Don't say she can't cook, even if she can, as a king, she can't cook and serve others. Although King Jianwu can't let Lin Feng die because of the "life contract", he won't be able to beat him. What an impact!

Lin Feng jumped off Mo Qingchi's back, patted Mo Qingchi's big head, and said to King Jianwu: "It's just a snack, you don't need to pay attention to it, I'm curious about your current strength!"

According to Lin Feng's observation, the foundation of King Jianwu is even higher than him, but the purity is not as high as his, which may be because of the particularity of the "Thunderbolt" plane. Innate warriors can generally live for thousands of years, and their cultivation speed is faster than that of ordinary immortals, and the best among them are even stronger than ordinary gods, Buddhas, demons, and demons!


Only limited by the unique rules and restrictions of the "Thunderbolt" plane, few people can break through the ascension.

The hierarchy of the "Thunderbolt" plane is also very different from the ordinary world. It is unique and can be basically divided into: god-level, super-innate, top-level innate, innate, warrior-level, and demon horn.

Of course, the exact statement may be different, but this is probably the classification.

God level: Abandoned Heaven Emperor, Death God, Bo Xun (recklessly!).

Chaoxiantian: King Yadi, Xietian Yuwu, One Page Book (used eight dragons and gods fire, breaking the rules), Skyrim, Dharma and Confucianism, Yangshen...

Top Innate: Jianzi Xianji, Buddha Sword, Shulou Longsu (the three sect gangsters also made an exception in the battle against the Emperor of Abandonment), Luohu (high attack power, but weak defense)...

Xiantian: Zhan Wushang, Zhanwu King, Ye Xiaochai, Yuan Wuxiang, Shetian Qinji, Tired Shoutian, Butterfly Lord...

Warrior level: Sacred Heaven Shuang Ji, Qi Tian Bian, Subaru Su'er, Huai Gui Li Lun, Ye Fei, Mo Shi Chen...

As for Yaodaojiao, they are all cannon fodder characters, not to mention!

Among them, the strength of the characters fluctuates greatly, and there are many cases where the innate "exceptional" is killed by the Yao Dao Jiao.

The strength of King Jiwu can only be regarded as the upper-middle level in the "Thunderbolt" plane, which is innately like a dog!

In terms of combat power, it should be equivalent to more than the scattered immortals of the Xianxia plane, and below the human immortals ([-] million exchange points). .

267 Soldiers, Armaments and Martial Arts Showdown【For Collection】

Europe, within country d.

On a barren plain, the wind was cold, and the two who looked at each other suddenly had the will to fight.

"Do you want to test what I can do?" As King Jianwu spoke, "Or Tianji" started, and a force of force came, and in an instant, like mountains and rivers collapsing, causing the world to change.

Such an amazing aura, as expected of Sister Wang!Lin Feng immediately raised his True Yuan, a silver light flashed in his hand, and a long halberd with exactly the same shape as the "Or Heavenly Halberd" suddenly appeared.

"Yeah!" Doubt flashed in King Jianwu's eyes. Although the shape of the halberd in Lin Feng's hand was exactly the same as the "Or Tianji", it was only similar in shape, but the material and power were completely different.

Although the "Or Tianji" in Lin Feng's hands is a copycat product, the "Five One Zero" method of the maker is not very clever, but in terms of material alone, it is stronger than the genuine "Or Tianji", after all, no matter how you say it The divine stone left by the Goddess Nuwa when mending the sky, based on this alone, can make Lin Feng's copycat version of "Or Tianji" not inferior to the genuine one.

"Xiao Qingchi, you should retreat twenty miles away first." Lin Feng asked the fire unicorn Mo Qingchi to retreat first. The strength of the Martial King has exceeded the limit of human beings, and it is no less than that of some immortal gods on the Xianxia plane. Let, Lin Feng have a heart to fight, in order to prevent Mo Qingchi from being hurt by the aftermath of the battle, so let him retreat to the distance first.

