This is a human-shaped deep pit. The shapes of the limbs, head and body are all complete. There are traces of wind blade cutting and lightning burning around. Some places were burned into white ground by high temperature, and the stones were burned into powder. The bloody smell makes people want to vomit!

Lin Feng observed the surrounding situation, turned his head and said, "Sister Wang, what do you think?"

King Wu Wu glanced at Lin Feng and said: "Obviously there was a fierce battle here not long ago, and there should be a lot of people participating in the battle, but there is not a single corpse around, which is very strange, and judging from the surrounding traces, At that time, the two sides of the battle were mainly based on the three elements of wind, thunder and fire."

Speaking of this, King Wuwu flew up, took the whole picture in his heart, and then landed next to Lin Feng: "The shape of this deep pit is no different from a human being, it was obviously smashed by a huge human-shaped object. Judging from its length, The height of this humanoid object is about [-] meters, but it flew down here from hundreds of meters away. It can be seen that its opponent is very powerful, and its size will not be too small, otherwise it will not be able to knock such a behemoth into the air. So far, but judging from the depth of the pit and the footprints around it, this humanoid object does not match its proper size."

Jiwu King pointed it out!Refers to the footprints around: "Except for this huge footprint, there are no traces anywhere. According to my guess, the owner of this footprint, 043, is likely to have the ability to control the size and change the size..."

From the traces of the battle, King Jiwu carefully analyzed the situation at that time, and even described the situation when Yang Sihai fought against the Flying Locust King.

Lin Feng nodded. King Jianwu could judge the general situation at that time by the traces around him. This intelligence should not be underestimated. If she has always maintained her calmness and calmness as she is now, I am afraid that during the battle between the heroes, she will not be able to Completely defeated!

However, Lin Feng saw more things from the surrounding situation. Of course, it is not that Lin Feng is smarter than King Jianwu, but Lin Feng's experience and knowledge are more open than King Jianwu. Although King Jianwu has more than a thousand years of experience, she I have never left the "Four Swords Realm", and the cognition of the world is limited, which is far less open than Lin Feng's, and there is no anime "Naruto" in the "Four Swords World" to watch!

That's right, after Lin Feng's inference, one of the parties fighting here has mastered the two skills "Susanoo" and "Amaterasu". In Lin Feng's impression, this belongs to the plane of "Naruto". The ability of the Uchiha clan, and at least "Kaleidoscope Sharingan" can be used.

Aside from all unreasonable factors, there is only one truth.

Someone opened the "Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye"!

But this is the main world, but there is no Uchiha clan, the biggest possibility is the "phantom system", of course, it may be the reincarnator with the bloodline of "Sharingan", or the Uchiha Madara of the "Hokage" plane ( Itachi, Sasuke) traveled to the main world.

But no matter the reason, Lin Feng must find it out. If it is a reincarnation or a traverser, he can conquer it if he can. If it doesn't work, Lin Feng doesn't mind turning his beheading into an exchange point. , then it cannot be exceeded!


Thank you "Amber", "**", "Wujun Luohu", "God, Yufeng" flowers, monthly pass!.

269 ​​Cannibals! 【For Collection】

Lin Feng's spiritual power spread out, covering a radius of dozens of miles, and soon found a gathering place of survivors.

"Xiao Qingchi, get smaller, don't talk for a while, you know."

"Ang got it!"

Lin Feng instructed Mo Qingchi, Mo Qingchi nodded, turned into the size of a puppy, and jumped into Lin Feng's arms.

Holding Mo Qingchi alone, Lin Feng used the power of space to directly open the space channel connecting the gathering place, and walked in with King Jiwu.

In an instant, when Lin Feng and King Wu Wu walked into the space passage, the space crack disappeared dryly and quietly, as if it had never appeared.


Paris, [-]th arrondissement.

In an empty alley, the space suddenly distorted, and Lin Feng and King Jianwu walked out of it!

