Knowing that Immortal Sect's stunts are extraordinary and powerful, you are extremely powerful in destroying the power of ghosts and wielding swords in unison.

"Heaven and the wasteland, destroy the Buddha and punish the gods, doomsday. Break the seal of Zen!"

This move is the same move as "God's Punishment End Divine Seal", which originally required two people to be able to cast it, but Xianjun is one body and two souls, so it can be used by one person.

I saw very Jun Taishan not moving, strange evil spirits around him, and the majestic ghosts could sweep away the clear stream.

Between the electric and the flint, the strong moves collided with each other, the very king's qi and blood surged, and he vomited blood.

"Not good!"

Seeing that the sword qi was dying, very Jun Yun used the ability to open the black hole again, and wanted to use the black hole to retreat.

However, a page of books blocked it, and with a majestic palm, the holy aura pierced across the sky.

"Damn, ah~" Very ruthless, he was forced to take a page of the book and vomited blood and flew into the black hole.

With a flash of body shape, the very gentleman returned to his original appearance, returned to Juehai Labyrinth injured, and walked in a hurry.

Xi Yan'er looked at the blood stains on the body of the very gentleman, and said in shock: "Jue-jun, what's wrong with you, why are you injured so badly?"

Very Jun looked at Xi Yan'er in front of him, struggling in his heart.

As long as he absorbs Xi Yan'er in front of him, his human and ghost body can be Consummated, his skills will increase dramatically, and then he will be able to turn defeat into victory!

But people are not grass and trees, and who can be ruthless, facing the ghost body raised by one hand, you can't help but hesitate.

"Juejun, you're so distracted, sit down first, and I'll get you medicine." The innocent Xi Yan'er didn't know what Mr. Zhen was thinking. Seeing that Mr. Zhen was injured, he wanted to find medicine for him.

"I haven't become the best among people, I can't fall down, Yan'er, you are my best healing medicine." Zhenjun grabbed Xi Yan'er's hand, his eyes flickering.

"Juejun, what are you talking about? I don't understand, you hurt me, let me go." Xi Yan'er felt very abnormal, and felt a little scared in her heart and kept struggling.

Very Jun said coldly: "I'm sorry, this is the only way I can turn around, forgive me!"

Feeling the killing intent emanating from the very gentleman, Xi Yan'er suddenly felt like a dream, and said silently: "Jue-jun, you will remember Yan'er in the future, right!"

The look of anticipation in his heart made You Jun's heart tremble, but the desperate situation did not allow any hesitation, so You Jun said solemnly, "Xi Yan'er, remember... hate me!"

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

After the words fell, the very gentleman slapped Xi Yan'er on the forehead.


With a painful exclamation, Xi Yan'er's breath quickly weakened, and the very monarch absorbed the ghost energy into the body, the whole body was raging with demon energy like flames, demonized the Meishan Mountain, and strengthened the sea of ​​​​qi.


While absorbing Xi Yan'er, the very gentleman laughed in a low voice, with sorrow in his laughter!

Immediately following Tianji, Diming, Faru saw the scene in front of him, Tianji shouted angrily: "What are you doing~"

With a slash of the sword, the sword energy shot out.

At this time, Xi Yan'er had been completely absorbed by the very king, and I saw that the very king turned out "Tianke Mingjian" and slashed with a horizontal sword.



The sword-like energy of the sword was born out of the sky, smashing the sword light of the sky with one blow.

Di Ming was startled and said, "His skill has improved!"

"This is the complete very gentleman, hahaha..." The desolate laughter is inexplicably sad!

Tian Ji said angrily: "You even killed Xi Yan'er, it is hopeless."

"What do you know, what qualifications do you have to criticize me, Tianji, Diming, Jun Fengtian, all of you should be damned, damned!" Very Jun was furious, his blond hair exploded, and his face was as ferocious as a demon. out again.

"Today, Confucianism is ruthless!" Jun Fengtian stepped out, the divine emperor's aura filled the world and dissipated the evil atmosphere.

Yu Xiaoyao wiped the tip of his nose with his finger: "No need to say any rules, let's fight together and kill him."

"Blood storm!"

Di Ming took the lead and slammed it out with a palm, and the blood tide swept away to the very king.

"After today, the righteous law of heaven and earth will not exist, there will be no boundaries, and the ghost and dragon will be slashed!"

With a very arrogant word, "Prison Dragon Slash" was held high, and the unprecedented ghost energy erupted. In an instant, thousands of thunders converged, and the prison dragon broke the wind.


For a while, I saw that the dark power of the earth, the underworld, the blood and the darkness sealed the "Jail Dragon Slash", and the evil power of the prison dragon was restrained in vain.

Seeing this, you suddenly said, "It turns out that your goal is the 'Magic Sword'."

"I understand now, it's too late!" Di Ming vomited blood and retreated, although he paid some price, but his eyes showed a look of pride.

"Prison Dragon Slash" was eroded by the power of blood and darkness, and its edge was gradually lost.


You Xianjun turned around the "Holy Sword" and wanted to go straight to death. .

Chapter [-]: No regrets until death

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