers of the Immortal Sect "Oracle" and "Zhengfa" appeared together, shocking the light of the universe and showing off the nine heavens.

"Shock the universe, lead the jade decree, and kill from the sky!"

"I'm sorry for the eight wastes, come down to the oracle, let me be free!"

Heaven's trail, the Confucianism and the Confucianism are in a unique style, and at first glance, the righteousness of the world is born, and the qi rushes to the sky and the earth, and the ghosts and spirits of the eight deserts are shocked.

"God's Punishment End Divine Seal!!"

At the same time, a page of books, Huang Ru is supreme, Xia Ru has no trace, Feng Ru Ru Qing, Qing Yang Zi, Xing Su Yi Qi, Di Ming, Gui Qi Zhu and others also motivated their own extreme moves, wanting to hit the world with one blow. .

"Lianhua Holy Road is open to the sky!"

Five lotuses burst into power in one page, stepping on the ground with one step, shocking the surrounding area, the mighty holy energy permeates the whole world, transforming into golden lotus flowers, and shooting straight out.

"Emperor's Extreme Sky God Strike!"

Huang Confucian Supreme is one of the four founders of Taoism in the world. Behind the foundation, he is still above Fengtian Xiaoyao.

"Xuantian · Fadi · Extreme Yangsheng!"

"Shengtian Xuande Redemption Spirit Phoenix!"

"Xiao Dao Xuantao: There is no trace in a thousand miles!"

"Lie Que Wu Boundary Tai Huang Ghost Strike!"

"Hell Crying, All Souls Die to Heaven!"

The wind and the clouds rise, the mountains and rivers move, and the ghosts and gods are crying.

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