"Cough cough~"

In the smog, Quezhou covered his heart, his face was pale, and his mouth was vermilion: "It's time for dust to return to dust and earth to earth!"

Quezhou Yifandu folded his hands together, his body exuded a little golden light, and then the whole person shattered, dissipating the world.


Just as Quzhou and Yifandu dissipated, the "Golden Light Tower of Bodhidharma" sounded the final bell, and those who had their memories washed away by the underground door regained their original memories at this time.

Moonlight on the lotus pond.

"When~ when~ when~"

The bells rang, Su Huazhen, Fengcai bell, and King Yan, King Xian, and King Chi who were lurking outside the moonlight in the lotus pond all changed their expressions.

"This bell, my head..."

At this time, the people of the underground door began to recover their memories, recalling the past, some people were angry, and some people showed pain and sadness

Some people cried bitterly: "Why do you remind me of these past events, I don't want to remember them."

"Great wisdom, don't abandon us. We are willing to follow you!"

Su Huanzhen's complexion changed, and then he pulled Feng Cailing: "Cailing, it's not safe here, let's leave!"

Feng Cailing nodded and smiled and said, "Okay, wherever my husband goes, I will go with me, and I will never be separated from you again in this life."

Just when the two were in love, a loud shout suddenly sounded.

"It's better to go to the underworld!"

Yan Wang also regained his memory, looking at Su Huanzhen and Fengcai Ling who were showing their affection, a nameless fire arose in their hearts, and when they drank angrily, Mo Yuan mentioned, and slapped Su Huanzhen's back with a ruthless palm.

"Be careful, husband!"

Feng Cailing stood opposite Su Huanzhen, saw the King of Hell killing Su Huanzhen, and swooped over, grabbed Su Huanzhen's body and switched directions, and stood in front of Su Huanzhen.



Yan Wang ruthlessly hit Feng Cailing's back with a palm, and the sound of a bone fracture was heard in an instant, and Feng Cailing immediately spit out Su Huanzhen's face with a mouthful of blood. Under the impact, it flew dozens of feet like a rolling gourd.

Su Huan's heart was cold, and regardless of the injury on his body, he held Feng Cailing in his arms: "Cailing, Cailing, hold on..."

Feng Qingling continued to vomit blood and said intermittently: "Husband... Jun, don't be sad... I don't want to see you sad, I can spend a happy time with you at the underground door, I'm satisfied, help me take care... ... take care of the continuation of the relationship..."

Su Huan really tried his best to convey his true energy to Feng Cai Ling: "I will cure you, I will definitely cure you, Cai Ling, hold on!"

"It's really affectionate, go to hell to be the mandarin duck with the same fate!" Hades sneered, and raised his palm again, ready to kill the two together.

"Brother, stop."

At this time, King Xian couldn't see it, so he rushed forward and blocked King Yan's ultimate move.


With their palms facing each other, the air shook in all directions, Su Huanzhen and Fengcai Ling were both affected by the aftermath and flew out.

"You want to stop me?"

King Yan looked at King Xian with anger on his face. The King of Hell, who had recovered his memory, also regained his selfish nature. Seeing that King Xian actually helped the outsider and the other party, he was immediately dissatisfied...  

King Xian didn't think much, shook his head and said, "Brother, you are too impulsive!"

King Chi and King Ju also came over, and looked at King Yan a little strangely. In their impression, King Yan was a scheming, calm and forbearing hero, and he shouldn't be so rude.

In fact, how did they know that the reason why King Hades was so impulsive was that he was stimulated by the love between Su Huanzhen and Fengcai Lingxiu!

Looking at the love and affection of others, thinking about the pursuit of his own wife and son, how can his heart be balanced!

The four kings chatted briefly, and also started to leave the underground door.


Dimen decisive battle battlefield.

Emperor Yuanxie glanced coldly from a page of the book, Huang Ru Supreme and others, then flew away and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Hoo~ It's dangerous!"

After passing by death, Tian Ji wiped the water stains on his forehead, and the whole person lay on the ground regardless of his image, gasping for breath.

"Emperor Yuan Xie!"

Jun Fengtian clenched his fists tightly, he remembered today's humiliation in his heart, but when he thought of the strength shown by Emperor Yuanxie, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

Can this revenge really be avenged?Dharma and Confucianism could not help but feel confused.

Di Ming also slumped on the ground, glanced at Tianji, and said in his heart, "Now that the collection of 'Power of Blood and Darkness' has been completed, according to Jiutian Xuanzun's instructions, the 'Power of Blood and Darkness' plus the dragon among men will With the ability to defy the sky and slaughter the gods, I wonder if he can deal with the Emperor Yuanxie?"

"Ghost Electric Convergence·Lei Jie!" 0.9

Di Ming is thinking about how to deal with the future situation. On the other hand, the very gentleman who has transformed into a ghost unicorn master has already begun to do it. A ghost can provoke wind and thunder and turn into evil thunder. The target is Jun Fengtian!

"I know you can't take the test, Tianjian Shengjue!"

Tianji, a swift pigeon, turned over and used his sword to block the evil thunder.

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