This is because the surrounding Zerg have been cleaned up, otherwise, let alone at night, even in broad daylight, they would not dare to send fighters to rescue rashly!


The moon was bright and the stars were thin, and a cloud of fire cut through the night sky.

After binding the "Mysterious Illusion System", Lin Feng took Yu Xixin, Ali Edward, and began to return to China in a fire unicorn. Along the way, Lin Feng was not in a hurry, except for occasional large-scale killing of zombies, mutant beasts, Zerg, In addition to accumulating exchange points, Lin Feng also taught Yu Cixin all the ten volumes of "Bingjia Wujing" Heaven, Earth, Destruction, Life, Spirit, God, Split, Rest, Ning, and Qing to Yu Cixin, which was originally King Yadi's Martial arts, only have the broken island king vein (the Qi of the king tree) to play the biggest role!

In addition, Lin Feng also came up with three unique skills, "Nazhen Divine Art", "Qi Shuangliu", and "Destroying the Demon Body". If Yu Cixin can integrate all these martial arts to the end, then her combat power It will definitely increase exponentially.

And this little girl, Allie Edward, has never seen her smile again after that incident. Seeing her mother being eaten by others is too cruel for a little girl in her teens, and she has not gone mad. Very strong!

According to Lin Feng's observation, this girl's awakening ability is "atomic decomposition", which can decompose objects covered by her mental power into atomic states. In theory, as long as her mental power is sufficient, she can even give the earth and even the universe to the All broken down, very overbearing. (Nuo Nuo Zhao)

Of course, this ability is powerful, but it is not invincible. First of all, Ali Edward's body is no different from that of a normal person. Without her ability, she can't even beat an adult. Second, when she decomposes objects, the more fragile the object is. , the easier it is to decompose, and the more powerful the object, the harder it is to decompose!

With the strength of her current sixth-order power user, she can decompose a stone the size of a millstone into atoms within two seconds. If it is an iron block the size of a millstone, it will take about thirty seconds.

It is worth mentioning that, in the past few days, Lin Feng and the others pushed back from country f to Huaxia, killed no less than [-] million zombie monsters, and accumulated nearly [-] million exchange points!

However, this time, Lin Feng did not choose to summon characters, but planned to exchange some equipment to prepare for the next plane.


Thank you for the flowers of "."One page book", "**", and the evaluation ticket!.

276 Monsters [Subscribe]

The night was getting darker. When Lin Feng returned to the Tianhai City gathering place with Yu Cixin and Ali Edward, Mad Lion was heading to the military area gathering place on the Umbrella Company's latest Osprey tilt-rotor fighter.

Ever since he got the news of the zombie gathering, the military commander Yang Zhenguo immediately dispatched a helicopter to divert the army of zombies away. This move was very effective. Brainless zombies could easily be led away, but this time he was disappointed. The reason is that this time the zombies were not affected at all, and even the mutant beast corpses dropped by the helicopter ignored them, as if they had identified the military base, and rushed straight towards the military base.

In desperation, in order to reduce the loss, the senior military officials sent a distress signal to the nearest gathering place in Tianhai City after negotiation, and asked people to turn on the broadcast, so that the ordinary survivors first evacuated from the periphery of the base and entered the central area of ​​the base. The Awakened meet at the city wall of the base, ready to fight.

"Why did the emergency broadcast go off? What happened?"

"I don't know either, but there must be something big going on."

"Principal Zhou, I just came in through the door. I heard that a large number of zombies are coming to attack the city."

"Didn't the army lead those monsters away?" 427

"I heard that there are intelligent zombies, and the previous methods are useless!"

"What? Intelligent zombies, is it really a dead race?"


At the military base, the survivors were talking a lot. The news of the zombie siege had spread, and people were panicking, but no one chose to flee at this time. , if you flee outside, you will only die faster.

And the military will never allow the survivors to escape. If any of the survivors dare to escape without authorization at this time, the military will definitely kill them. The troubled times will use a heavy code, which is related to the survival of the base. They will not be lenient!

Military Command.

Dozens of high-level military officials discussed countermeasures in a solemn manner.

