"I'm calling everyone here to prepare for the battle in the next two days." Lin Feng's victory was in his hands, and he seemed extremely relaxed.

There wasn't much suspense in this battle, the only troublesome thing was the Eight Qi Evil Gods.

Hearing this, Luo Huan began to gear up. He hadn't done it for a long time, and his hands were already itchy!

Rahu was born for war and longed for a hearty battle. Only the battlefield was where he reflected his value.

For his own people, Luo Hu was not easy to start. This battle was exactly what he was looking forward to.

The unclothed teacher Yin stepped forward and bowed: "This morning, the upper heaven, Jijing, and Yan have sent down the book, please respect the Lord."

"Oh, they are aware of current affairs." Lin Feng waved his hand to take the letter, glanced at it, and then said: "The lowering of the book from the upper world and Jijing is accepted, Yandu is a group of yin and yang guys who keep it out of the way, go out!"

3.9 Indifferently, Lin Feng decided the fate of Yandu.

No one objected, they were not familiar with the Great Master anyway.

The legend of Chiba reported: "The Netherworld has been moving frequently recently. According to the latest news, the Demon Lord and Jiuying have been resurrected, and now the Demon Lord officially rules the Netherworld."

At the beginning, when Emperor Junlin Hei captured the life trainee, he found that the life trainee contained the power of the origin of the devil. After capturing him, he extracted the source of life and resurrected the devil.

In order to enhance the combat power of the Netherworld, the Demon Lord resurrected Jiuying again. The Heavenly Demon Cocoon and the Earth Cocoon are infinite, but they are still recovering their skills and have no further actions.

Lin Feng heard the words and didn't care: "Youjie, let them dance for a few more days, and solve them together in two days. How about the three religions?"

"Three religions...".

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven: Nine Transformations

Two days passed in a flash, and the short-lived calm was like the eve of a storm, which made people feel very depressed, and the whole land of China was lingering in an atmosphere of tension and fear.

Even ordinary people know that a great war is about to start, and they are scrambling to flee or seek refuge!

Today, the most difficult situation is the five forces.

Lin Feng's power is undoubtedly the most powerful, and his supporters such as the two demon clans, the sun-blind clan, the prison army, the anti-sea believers, and the dead country are strong and strong.

In terms of the right way, led by the ancient way of morality and style, the emperor and Confucianism ruled all the Confucian schools. Taoism and Buddhism also took time to let go of their prejudices and unite to overcome difficulties together.

At the same time, under the planning of Di Ming, a page of books began to integrate the soul body of the father of exaggeration. In this way, it is tantamount to pulling the seedlings to encourage growth.

But now the situation is at stake, they don't have time to plan slowly, they can only make a desperate bet, sacrifice the ego, and complete the big ego!

This ego refers to the Father of Phantoms (the ghosts who are willing to be sacrificed).

After the fusion of the father of phantasm, a book completes the fate of the dragon among people, but the heart is also affected by the father of phantom, whether it is a blessing or a curse, it is unknown!

Qingyangzi invited the famous caster to work together to build the "Invincible Battle Dragon". Qingyangzi knew that his ability was limited, and even if he joined the battlefield, he could help 15 times. "Battle Dragon" turns the tide!

As for Su Huanzhen, he pulled people all over the place, day and night, I don't know how many "seniors" were called out.

the other side.

In order to protect Shouyu in the war, Ni Shenyang led Shouyu back to the world of elves.

This is a helpless move. Ni Shenyang is the main battle faction, but when he sees the power displayed by Lin Feng, he knows that in the battle, Shouyu will inevitably suffer an unbearable price.

Only by returning to the world of elves and facing other elves together can there be a glimmer of hope.

The old enemy of the elves, Youjie, is also in a wait-and-see state. The Demon Lord and Jiuying have only been resurrected for a few days, and they have not fully recovered their vitality.

The last party is the Yagi Evil God!

Above the sea of ​​​​clouds, the Eight Qi Evil Gods, the God of Heaven, the King of Evil Prison, flew away from Shiliu Island and approached the land of Shenzhou.

Under the Dragon Wings of the Eight Qi Evil Gods, the Yutians, the King of Evil Prison, all looked at the vast Shenzhou, which would be their future battlefield!

After coming to Shenzhou, Yaqi Evil God did not act immediately.

Instead, he gathered all the eight groups of Tianxie, and at the same time prepared to wait for the group of monsters in the "Hundred Demons Scroll" to rush to Shenzhou.

Because the Eight Qi Evil Gods can feel the terror of Lin Feng, even now he is not completely sure that he can defeat Lin Feng.

But Hachiki is not afraid. His power comes from endless evil thoughts. Since the moment he came to Shenzhou, he has smelled all kinds of negative emotions such as fear, greed, and resentment. Under the nourishment of these energies, he is always there The longer he gets stronger, the better his chances of winning.



Lin Feng sat in the palace and said to the crowd below: "The battle is approaching. Now we will allocate the battlefield, the secluded world, and hand it over to Tianyan Mocheng and Baiyao Road. You can have confidence."

"Definitely live up to the expectations of the Lord!" Zhi Xin and the Holy Infant Lord bowed together.

Then Lin Feng looked at the love and disaster girl Rong and others: "The world of elves will be handed over to the realm of destruction, and Senyu and Nihai Chongfan will be dealt with together."


The girl Rong, who loves disaster, turned black, and Tian Yu gave a salute at the same time.

Lin Feng nodded, then looked at Luo Hu, Tian Zhe and others: "In terms of the ancient ways of morality, it will be jointly attacked by Tiandu, Dead Kingdom, Jijing, and Upper Heaven."

In fact, Lin Feng didn't want to destroy the Defeng Ancient Road and the world of elves, but just wanted to take them for his own use.

It's just that these people are more stubborn, and it will not work if they know it. If they are not disabled, they will keep doing things, so Lin Feng chose this direct and effective method.

There may be sacrifices in the process, but these are inevitable, and Lin Feng can only minimize casualties as much as possible.

"As for the Eight Qi Evil Gods, let the deity be in person for a while."

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