In order to hide his identity, he hid the imperial edict in Wentian Dao, changed his identity, transformed into Xuanyu Tianshu, dominated the gun world, became the first generation of Tianzi gun, and established the Tianshu family.

Later, his true identity aroused suspicion among the top gunmen in the gun industry, and the Tianshu family continued to have bloody cases. Looking forward to growing up in the future, inheriting the emperor's edict, resonating with it, and making the bloodline of Jijue continue to be brilliant, and finally being surrounded and killed by Emperor Yuliang, before his death, he was crying for Gu Xing and turned him into a mute.

After the death of the Cambrian, the soul was casted by the earth and the underworld, and it became the "Shadow" of today.

After the local Ming lifted him from his imprisonment, Shadow originally planned to seek revenge from Emperor Yuliang first, but did not want Emperor Yuliang to have been killed by Lin Feng. Without the object of revenge, Shadow planned to come to meet his long-lost son Gu Xinglei. Gathering together.

Gu Xinglei looked at the shadow, but did not know the identity of the shadow, although he felt familiar, but also guarded.

"Child, don't be nervous, I'm... ah~"

Before the Cambrian could recognize Lone Star Tears, he was hit in the back by a slap, vomiting blood.

"Dark... what?" Cambrian was severely injured, his soul body was dim, and he looked at the "dark" who had been with him every day and night, and his words were incomprehensible!

"Hundreds of demons follow me and become smoky, beacon fires follow me and start a prairie fire, the three worlds are lifeless, and they descend into the killing world."

I saw that "Dark", which is very similar to the Cambrian period, suddenly changed in appearance, with evil light all over his body, and his eyes were full of cold blood and ruthlessness.

"Ying, I have already remembered the past!" He said coldly. (Mano's)

An Ben is the "King Yu Xie" among the Eight Schools of Heaven and Evil.

After his death in the Battle of Shiliu Island that year, the soul of the Yuxie King was casted by the earth to cast a spell and merged with the Cambrian, becoming a "shadow".

Now that the Eight Qi Evil Gods have broken the seal, under the influence of his evil power, Yu Xie Wang has recovered his past memories, regardless of his old feelings, and attacked the Cambrian, in order to completely control the "unsolved" body.

Cambrian didn't know the reason, but he could feel the undisguised killing intent of King Yu Xie, and immediately shouted to Gu Xing with tears: "Child, run away."


Gu Xing Lei is even more confused about the situation. He is mourning his friend, and suddenly two strange uncles appear to kill each other. What's the trouble?

Perhaps it was the blood-connected kinship, Gu Xinglei chose to stand on the Cambrian side for the first time, took down the "Hundred Steps Silver Evil Spear" behind him, and blocked Yu Xie Wang Anyu.

Anju's face was expressionless, and when he raised his hand, Miserable Green Evil Flame started: "Junior, the Darkness of the Eight Parts will make you experience despair.".

Chapter 2: Eight Parts of Heaven and Evil [-]

The Cliff of the Stars.

The most incomprehensible mind, the most unpredictable enemy, the Cambrian was severely wounded, the soul was weakened, and the Lone Star burst into tears immediately, blocking the evil king!

In order to open a bloody road, Gu Xing's tear gun fought for his life, Anju intended to annihilate, leaving no room for him.

Star gate!

Gu Xing's tears teleported and galloped, and the "Hundred-step Silver Evil Spear" swept and turned, and the spear pierced the clouds and pierced the sky, shining like star marks, galloping extremely fast, and the momentum was like a star falling into the world, and it was unstoppable.

But seeing that Yu Xie Wang was able to do it with ease, the ultimate move started.

"Dark Nightmare!"

The evil palm struck out, and the evil energy turned into a huge blood-red skull. The skull opened its gloomy mouth, let out a harsh roar, and slammed out with a strange evil flame swallowing the sky and destroying the ground.


The palms and spears burst into flames, the qi ignited the flames, and the eight roads filled the sky, and the battle started suddenly, the palms of the spears quickly passed by, and the evil palms were forced to die!

After the handover of strong moves, Gu Xing's tears were fundamentally inferior to Yu Xie Wang's majestic and domineering evil energy, and he immediately vomited blood and retreated.


The blood spurted out, carrying severe toxicity, and at the moment of landing, the ground was corroded and a large white smoke was emitted!

"Oh, there is a highly poisonous and interesting physique in the blood, but it is useless before my evil king!" 310

Taking advantage of the weak soul of the Cambrian period, the Yuxie King occupies an unsolved body and makes quick moves.

Gu Xinglei wielded the "Hundred-step Silver Evil Spear" to parry, with vigor and energy, and the mountains and trees were destroyed.

Gu Xinglei has not yet learned the "Jade Seal Forbidden Seal", far from being the opponent of the Yuxie King, and it was another collision, and the "Hundred Step Silver Evil Spear" flew out.


Just when Yu Xie Wang's ruthless move was about to fall, he seemed to have received some special information. He gave Gu Xing Lei a cold look, and immediately imprisoned the soul of the Cambrian, absorbed it into his body, and broke away!


For some reason, Gu Xinglei looked at the familiar and unfamiliar Cambrian being taken away by the Yuxie King, feeling as if he had lost something important.

I want to catch up, but because of the heavy injury, I am powerless!


Elf world.

After the dragon head was unsealed by Lin Feng from the Chaoshen Peak, the Yaksha King Chi Luo, one of the eight tribes of Tianxie, took advantage of the chaos in the world of elves and seized an elves to be reborn.

"A million corpses are buried under beacon fires, and dead bones are buried in blood near mountains and rivers. The sword and halberd sink into the sand, only ask Chi Luo."

The dragon head has been unsealed, and Chi Luo did not start the blood sacrifice. After the success of seizing the house, he left the elf world with the barrier broken by the dragon head.

"Linghua! Evil God!"

Looking at the direction of Shiliu Island, Chi Luo's mind is difficult to understand, and finally he galloped towards the east!


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