Yang Zhenguo pointed to a position on the sand table with a command rod and said: "According to satellite images, about [-] zombies are approaching our base, we still have [-] minutes to prepare, and order the artillery battalion and tank company to go south. The gate is assembled, and the Eagle Squad is also dispatched to carry out carpet bombing on the zombie army, so that the danger (bhba) of the zombie army must be minimized before it arrives."

Having said that, Yang Zhenguo looked back at a liaison: "Is there any news from Tianhai City?"

"Report to the commander, the Tianhai City Base has responded to the information and has dispatched reinforcements, which are on their way here at this time."

Hearing this news, Yang Zhenguo breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that the Tianhai City Base would refuse assistance because of what happened last time. The [-] zombies can still handle it with the combat power of the current military region, but it will definitely pay a lot of money. The cost, the consumption of arms alone is an astronomical figure, no one knows when the end of the world will end, it is natural to be able to preserve some strength.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

At this moment, the sound of the fighter's propeller came from a distance. This new fighter combines the advantages of helicopters and fighters, and can take off and land freely without the need for a runway. When the propeller engine of the tiltrotor rotates vertically, it is equivalent to a helicopter taking off vertically, and then When it goes from the vertical state to the horizontal state, it can be transformed into a fixed-wing aircraft, so as to fly at a high speed; when it is turned from the horizontal state to the vertical state, it can land vertically.

The military region had already received the news, and after a little arrangement, the fighter planes were greeted.

Just when the mad lion and others arrived at the military area, the mighty army of [-] zombies was stopped by one person. This person was naturally Lin Feng.

If it was before, zombies would attack wherever they liked to attack, as long as they didn't block his way, he wouldn't bother to care, but since acquiring the "Character Summoning System" and "Mystery System", these zombies, Zerg and other creatures will It became the exchange point in Lin Feng's eyes. When he heard Bai Hou's report at the Hive Base and learned that there were hundreds of thousands of zombies assembled, Lin Feng took Yuxi to his heart and Ali Edward stayed behind, riding a fire unicorn and galloping over to "snatch the monsters". "That's it!

In the eyes of ordinary people, the terrifying tide of mourning is nothing more than a large wave of mobile exchange points in the eyes of Lin Feng. After two months of evolution, the strongest of these zombies is only the seventh rank. Except for a few mutant zombies that can fly at low altitudes, absolutely Most zombies can only roar on the ground, not to mention Lin Feng, even the fire unicorn Mo Qingchi, as long as there is enough time, all these zombies can be burned to the ground.


The terrifying roars like the ghostly roar of the Yin Wind came one after another, and the army of zombies that stretched for dozens of miles looked quite spectacular.

The fire unicorn floated on the fire cloud hundreds of meters high, and looked at the dense zombies below with contempt. The rotten smell made it very uncomfortable, while Lin Feng sat leaning on the fire unicorn's wide back, lightly stepped, The fire unicorn fell down.

Lin Feng fell, only a hundred meters away from the nearest zombie.

Creation of the gods. The first style. The world!

In the face of the army of zombies, Lin Feng strode into the shooting star, and the beginning was shot out with endless sword qi. The wind element between heaven and earth was instantly condensed into countless sharp wind blades by Lin Feng. After a flash, it turned into an exchange point and was absorbed by the system in Lin Feng's body.

The corpses roared in the sky, terrifying the soul. In the face of the army of zombies that could destroy a city, Lin Feng walked around like a flower in a garden. Every step fell, hundreds of thousands of zombies died under the wind blade. Within a kilometer, not a single zombie can enter.

Among the zombies, there are also some mutant zombies with long-range attack capabilities, but those elemental attacks such as wind blades, fireballs, and water arrows can fly at a distance of hundreds of meters at most. The attack can fly over a distance of a thousand meters, and it cannot cause any substantial damage to Lin Feng at all. Lin Feng is like a tiger entering a flock, no, it is like a Tyrannosaurus rex entering a flock. .


With a strange roar, those zombies who were not afraid of death began to run to both sides, as if to bypass the insurmountable barrier of Lin Feng.

"Yeah!" Looking at the zombies running to both sides, Lin Feng groaned softly and speculated: "It seems that intelligent zombies have appeared among the zombies!"

"However, it's a pity!" With a pity, Lin Feng's body rioted, and the attack range instantly expanded several times. The endless wind blades ravaged the area for several kilometers, and hundreds of thousands of zombies died in an instant.

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