After a while, King Jian Wu changed his face, wearing a long white dress, the crystal crown on the top of his head was replaced with a butterfly accessory, his long golden hair was scattered, and he wore a richly decorated sword around his waist. Heroic, curvaceous and graceful, in his gentle and graceful appearance, there is a chill of ice and snow, coupled with the innate noble temperament, it makes people feel like an ice queen.

"Sister Wang, I found out that I'm going to fall in love with you!" Lin Feng looked at King Jianwu in women's clothes, his eyes full of surprise.

King Jianwu dressed in women's clothes, or at this moment she is Yu Cixin. Hearing this, she couldn't help but feel a burst of shame and anger. She is the master of "Killing Broken Island", and she is aloof. How could anyone dare to be unreasonable to her and say these blatant things. if.

Just when Yu Cixin wanted to attack, Count Lan Fei of the blood family led more than [-] blood guards here under the guidance of Florido.

Although Floredo is a perceptive person, whether it is Lin Feng, Yu Cixin, or Huo Qilin Mo Qingchi are too much higher than him, and they all restrained their breath, so Floredo did not find it. Lin Feng and their terrifying combat power.

Florido walked into the store and saw Yu Ci's heart lit up, but he didn't forget the business. He pointed to Ali Edward on the sofa: "Lord Earl, she is the one who just awakened."

Earl Lan Fei glanced at Ali Edward, but did not find anything special. Instead, it was Lin Feng and Yu Cixin that aroused her interest. When she saw the two, the blood in her body began to stir, and she said, "It's true. The top blood food actually made me a little bit unbearable!"

Earl Lan Fei was a little bit scheming. Seeing the calm expressions of the two of them, he must have some skills. He didn't do it directly, but said tentatively in French: "I don't know where you two came from... eh!"

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Feng flashed to Count Lan Fei, grabbed her by the neck, and lifted her up. Just as the blood guard on the side wanted to make a move, several wind blades whizzed past them. The core of the heart is broken.

These ordinary vampires are also considered half undead, except for the severe fatal wounds such as the broken core and the separation of their heads, ordinary injuries can be quickly recovered as long as there is enough blood, but unfortunately they encounter countless reincarnations. Lin Feng, who was in front of him, had a deeper understanding of the vampires than these newly transformed vampires, and instantly killed them without leaving room for them.

A white light flashed, and all the corpses on the ground disappeared. Everything happened in an instant. Earl Lan Fei saw all this, but was powerless. The moment she was caught by Lin Feng, her whole body seemed to be blocked. It's just so-so, I can't bring up any strength, I scolded Floredo as a perceiver a hundred times in my heart, and actually took her to such a dangerous place, damn it, uh!It looks like he's dead!

"Now I ask, you answer, if I find out that you are lying, they will be your fate. ¨." Lin Feng was not interested in talking nonsense with these little characters, and threw the female vampire in his hand on the ground like garbage. In pure French: "How did you become a vampire."

"Cough cough... It was the Prince who gave me the first embrace." Count Lan Fei looked at Lin Feng in horror and said, this is the first time she has seen such a powerful human being, and she can wipe out all the teams she brought with one move. , That was the elite of her own, and she was even vulnerable. Knowing that the other party was cruel, she did not dare to hide it. During Lin Feng's inquiry, she explained everything she knew.

"Yang Sihai! Could it be that guy?" Lin Feng looked cold, and there was a flash of reminiscence and coldness in his eyes.

Earl Lan Fei said vaguely: "I have already told you everything I know, can you let me go? As long as you let me go, I am willing to do anything for you."

Lin Feng looked at the beautiful Earl Lan Fei and smiled: "Anything?"

Earl Lan Fei thought that Lin Feng was moved, and hurriedly said: "Yes, as long as you like it, I can do anything... ah!"

"Then please die!" Lin Feng said with a wave of his hand, and a wind blade passed through his body.

Blood splashed, looking at the heart that penetrated, Earl Lan Fei looked at Lin Feng with disbelief.

"You..." Before the words were finished, the blood clan earl who dominated the party was unwilling to die, and then he was transformed into an exchange point like her subordinates.

Yu Cixin watched quietly, because Lin Feng and the others spoke French, so she didn't understand the content, but she could see Lin Feng's ruthlessness and decisiveness clearly. Fear or estrangement caused by it, on the contrary, there is a little more appreciation. People in the rivers and lakes are killing people, killing people. If Lin Feng is indecisive, then she will look down on Lin Feng.

Women have gossip in their hearts. Because they don't understand French, Yu Cixin is even more curious, so she stepped forward and asked, "What were you talking about just now? How can you see that your face is not very good."

