With the arrival of Dracula, the atmosphere of the entire ancient town of Transylvania suddenly became tense.

When Anna Valelis heard the howl of the werewolf, she hurried to the window, looked at the many dark creatures outside the window, and exclaimed: ".々 It's Dracula and his subordinates, this scale has never been seen before. Never."

"Everyone go back to the house!" Viken exclaimed.

Over the years, he and his sister have become accustomed to this name.

Van Helsing jumped out of the window with the Demon Hunter crossbow and pulled the trigger at a vampire.

"Lord Tenjin, we need your help." Anna Valelis sincerely requested.

"Cleaning up the filth and filth in the world is the purpose of my coming here."

A strange sound wave was emitted from the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor, and Princess Anna's heart was shaken. As long as the gods in front of her made a move, then Dracula would not be enough!


The vampire in the sky let out an unbridled shriek, and watching the crowd fleeing in a panic, a strange sense of superiority emerged spontaneously.

"Go, kill as much as you like!"

(Good money) Dracula waved his hands and roared hideously.

"Hey hahaha... ooh..."

Under Dracula's order, vampires, werewolves, and dwarves all showed cruel and fierce light in their eyes, grinning sharply, and roaring towards the crowd.

A female vampire made a smooth glide in the air, pounced on a resident, jumped straight, hugged a man and flew into the air.

In the terrified screams of the residents, four sharp fangs stretched out and stabbed into the man's veins.


As the blood entered the female vampire's mouth, the female vampire had a happy look on her face, and threw the corpse away, laughing and pounced on the next target.


Thanks to "Wenluo", "One Page Book", "Kevin7412", "Mo Luo Jiutian", "Moror Wind" for flowers, monthly pass! .

285 Scroll of Qing Dynasty [for collection]

Darkness enveloped the earth.

At this moment, hundreds of vampires were flying freely in the air, killing and killing civilians, and from time to time they let out arrogant laughter.


A brown werewolf howled and jumped from the house, pinning a running woman to the ground with one claws, and then piercing the woman's body with sharp claws, dug out her heart, and threw it directly into her mouth Chewing, blood left behind his mouth, making it even more ferocious and terrifying.

A group of dwarf demons held axe high and slashed at the civilians who fell to the ground. Although they were small, their strength was no worse than that of ordinary adults. Moreover, they were cruel and bloodthirsty, bullying the weak and afraid of the hard. As long as someone showed a weak expression, they would look Like hungry wolves, they swarmed.


Residents of Transylvania fled in terror, some were caught in the air by the blood-sucking "[-]" ghosts, howling in panic, but soon died!

"It's my turn to show my skills!"

Van Helsing jumped out of the window and attacked the vampires in the sky with a steam-hydraulic burst Demon Hunter crossbow.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The arrows that fired the Demon Hunting Crossbow flew out, instantly killing several vampires on the spot. Although Van Helsing's actions saved the lives of two civilians, it also brought him a lot of trouble!


Count Dracula, who was flying in the air, obviously recognized Van Helsing's true identity, roared angrily, fell from the air, and transformed back into a human appearance.

This is a vampire who always maintains his appearance at the age of forty. From the appearance, he is gentle and elegant, and his temperament is noble. His behavior, speech, and actions all have the demeanor that an ancient noble should have.

In fact, Dracula himself was a member of the Valeris family, and before he died, he held a grudge and sold his soul to the devil, thus becoming an immortal vampire!

It is precisely because of Dracula's betrayal that God and the Villelis family agreed that if Dracula could not be destroyed, none of the Villelis family members could enter heaven.

Count Dracula walked towards this former enemy step by step, and the resentment in his heart deepened when he saw the "Paladinian Order Emblem Ring" on Van Helsing's left hand.

Van Helsing rolled over a donkey to escape the bite of a vampire, and turned over in a series of shots.

"Whoosh... ka ka..."

Two crossbow arrows were fired, and the "Devil Hunter Crossbow" made a sound of jamming, obviously the magazine had been shot empty!

"Hello Gabriel, we meet again!"

The voice sounded in his ears, like greetings from an old friend, but Van Helsing instinctively felt the hostility of the other party, took out a silver stake from his waist, and stabbed Dracula's heart with his backhand.

"God bless you!"

Van Helsing looked at Dracula whose heart was pierced by a silver stake, drew a cross on his body, and prayed habitually.

"Ah...hahaha, Gabriel, you are still so rude!"

Being stabbed by the silver stake, Dracula, who seemed to be in pain, suddenly laughed teasingly, pulled the silver stake out of his heart, and threw it to the ground at will.

Seeing that Dracula's heart was pierced by a silver stake unscathed, Van Helsing took two steps back vigilantly.

Dracula walked towards Van Helsing calmly and confidently: "How long have we not seen each other, three hundred years, or four hundred years?"

"You don't remember, do you?" Seeing Van Helsing's confused expression, Dracula became even more angry. The murderer who killed himself had lost his memory, which was a kind of irony to him.

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