Viken Villelis jumped on the rope, a bearded man immediately pulled down the mechanism, the rope slowly rose in the driving direction of the pulley, and he was about to escape the attack height of the werewolf, but was caught by an iron lock, and the werewolf stood there. There was a sudden jump on the stake, and Viken Villelis was almost caught.

"Pull me up, quickly pull me up." Almost caught by a werewolf, Vikken Villelis broke into a cold sweat and shouted at the beard~.

The bearded shouted apologetically: "Stuck!-"

Several people joined hands to move the gate, but it had no effect.

When Viken Villelis' sister, Anna Villelis, saw this, she drew out her family knight's sword and prepared to rush to save her brother.

A team member wearing a cowboy hat stopped her: "No, Anna, that monster will kill you!"

"That's my brother." Anna Villelis opened the man's hand and charged towards the werewolf with the knight's sword.

Viken Villelis saw his sister risking her life to run and immediately shouted to the other team members: "Cut the rope! Cut it!"


When the werewolf saw that the prey was hanging on the rope, it was not easy to bite, so he turned to look at Anna Villelis, who was running, and jumped off the stake with a demonstrative roar.

However, the werewolf did not know that a trap had been dug by Viken Villelis and others around the stake, and when it landed, it fell instantly.

Seeing the werewolf fall into the trap, one of the team members cut the rope tied to the boulder with one knife. The werewolf in the iron cage was driven by the pulley and rose into the air. Anna Villelis was on the edge of the iron cage. See you Like this, he immediately dodged a nice backflip.

Viccan Villelis wanted to take out the silver revolver he had prepared in advance to shoot the werewolf, but the iron cage was rising too fast, and Viccan Villelis was disguised as the iron cage of a werewolf before he was ready. hit.


A shot missed, Viken Villelis was taken up by the iron cage, and when he passed a tree fork, Viccan Villelis jumped hard, jumped to the fork of the big tree, and pretended to be a werewolf The iron cage has also risen to the highest position.

"Bang bang bang..."

The team members below saw the werewolf trapped in the iron cage and started shooting frantically. However, the werewolf has a special physique and needs a silver weapon to attack the key points to kill it. These team members are useless except to make the werewolf bleed. .

Watching the team shoot indiscriminately, Viken Villelis shouted: "My gun! Find my gun!"

However, these temporary recruits had long been frightened by the werewolves and turned a deaf ear to Viken Villelis's cry.

"Look for Viken's gun, you must use silver bullets." Anna Villelis and her brother Viccan Villelis, as members of the vampire hunter family, know a lot about them and vampires, know that Ordinary weapons are not available to werewolves, and now they are anxiously looking for them.


I don't know if these teammates were teasers sent by the monkeys, or they were professionals who tricked their teammates. Not only did they not help, but they broke two ropes tied to the iron cage during the shooting. If it goes on like this, the werewolf Will be out of the cage soon.

Viken Villelis scolded these scumbags countless times in his heart, and no longer had hope for these people, and shouted anxiously to his sister: "Anna, hurry! Hurry!"

At this time, Anna Villelis finally found the silver spear dropped by Viken Villelis and ran over quickly.


A group of second-hand players once again succeeded in trapping their teammates. Just when Anna Villelis was about to pick up the revolver with silver bullets, these guys instantly interrupted the last two ropes tied to the iron cage, and the iron cage suddenly fell off.


The werewolf finally broke free from the cage and threw fiercely towards the nearest Anna Valelis.

"Escape! Escape!"

Anna Valerys was shocked, shouted, turned and ran, without a silver weapon, facing the werewolf, there was only one way to die.

However, just two steps away, she bumped into the arms of a man in a strange costume.

"What's the matter, I didn't see anyone just now!" Anna Villelis fell back with doubts in her heart, and a pair of warm hands embraced her.

"It's alright!" A warm and friendly overlapping voice entered her ears, and Anna Villelis looked at the handsome white-haired man holding him, but did not see him speak.

Although it felt very strange, when she thought of the terrifying werewolf behind her, Anna Valelis immediately stood up and took the man's hand: "Run, there are..."

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Anna Villelis wanted to say something else, but she found that she was not pulling a person, but a mountain, unable to pull at all.

"Don't worry, it's just a beast." The gentle overlapping voice sounded again, and Anna Villelis looked at the white-haired handsome man who suddenly appeared. The female intuition of Lelis knew that it was this smiling mysterious person who was talking to her.

"Wow... woo woo... woo woo..."

The werewolf's roar sounded again, but compared to the previous ferocity, there was joy and whining in the current voice.

Vickon Villelis stood in the tree, wiped his eyes and saw what he saw, a strange man with white hair and white robe suddenly appeared holding his sister, well, it made him angry, but with the Comparing the white-armored knight who brutalized the werewolf, he unconsciously turned his gaze to the miserable werewolf.

. . .

That's right, it's miserable, the two sharp claws have been cut off by Yu Cixin, all the teeth have been cut off, and he fell to the ground and wailed happily.

"Oumaiga! Is this a soldier sent by God?"

"Lord! Thank you for not abandoning your faithful believers!"

"This werewolf can't be fake!"

The team members who were desperately fleeing just now looked at the werewolf with no fangs and claws, and the "or halberd" like the god of war.

Yu Cixin couldn't understand the shouts of the people around her, but she looked curiously at the rapidly recovering werewolf. The severed arms and fangs began to grow back slowly.

"Amazing resilience! Do you have to use a silver weapon to kill?"

Yu Cixin's lips under the white mask rose slightly, and said with a little admiration.

Viken Villelis jumped from the tree, picked up the silver bullet-loaded revolver next to the iron cage, and was ready to shoot at the werewolf.

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