"I remembered a period of unhappy progress, let alone mention it!" Lin Feng changed the subject, looked around and said, "Has sister Wang picked out her clothes? The goal has been determined!"

Yuci saw Lin Feng's expression in her heart, knew that he didn't want to mention it, and didn't ask any more questions. She had already put a few pieces of clothing she liked into the space, and she didn't take the rest, and said, "If that's the case, let's go. Bar!"


Paris 6th arrondissement, south bank of the River Marne, Luxembourg.

Yang Sihai, who was enjoying the fresh blood, suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart. He threw a teenage girl who had been sucked dry aside, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a towel, and said coldly, "Lan Fei is actually dead! Whoever dares to kill me, no matter who it is, I don't want you to pay the price."

Just as a wave of mental fluctuations swept across, Yang Sihai was startled and left on guard.

For a moment, a reminder of the "Xuanhuan System" came from Yang Sihai's mind: "Ding, I found the "Crossing System" and "Character Summoning System", please pay attention to the host."

"What! It turned out to be two systems, the comers are not good!" Yang Sihai frowned, and the hint of the "Xuanhuan System" made him feel a little uneasy and excited.

Anxiety is because the other party has two systems, and his strength must be terrifying, and excitement is because if he gets the other two systems, he will definitely be stronger.

After a moment of hesitation, Lin Feng and Yu Cixin had already come to the sky above the castle.

It's a blessing or a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided, Yang Sihai's heart is ruthless, and he flew out of the castle.

". "Long time no see! Yang... Si... Hai!" Lin Feng looked at Yang Sihai, who had bat wings on his back, silver hair and red eyes, and his appearance had changed drastically, and called out his name word by word.

Yang Sihai saw Lin Feng's appearance and felt very familiar. He was shocked when he heard Lin Feng's voice: "It turned out to be you, you were not..."

"Dead! Hahaha! I did die once, and was killed by the brother I thought I had personally. The three stabs you stabbed were really cruel, but I still remember it fresh." Lin Feng smiled desolately. Because of Yang Sihai, Lin Feng entered the reincarnation space by chance when he was in despair.

He and Yang Sihai grew up in the same orphanage and have always supported each other. Lin Feng also regarded Yang Sihai as the most trusted person, but in 2017, Yang Sihai said that he was going to another place and finally got together. At that time, Lin Feng He agreed without much thought. In the evening, after work was over, Lin Feng rushed to a remote restaurant chosen by Yang Sihai.

Eating and drinking, bragging and chatting, everything is the same as before.

On the way back, in a remote forest, they encountered a few gangsters blocking the road and robbing them. The other party was full of people and armed with weapons. Lin Feng only worked for a year, and he didn't have much money. After being caught, he thought about giving up his money The disaster didn't do much to resist, (how good Zhao) he and Yang Sihai's money, mobile phone, and bank card deposits were all robbed, and Lin Feng didn't have much money, plus the salary just paid yesterday, a total of just over [-] points .

After getting the money, those people did not continue to embarrass them, and drove away quickly,

However, the more Lin Feng thought about it, the more wrong it became, and it was all too coincidental, like a deliberate arrangement!

Doubt in his heart, Lin Feng tentatively said that he was going to call the police, but Yang Sihai shied away and said that it was too late and would go again the next day, which made Lin Feng feel a chill in his heart.

Thinking about how Yang Sihai was caught by the other side without any resistance at that time, and his calm attitude, Lin Feng had already concluded that this matter was mostly inseparable from Yang Sihai. He originally thought that the police station was asking, but Lin Feng thought about the years of experience. Affectionate, he didn't want to make things go that far, so he had a showdown with Yang Sihai!

But he didn't want Yang Sihai to not repent after learning that Lin Feng knew about his premeditated plan. Instead, he intensified. He took out the switchblade hidden on his body and stabbed Lin Feng three times in a row. Lin Feng threw it into the woods and turned to leave!

And Lin Feng, who was about to die, hated Yang Sihai's heartlessness and laughed at his own innocence. At this moment, a mysterious voice sounded in his mind:

"Want to understand the meaning of life? Want to".

272 Moon Breaking Reading! 【For Collection】

It was because of that incident that Lin Feng entered the reincarnation space, and it was also because of Yang Sihai's relationship that Lin Feng never believed in anyone and became a loner.

Times have changed. For Yang Sihai, only two years have passed, but for Lin Feng, who has experienced countless reincarnations, it has been a hundred years.

Now that enemies meet, they are naturally jealous!

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