"What about us?" At this moment, ten figures jumped out of the courtyard wall. They were the Iron Broom Immortal, Shi Wei Immortal, Zhi Tan Hua, Dog King, Xi Bao, Hu Sing, and Wife of the Twelve Demons of Tianchi. Sui, hand dance, foot dance and matchmaker and others.

"Ha!" Qi Luosheng chuckled lightly and said indifferently, "Is there a difference?"

The stubborn Tie Broom Immortal said angrily: "Stinky brat dares to look down on us and court death."

The masked Xibao laughed nervously: "Hahaha! Damn it! Damn it!"


Ignoring the clamor of the Tianchi Twelve Demons below, Qiluosheng sat upright in front of the qin, pressing his hands on the strings gracefully and calmly, and turned to Mrs. Ao who was beside him and said, "I haven't come back for a long time, so I will play and sing for you. Qu, I apologize."

Mrs. Ao showed a smile and said as if no one was there: "Okay! The slave family is really looking forward to it!"

Mrs. Ao only has the strength of the second-rate early stage, any one of the twelve evil spirits in Tianchi can easily take her life.

But in the face of these notorious killers, Mrs. Ao is not afraid at all, just because this man is by her side, she believes that as long as Qiluo was born, no one can hurt her!


been ignored!Still naked, naked, and ignoring, the Twelve Evils of Tianchi, who have been in the world for decades, have been treated like this, and the twin emperors shouted in unison: "Humph! To be so arrogant, then you will be punished. Die! Come on together, spread the attack."

The twelve evil spirits of Tianchi were scattered from all directions and attacked the courtyard buildings. Qimen martial arts such as "The Book of Innocent Heart", "Zhantian Huaqi" and "Qiankun Sword Paper" were used one after another.

Qi Luosheng's expression remained the same, and the sound blades of mysterious blue floated out with the beautiful notes, forming a curtain of sound blades and blades outside the court building. Down, there is no way to get close to the ten meters in front of Qiluosheng's body.

The low sound of the piano revealed a touch of sadness, and it had a long aftertaste like an old wine.

Accompanied by the distant sound of the piano, Qi Luosheng's elegant and deep voice sounded in the wind and snow:

 (The king is good) "Laughing at you and me is in vain, I love to compete for the beauty of the mirror flower.

Afraid that luck will pass away in a blink of an eye, and I am fascinated by greed, hatred and anger.

Blame you and me for being too greedy for power, and blaming all beings on the earth for being too beautiful.

Repenting of the old days, too faithful to the promise, fascinated by the joys and sorrows, resentment and jealousy.

Ah... I can't bear to be bright in the secular world!

Ah...I can't escape the gratification of infatuation!

Ahhh... can't find a substitute for hue!

Ah... Ginseng can't understand this problem for a lifetime!

Swallowing the wind, kissing the rain and burying the sunset have never been hesitant, and bullying the mountains, rushing the sea and practicing snow trails have never been desperate.

Nianhua twists the wine to make the world crazy;

With these two eyes and a hundred arms or a thousand hands cannot defend;

Whoever sails together with the vast sky and broad snow;

The sand is rolling and the water is wrinkled and laughing and swaying;

Greed for pleasure and one pay favors the burial of that daughter's lover. ".

152 The end of the song [Subscribe]

The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind does not stop. Fate is always predestined in the dark. The pursuit of the perfect world seems to be only one step away, but the reality is out of reach! What you want is hard, and what you want... may not necessarily be happiness!


"Swallowing the wind, burying the rain and burying the sun has never hesitated, and bullying the mountains to drive the sea to practice snow trails has never been desperate.

Nianhua twists the wine to make the world crazy;

With these two eyes and a hundred arms or a thousand hands, there is no defense..."

At this time, Qi Luosheng has played two-thirds of the "Unforgettable Sutra", and the twelve evil spirits of Tianchi are like falling swords in purgatory in the qin songs. With the singing of the strange melody (Cantonese), I only feel that in the whole snow-white world, heaven and earth are different. All enemies, the wind is a knife, the snow is a knife, the ground is a knife, everything you see is a knife, a [-]-degree all-round attack, every moment has a blade and a body, it is really no way to go to the ground. The door, even escape has become a luxury!

Suddenly, the sound of the piano changed, and Qiluosheng's singing changed from low to intense. Tianchi Shishisha suddenly trembled. What kind of song is this? The agitation is uncontrollable, and when distracted, there are 203 bloodstains on the body!


However, this made Tianchi Twelve feel the pain.To Mrs. Ao, it was so pleasant to the ears, as pure as the sound of nature. Although Mrs. Ao couldn't understand the lyrics of Cantonese "Unforgettable Scripture", it did not prevent Mrs. Ao from liking this song. Mrs. Ao gradually became immersed in this beautiful and sad melody, and felt a helpless and inexplicable sadness surge up in her heart. In her subconscious, she seemed to just want to listen to the music, and Mrs. Ao's eyes were blurred. , Unconsciously flowed out two lines of clear tears.

Looking at Qiluosheng who was playing the qin and singing a cappella in front of him like a noble son, and remembering the fate of this life, Madam Ao felt inexplicably sad.

Why... don't let me meet you earlier, why... you have to appear in front of my eyes again! Complicated thoughts are constantly being cut, and the rationale is still chaotic! Mrs. Ao picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it all, and couldn't help it. meditated:

"It's just because of the sense that you look back, it makes me think about the morning and the evening.

Raise a glass and get drunk alone, stop drinking the flying snow, and be dazed for another year.

Turning around, a ray of cold fragrance is far away, the snow is deep, and the smile is shallow.

In the next life you will cross me, can you? "


In the depths of the hidden clouds in the moon, falling snow drifts into the world.

On a courtyard building in Baijian Villa, the sound of the piano has come to an end. As the last note fell, thousands of sound blades condensed over the courtyard poured out, like a thousand-foot waterfall rushing towards the Tianchi Twelve Demons.

Puff puff……

Under the endless edge, the body of the Twelve Shades of Tianchi was riddled with holes in an instant, and the body was incomplete.

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