On the empty street, few people can be seen. Most people have already gone to build the base. Although they can get a little food after a hard day, it is better than fighting with zombies, Zerg and other monsters, leaving only Some old, weak, sick and disabled, these people saw Lin Feng and King Jiwu struttingly walking on the street from the cracks of the windows and doors.

The romantic capital has finally become the past, the end of the world has come, and human beings are struggling in the cruel apocalypse, and they can't even eat a bite of rice. Who can survive!

"Cough cough..."

In a dimly lit room, Ali Edward's mother, Isa, lay haggard on the sofa, her eyes were sunken, full of haggard, long-term malnutrition, and several times of blood, she was overwhelmed.

Isa said intermittently in a weak and hoarse voice: "Ali, mother hurry up...cough...can't do it! In the future...cough...can't take care of you anymore...cough...this place has been ruled by the devil ...cough...if there is a 333 run away!"

After saying these words, Isa seemed to have exhausted all her strength and closed her eyes weakly.

Allie Edward gently hugged her mother with tears in her eyes, crying and saying, "Mother, you will be fine. I'll go find food now. As long as you have something to eat, you will be well."

"Cough cough..." Isa pulled her back at this moment, and there were a few shocking scars on her skinny hands. Isa pulled herself up and grabbed Allie Edward tightly: " Silly child, don't go donating blood...cough...the devils will suck you dry...cough...promise mother...don't do stupid things."

"But mother, if..." Allie Edward wanted to say something, but Isa said firmly: "Promise me...cough...cough..."

"Okay, Ali promises you." Ali Edward said with tears.

And Isa's hand finally let go!

"Damn vampires, I will never let you go." Looking at her frail mother, Allie Edward felt a knife in her heart, but she had nowhere to vent her resentment and could only suppress it in her heart.

There was no food at home. Allie Edward closed the door softly, ready to try her luck outside to see if she could find food. In the end times, it is very dangerous for her who has no strength. Zombies, terrifying Zerg, cunning mutant beasts, and beware of hungry humans, you must know that once people become crazy, they can be even more terrifying than ordinary beasts!

Allie Edward is only thirteen years old, still a little girl, plus she rarely eats food these days (bhfg), she looks very weak, she is like a frightened rabbit, holding the dagger in her sleeve tightly , walking on a desolate street, looking at the cut down vegetation around him, he was very angry.

Before the end of the world, she had a happy family, her father was a lawyer, and her mother was an artist. The family was rich and wealthy, but also had small assets. However, after the end of the world, everything changed. Human-eating monsters, people are hiding everywhere, and her father has never come back since he went out that day. Although she doesn't want to admit it, Allie Edward knows that her father has died in nine out of ten!

Since then, she and her mother have depended on each other. Originally, this gathering place was protected by the army. She could receive a little food every day. If she made enough contributions, she could also have a meal. In addition, because of the abundant spiritual energy and lush vegetation, there are many Edible materials, although the survivors lived a hard life, they would not have enough to eat, but after a group of monsters claiming to be vampires occupied this place, the life of the survivors became even more difficult!

These abominable vampires not only scraped all the food in the gathering place, but also cut down all the edible trees. To obtain food, they must do heavy work for them, or go out to find food, or hunt monsters Exchange nuclei for food.

Besides, she could only exchange a little food by donating blood. Her mother was sucked up by those greedy devils.

Allie Edward took frivolous steps, but she didn't know that she was already being targeted by several cannibals!

When Ali Edward walked through an alley, a thick arm instantly dragged her into the alley.


Allie Edward struggled in horror. She had also heard about cannibals. They were a group of fallen humans who could do anything in order to survive.

These people did not dare to take action against the ferocious and terrifying Zerg and mutant beasts, and they did not want to take part in the heavy work, so they set their targets on their peers who were weaker than them, and survived on the flesh and blood of their peers!

When it falls into the hands of these people, I am afraid that only bones will be left.

"Boss, you're a little girl, why don't you stay and play, hehe..." A brawny man in his thirties said with a wretched smile.

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