The mighty "Tianxiahui" gang leader Xiongba - just died like this!

When Bu Jingyun saw this scene, he was a little stunned for a while, as if he couldn't believe it, he finally got his revenge and killed him with his own hands.

With a thud, Bu Jingyun knelt down on both feet, kowtowed in the west direction, and then shouted to the sky: "Dad! I will help you avenge! I killed the enemy Xiongba and helped Huojiazhuang completely avenge! You can go to the Rest in peace under Jiuquan!"

Qin Shuang and Nie Feng were also a little stunned, as if they couldn't believe that Xiongba died like this.

Qiluosheng said to Bu Jingyun: "In the past, it was irreversible. Vengeance and sin, you can never decide by yourself. Now that you have avenged your revenge, you need to rest for a while and think about how to go in the future."

A great revenge will inevitably make Bu Jingyun, who is obsessed with revenge, lose his goal and fall into confusion.

This kind of thing can't be helped by outsiders! Qi Luosheng can only let him be quiet, slowly sink these things into his heart and turn over them, so that he can move towards a new life.

"Thank you, Master, for your help!" Bu Jingyun slowly got up and gave Qi Luosheng a respectful salute.

Qin Shuang and Nie Feng looked at Xiongba's corpse and said nothing for a long time, and finally Qin Shuang bowed to Qiluosheng and said with a sigh, "Thank you for the life-saving grace of Lord Qi, now that the teacher is dead, I want to His body was taken away and buried."

Qiluosheng nodded and said: "Repaying grievances with virtue, good character, very good! The deceased is dead, I will not embarrass him, but in a few days I will receive the "World Association", Qin Shuang, you have to prepare. "


Small building in the heart of the lake.

The time agreed with Xiongba was almost up, but Xiongba was not seen for a long time. In addition to the previous scene of discoloration, Wen Chouchou made a decisive decision and said to a young girl: "Miss, the helper has an order, please follow the younger one. Hurry down the mountain from the secret road."

When Wen Chou Chou came, he didn't reveal to the girl that the "World Club" was attacked, but now that the time has come, he has not seen Xiongba. I'm afraid it's more fortunate than good.

The girl was about fifteen or sixteen years old. She was born with fair skin and a pretty face. She was a rare and beautiful girl. Her snow-white dress added a lot of innocence to her.

However, her words and deeds are shocking, full of foul language and carelessness. It is hard to imagine such a thing happening to a beautiful girl.

You Ruo raised her legs, leaning back against a chair of the Grand Master, holding a bunch of grapes in her hand, sending them to her mouth from time to time, looking like an old landlord.

"Going down the mountain? My father will let me go out? Did something happen to the "Tianxiahui"! You should make it clear to auntie!" You Ruo, who had nothing to do, jumped up from the chair of the teacher when she heard Wen Chouchou's words. , grabbed Wen Chou Chou's clothes and asked loudly.

Wen Chou Chou said anxiously: "Hey, my eldest lady, now is not the time to be angry, if you don't run, it will be too late!"

 "If you don't make it clear, auntie won't go either!" You Ruo pushed Wen Chou Chou away and said stubbornly.

"That eldest lady... offended!"

Wen Chou Chou suddenly made a move, and a knife in hand knocked You Ruo, who was caught off guard, unconscious. Even though Wen Chou Chou lowered his eyebrows in front of Xiongba, Wen Chou Chou was a real first-class master, and ordinary martial arts people were not his opponents.

Carrying You Ruo up on his back, Wen Chou Chou walked towards the secret road, but on the trail, Wen Chou Chou suddenly stopped, his body kept trembling and trembling, and he looked at the white figure in front of him in horror.


Wen Chou Chou's legs were trembling, and he forced a smile and said, "Qi... When did Venerable Qi come to the 'World Conference', what are you doing?"

Although it was the first time we met, as Xiongba's cronies and intelligence chief, Wen Chou Chou naturally did not know Qi Luosheng's appearance, and it was precisely because of this that he was so afraid.

Looking at Wen Chou, who looks like a white-faced ghost, Qi Luosheng smiled gently: "You seem to be afraid of me!"

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Wen Chou Chou stammered with a dry smile: "No... no... I... I just..."

"Xiongba is dead! I'm short of manpower for 'Bounding the World'. Are you interested in joining?" Without talking nonsense, Qi Luosheng directly sent an invitation.

Wen Chou Chou's ability is still good. He can be the general manager by Xiongba's side, but not everyone has this ability. At least his ability to manage and collect information is excellent.

Hearing the news of Xiongba's death, Wen Chou Chou was shocked. Naturally, he would not suspect that a peerless character like Qi Luo Sheng would have the leisure to deceive a small character like him. Fake, Wen Chou Chou can only follow Qi Luosheng's will, otherwise it will make the other party unhappy, and one finger can crush him to death.


With his thoughts turned, Wen Chou Chou immediately nodded and said, "It is a small honor and a great honor to be able to join the 'World Sealing Sabre'! In the future, I will be drenched in heart and mind, and I have already reported the kindness of the lord..."

This guy is used to flattering around Xiongba, and he will come when he opens his mouth to flatter him. Qi Luosheng is not interested in listening to Wen Chou Chou's serious nonsense, and interrupts: "The person behind you is Xiong Ba's daughter Youruo?"

"This..." Wen Chou Chou hesitated for a while. He didn't have much loyalty to Xiongba, but more out of fear of Xiongba, but he still had some feelings for You Ruo, who grew up watching him from childhood. .

Wen Chou Chou said in his heart, "Paper can't contain fire after all, if I deny it, maybe both You Ruo and I will die! Instead, it's better to protect yourself, You Ruo, You Ruo! Don't blame me, I have no choice but to do so. what!"

In my heart, after a thousandth of a second of repentance, Wen Chou Chou neatly placed You Ruo on the ground, knelt down to Qi Luo Sheng and said, "Reporting to your lord, this girl is You Ruo, the tyrannical daughter, I don't know. How is your lord going to deal with it?"

I go, so brazen, the seller seeks glory, talent!


Regarding the situation of the next plane, it will be decided according to the voting results. Go to "Zhu Xian" and use Demon Prince, go to "Marvel" to use Tiandi, but "Xianjian" use Butterfly Jun, and go to "Naruto" to use Black and White Lang Jun, thank you The support of fellow Daoists! .

 239 Wagang Village【For collection】

After a few days.

After Xiongba died, the news that the "Tianxiahui" was included in the "World Sealing Saber" quickly spread in the rivers and lakes.

Many forces are worried!

The power of the "World Sealing Sword" is already huge, and both the master and the deputy are masters of the world, especially the power that has witnessed the battle of "Bai Jian Villa" with his own eyes.

However, some things can't be avoided if you want to avoid them!

Qiluosheng is ready to take this world into his pocket. Except for the "Unparalleled City" managed by Bai Suzhen and the forces that rely on the "World Sealing Sword", all other forces are targeted for suppression!

After several years of development, after "Tianxia Fengdao" fully accepted the "Tianxiahui", the middle and lower-level personnel already numbered [-] people. Demon Gate", and other forces to help.

In the next six months, with the trend of destroying the dry and pulling the rot, it swept the world and conquered half of the country!

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