Mo Qingchi looked at the astonishingly powerful King Jianwu, and was careful of his liver's "thumping, thumping, thumping and thumping", but from the look of his aura, he knew that he would definitely not be able to beat the strange person who could change his voice, although he didn't understand why Lin Feng suddenly wanted to talk to this person. Fighting, but it still nodded obediently and flew into the distance.

After Mo Qingchi flew far away, Lin Feng smiled and said, "Let me see the redemption strength of 'Killing Broken Island'!"

"As you wish!" King Jian Wu was straightforward, and after responding, he danced the "Or Heavenly Halberd" in his hands, with a powerful force inside, and struck the sky with a shocking force.

Lin Feng was not afraid of danger, and the halberd carried the momentum of thunder, and turned up.


The halberd is the hegemon of a hundred soldiers. It is majestic and heavy. The air covers the mountains and rivers. At the moment when the two halberds clash, there is only a sharp and sharp sound, and sparks splash. Suddenly, the strong airflow spreads. .

The ground under the feet of Lin Feng and King Jianwu cracked instantly, and the two of them flew at the same time.

"The Scroll of Waste. The First Form. Xuanhuang Abolishes the World!"

With a single trick, King Jian Wu already knew that Lin Feng was capable of being extraordinary, and his eagerness to win suddenly rose.

"The Scroll of Waste. The First Form. Xuanhuang Abolishes the World!"

In the face of King Jianwu's thunderous blow, Lin Feng also used the "Bingjia Wujing" to deal with it, the same "or Tianji", the same move.


The tip of the halberd collided with the tip of the halberd, and there was a loud explosion, and both sides were shocked. In an instant, the sky above the two of them was like an angry sea, the clouds rolled, and a large blue vacuum was hit by the air waves that rushed into the sky.

"Why do you know the unique skills of the royal family on the broken island?" King Jianwu looked at Lin Feng suspiciously and said, "Or Tianji" is enough, and now even the unique skills of the royal family of "Killing the broken island" can be used, and King Jianwu is beginning to doubt it. Is Lin Feng the illegitimate child of his missing ancestor, King Yadi?

Perhaps because he liked seeing the surprised expression of King Jiwu, Lin Feng smiled cheerfully: "Not only the Scroll of Abolition, but also the [-]th Scroll of Bingjia Wujing. Do you want to learn, Sister Wang? I can teach you!"

"Humph! Teach me, let's talk if you can beat me!"

How proud King Jianwu is, even if Lin Feng is her summoner, such a contemptuous attitude makes her very unhappy.

"In the beginning of the primordial chaos, the slaughter, or the Tianchangji destroys the Xuanhuang. Against the dragon's eight qi!"

Eight majestic dragon qi flew out from the body of King Wu, and under the trigger of the "Or Tianji", they turned into ferocious dragons, hovering in the air, and swimming, as if tearing the sky and the ground.

"Waste, Heaven, God, Destroy, bleed and kill. Eight dragons go against the road. The world is ruined!"

At the same time, Lin Feng burst into the air with a long roar, his whole body was full of energy, and he swung his halberd to stir up the heaven and the earth.


The breath of the blast, the powerful anti-shock force, then spread the counter-attack.

Sixteen majestic dragon-shaped qi collided with each other, and they faced each other. With countless loud explosions, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the vast dragon qi collided. Within a few miles, the ground sank ten feet, the crust cracked, as if it had suffered a [-]-magnitude earthquake, the groundwater continued to overflow from the underground river, and in the blink of an eye, it was a huge lake that stretched for dozens of miles.

In mid-air, the crown on King Jianwu's head was knocked down by Qi Jin, and the supple blonde hair scattered, making her face even more feminine.

Hundreds of meters away, Lin Feng was also standing in the air, his black windbreaker was a bit dazzling, and he seemed to be on an equal footing with King Jian Wu, but he knew in his heart that on the basis of his foundation, he was indeed inferior to King Jian Wu. Otherwise, Lin Feng would not be able to defeat King Jianwu.

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