At this moment, Dracula's three vampire brides, Marisca with blond curly hair, Alina with pink blond hair, and Verona with black hair and white clothes, quickly approached the ancient town of Transylvania. Their purpose was to Kill the last two members of House Valerys, Prince Viccan Valerys and Princess Anna Valerys.

But they don't know that their whereabouts have been exposed to the eyes of Qitiandi and Yuci. When they come to the ancient town of Transylvania, it will be the end of their 3.6 lives.

Anna Villelis looked at Van Helsing, who was the only one standing below, and said, "Why don't you kneel and salute when you see God."

"He's not my god." Van Helsing said naturally.

Anna Villelis said displeasedly: "It's not a good thing to be disrespectful to God."

The residents here looked at Fan Haixin angrily. If it weren't for the existence of the Abandoned Heaven Emperor, they would rush to burn this "heretic" to death.

In fact, it took only one day for the Abandoned Heaven Emperor to come here. He just lit up the four pairs of divine wings of the "Holy Body", and these people knelt down and worshipped him like a god!

The Emperor Abandoned Heaven raised his hand slightly, stopping the crowd who were about to move, watching Fan Helsing's invisible sound waves emanate: "Your name."

"Van Helsing."

"Yeah!" Fan Haixin's name Qitiandi has some impressions. His memory is very strong, but some memories are sealed in the depths of his mind. As soon as Qitiandi closed his eyes, he quickly found the memory of Fan Haixin in the depths of his memory.


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283 Tragic Dracula [for collection, for flowers, for monthly pass]

Van Helsing is the incarnation of the Seraph Gabriel, known as the "Left Hand of God".

However, Gabriel was demoted to the world to continue his training because of his disagreement with God. During this period, he met Dracula, who was still a member of the Paladins, and became a comrade-in-arms.

But later Dracula was deeply saddened by the bad news of his wife during the expedition, and thought that in the process of fighting for God, God couldn't even protect his wife, so he hated God and turned to betrayal, and sent troops to fight against the Holy See.

At this time, Gabriel (later Van Helsing), who was once Dracula's comrade-in-arms, became Dracula's opponent.

In this way, the two mortals each led their own armies in a tragic war (this is also the origin of Van Helsing's nightmare).

In the end, Gabriel tragically won the battle, killed Dracula, and cut off Dracula's finger with the Paladin's badge ring to get Dracula's ring as his trophy.

However, the pain of losing his wife in his heart before Dracula's death and the shame of being deprived of the ring of the knights that symbolized his honor made him unwilling to die in such humiliation, so at the last moment of his life, he officially sold his soul to The demon traded immortality to continue to fight against heaven.

As a result, Dracula ended up betraying both heaven and being unacceptable to hell because he had once sacrificed his life for God, resulting in the ancestor of a vampire 28 who was neither alive nor dead.

And Gabriel was seriously injured, but God did not think that he had completed the test or that the punishment was not enough, so God erased his memory and threw him half-dead at the door of the church.

After the church rescued Gabriel, it gave him a new name "Van Helsing", and in accordance with God's will, continued to let Van Helsing slay demons and demons, one is to eliminate evil for the world, and the other is to continue to wash away his sins against God.


Abandoned Heaven Emperor thought: "It seems that the "Marvel" plane integrates the plot of "Van Helsing". In this way, the three female vampires who flew over are Dracula's three brides, no wonder they look familiar."

Abandoning Heaven recalled the plot of "Van Helsing". The boss Count Dracula in "Van Helsing" was actually a tragedy, because the God of faith did not protect his lover and betrayed him. Although it was a bit extreme, it was understandable.

But God doesn’t think that way. The character of a person or a god is not determined by strength. Sometimes you will think that God is a powerful old rogue. Take Dracula as an example. He ignores Dracula, but when Dracula betrays it, it promises that if the Valerius family hadn't destroyed Dracula, their souls would not ascend to heaven!

Is this a promise? This is a naked, naked, naked threat. To put it bluntly: If you can't get rid of Dracula who betrayed me, then your whole family will go to hell for me!

Because of such conditions, forcing the Villeris family to be enemies with Dracula for generations is simply forcing others to jump into the fire pit.

And Dracula's old enemy, Van Helsing, was also tricked by God. Because of different ideas, he won't talk about the power of the mortal seal. He won the war for God. I worked unconditionally for God, and finally fell in love with a girl, and was killed by myself!It's sour, it's really indescribable!


For Count Dracula, the vampire, Abandoned God doesn't care. Judging from the performance of the plot, it is a little better than the vampire in "Underworld". In the early stage of "Marvel", it can be regarded as a small boss. In the later stage, it is not enough to watch. Except for the resilience, the rest is scum. When encountering Hulk, Thor and the like, they are beaten into scum in minutes.


Just when Abandoned Heaven Emperor was thinking, three vampire brides flew over and attacked both Anna Villelis and Viken Villelis.

"Be careful!" Fan Helsing, who was standing opposite the Abandoned Heaven Emperor, saw three bat-like vampires flying over, and suddenly shouted, picked up the "Sniper Demon Crossbow" on the ground and prepared to shoot.

"A little dust, why be afraid."

Abandoned Heavenly Emperor lightly lifted a strand of hair on his forehead, raised one hand, and a wave of fluctuations spread out.

"God said, let there be light!"

A majestic voice sounded in everyone's ears, and at the same time, a dazzling light rose from behind the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor. Those who were irradiated by the light felt warm and comfortable, just like soaking in a hot spring, and their fatigue and pain were relieved!

This is just a low-level spell in the "light" department, and it has a certain healing effect on humans.

But to the three vampire brides who had just exposed their fangs, they screamed again and again as if they had been scorched by flames!

Vampires are dark creatures. Except for a few "Sunwalkers", most vampires are not immune to sunlight, and ultraviolet rays are extremely lethal to them!


A shrill roar came from the mouths of the three vampire brides. As soon as they appeared, they were enveloped by the light from the Forsaken Heaven Emperor, and fell to the ground mourning. After that, it turned to ashes!

With the "terrifying" vampires as the background, the residents of Transylvania looked at the Abandoned Emperor in the holy light, only to feel that he was majestic and inviolable just like the legendary gods.

Vampires, who were invincible to them, were so vulnerable in front of Abandoned Heavenly Emperor. If they had doubts about Abandoned Heavenly Emperor being a god before, they are now completely convinced!

"Praise God, may your glory shine on the earth forever!"

"God! These three demons are finally punished!"

"God! Your devout believer begs you, destroy Dracula!"

"Destroy Dracula!"

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