Qi Luosheng, who was drawn by the dragon's tail, blasted directly into the mountain wall like a cannonball.

This is not the end, Shenlong immediately opened his mouth and spit out a dragon breath in the direction Qiluosheng was blasted into. How terrifying the dragon breath was, even the mountains and rocks were scorched by the dragon's breath. turned into ashes.


The rock collapsed, Qi Luosheng smashed the top stone layer, and burst out from the top of the mountain, holding the "Tear of the Black Moon" high in his hand, and the real essence was quickly injected into it.

"Dead Heaven Slashing Star Art!"

The giant blade formed by the condensed real essence pierced through the sky and pierced through the clouds, slashing across the sky, tearing apart everything.

"hold head high!"

With a cry of grief, the dragon was cut off with a knife, and in an instant, blood stained the sky.

Shenlong was severely injured in one fell swoop, but the dragon element was not taken out. Shenlong was an immortal body, and the two broken dragon bodies were connected again by twisting!

This time, Shenlong was really scared. He didn't expect that the tiny ant to be so powerful, and he suddenly had the idea of ​​​​running away.

Although Shenlong has not opened its intelligence, it does not mean that it is an idiot. If it can't beat it and run away, it still understands!

Food is precious, and small life is more expensive.

Anyway, the dragon doesn't know what morality is, and it flies to the sea when it twists the dragon's body!


Thank you for the flowers, comments, and urging more votes from "Shannalong", "The Flashy At that Time" and "Prince". Thank you for your support! .

255 dragon yuan in hand【for collection】

On Shenlong Island, the battle of dragons and demons.

The dragon, which was cut in two, recovered in an instant, fled in a hurry, and galloped toward the sea.

Seeing the Shenlong escape, how could Qi Luosheng, who had been preparing for a long time, stop just now, spread the magic wings behind him again, and hurriedly chase after the Shenlong.

The dragon returns to the sea, like a fish in water, if the dragon escapes into the sea and occupies a favorable location, it will be difficult to kill it.

Shenlong Island was not very big at first, Shenlong flew at an extremely fast speed, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the sky above the sea, turned its head and rushed towards the sea.

"Creation of the Gods. The first style. Frozen a hundred miles!"

Qiluosheng slammed the sea with a palm, and the cold palm qi instantly froze the sea.

Shenlong plunged his head down and was hitting a hundred feet of ice.

"Boom! Click, click!"

There was a dull loud noise, the ice was shattered, and a little fluorescent light flashed in the direction of the sun. However, although the dragon smashed the ice, it inevitably caused a pause, and Qi Luosheng took the opportunity to perform another trick.

"Volume of Ning. The above formula. Xue Ye Shuang Ning!"

"Bingjia Wujing. Ning Zhi Scroll", using this trick will form a gray space similar to time freezing within a range. Within this range, except for Qiluosheng, all things are stagnant, and the enemy's The weaker the strength, the more stagnant it will be for a long time, while the stronger person will shorten the time accordingly.

With Qiluosheng's skill, he can imprison the dragon for about two seconds. Although it is only two seconds, for Qiluosheng, whose speed is close to the speed of light, he can already do a lot of things!

I saw that after Qi Luosheng launched "Snow Night Frost Ning", the entire sea area instantly entered a state of solidification and stillness. fixed in place.

The magic wings behind Qi Luosheng flew to Shenlong quickly. At this time, most of Shenlong's body had fallen into the ice, only one tail of the dragon remained outside. He grabbed his tail and pulled it up sharply, pulling the dragon up from the ice, and then slammed it towards the island.

After one second passed, the dragon essence in Shenlong's body burst, and the still space also trembled and began to become unstable. Qi Luosheng followed Shenlong's body and flew away, and the "Tears of the Black Moon" in his hand pierced into Shenlong instantly. The inverse scales on the neck, at the same time, quickly took out the six gods, "Or Tianji", "Black Sword", "Jiangshan Yandao", "Greeding Wolf Sword", "Heavenly Blade", and "Shocking Sword" from the space. Soldiers, inject powerful real essence, and pierce the other six gates of life of Shenlong respectively!

At this time, Shenlong finally broke free from his imprisonment, but it was too late. The seven gates of life were broken one after another, and Shenlong suffered an unprecedented hit!

"hold head high!"

The pain was unbearable, the dragon was unable to take off, fell from a high altitude, and fell to the ground, smashing the ground into a big pit, the dragon in the pit let out a whimper, and supported by its four claws, it wanted to get up.

Qi Luosheng descended from the sky and stepped on the head of the dragon with one foot.


Under the strong impact, the dragon was smashed into the ground, and the big pit expanded twice again, and the sound resounded like the earth was shaking. .

However, after the gate of life was broken, it was difficult for Shenlong to control the power of the dragon in the body, and the defense and resilience were greatly reduced. Naturally, it was not Qiluosheng's opponent. Born and pointed as a sword, pierced open the dragon's belly, and took out the fiery dragon essence from it.

"hold head high!"

Shenlong finally let out a cry of grief, and the huge body fell to the ground weakly. As Long Yuan was taken out by Qiluosheng, the vitality in Shenlong's body quickly passed away, and there was a trace of humanity in the dragon's eyes, which was unwilling and hopeless.

Seeing Shenlong close his eyes, Qiluosheng did not take it lightly, because in his perception Shenlong had not completely died, and he had not received the prompt from the "Character Summoning System", he was sure that Shenlong was pretending to be dead, and even thought about it. Take advantage of your unpreparedness and take a dying blow to regain Long Yuan and resurrect!

It's a pity that Shenlong is cunning, but how can it compare to Qiluosheng!

Shenlong's vitality is rapidly passing by, but there is no chance for it. If he waits, he is not pretending to be dead, but is really dead. Now, with all his strength, Shenlong grabs Qiluosheng with his huge claws.

Qiluosheng was already prepared, and the dragon's lightning-like claws grabbed it. Qiluosheng didn't move, and he opened his hands and shouted coldly:

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"


 The infuriating hood formed by "Rebel Devil" suddenly spreads outward, forming an all-round indiscriminate attack. The violent infuriating qi is centered on Qiluosheng, and it continuously impacts outwards. Wherever it passes, the earth collapses. , Shenlong was also pushed into the ground for tens of meters under this impact, and Shenlong's eyes finally completely lost their color!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the dragon, may I ask if the host will convert it into an exchange point?"

"No need to convert."

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