A large shadow shrouded the sky over the gallows, and the people around looked up to the sky, only to see a huge spaceship parked in the sky. , but a real spaceship!


In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, a streamer of light shot down from the spaceship, instantly smashing the gallows that bound O'Connor, and with a "pop" O'Connor landed, touched his red neck and coughed twice, A cross: "Thank God."

"God doesn't care about you. My name is Abandoned God, but I am the god of destruction and regeneration. Take me to Hamna Tower, and I will fulfill your wish."

The Emperor Abandoned Heaven floated down from above the "Broken Island Xuange", his majestic and sacred momentum was as majestic as the sea, and the holy light was dazzling, shocking the hearts of the people present.

All the people around were involuntarily bowing, and strange sound waves entered the ears of everyone. Although they didn't understand what language it was, they all understood the meaning expressed in the sound.

O'Connor was also deterred by the aura of Abandoned Heaven Emperor, but his mind was extremely firm and he recovered quickly.

A man who suddenly appeared in front of him, claiming to be a god, is not a true god, but he is definitely not someone he can provoke. Besides, he was saved by the other party. O'Connor had no reason to refuse, and immediately said: "I am happy to serve you. "

"Very good." Abandoned Heaven Emperor nodded, then looked at Jonathan and Evelyn: "You guys too!"

Abandoned Heaven Emperor seems to be inviting, but in his tone, there is no room for negotiation.

Evelyn was surprised and delighted. What was surprised was the sudden invitation from the mysterious person. The person in front of her was too strong, which made her unconsciously feel fear. That was the instinctive fear of the weak facing the strong! Mnata, this is a great temptation for an ancient writer and explorer.

Jonathan whispered: "Is this Lord Spirit able to fulfill one of my wishes?"

Abandoned Heaven Emperor didn't say anything, he glanced at him lightly, and Jonathan immediately said: "Just pretend I didn't say anything."

After the Jonathan brothers and sisters agreed, the Emperor Abandoned Heaven waved his big hand, and a space channel connected to the "Broken Island Xuange" was opened, and the three of them were transferred up in an instant.

Originally, with the ability to abandon the Heavenly Emperor, it was possible to directly obtain O'Connor's memory and snatch Evelyn's key, but these two were not ordinary people. One was the reincarnation of the Pharaoh's daughter, the other was the Sun Warrior, and more importantly Yes, as the protagonists of the "Mummy" trilogy, they are more useful than that, and there is no harm in bringing them, there is no need to kill chickens to get their eggs. .

289 Hamna Tower【Seeking Monthly Pass】

The majestic "Broken Island Xuange" broke through the sky and quickly left the border of Cairo.

In the gallows below, a mysterious man dressed in black immediately got up and left.

He was a member of the Pharaoh's Guard, and their duty was to protect Hamnatar from anyone, and for this they would kill everything - those who came near Hamnata.

However, today's events are too bizarre. The spaceship flying in the void and the god-forsaken emperor have brought him too much shock, but he has been brainwashed since he was a child, and he still hasn't forgotten his responsibilities. The speed reported the news to Cairo's principal, the director of the library, _ Allen.

After learning about this, Librarian Alan was also greatly shocked. He also saw the spaceship in the sky that day, but he did not expect it to come for Hamna Tower. Knowing the seriousness of the matter, he immediately passed the eagle book, so that the Pharaoh's bodyguards should be assembled towards Hamnata.


The sailing speed of "Broken Island Xuange" is no slower than that of the old-fashioned aircraft of this era. Under the guidance of O'Connor, it took half a day to arrive at Hamna Tower.

However, the Hamna Tower at this time seemed to be just a desert. If the Emperor Abandoned Heaven knew that the Hamna Tower was covered by the spell, he would even doubt whether O'Connor was playing with him.

When they settled down and set up camp, O'Connor and the others came in a hurry and brought almost nothing with them. Fortunately, food, tents, and drinking water were readily available in the Abandoned Heaven Emperor's inner space, which didn't make them suffer.

"This is the capital of the dead. Hamnata!" Yu Cixin waved the "Shattered Island Xuange" into the space ring. She is a pure martial artist, and she doesn't know much about the way of magic, and she doesn't see it. What a mystery.

When O'Connor heard Yu Cixin's words, he was worried that the Heavenly Emperor would doubt him, and wanted to go forward to explain, but he listened to the Heavenly Emperor: "This place is obstructed by the sacrifices of ancient Egypt, only when the sun first rises. It will appear, and the original appearance of Hamna Tower can be seen tomorrow morning."

"How does he even know this? Is it really a god?" Seeing that the Heavenly Emperor was not suspicious, and even revealed a little-known secret, while O'Connor secretly let out a sigh of relief, he became more and more concerned about the Heavenly Emperor. Awe, along the way, O'Connor and Jonathan brothers and sisters have seen many magical methods of Abandoning Heaven, such as making fire and water out of thin air, conjuring many items with a wave of hands, flying in the void and so on!

After getting along for a long time, Jonathan found that the self-proclaimed God Abandoned Heavenly Emperor was actually not difficult to get along with. Although he seemed sacred and inviolable, he was also very kind. Thinking of the gold and silver treasures in Hamna Tower, O'Connor He couldn't help but move his index finger, so he dared to lower his eyebrows and asked the Emperor Abandoned Heaven: "Lord Tianshen, are you also here for the treasure of Hamnata?"

"I have no interest in worldly things."

Hearing Abandoning Heaven's answer, Jonathan quietly breathed a sigh of relief. As a financial fan, the most painful thing is to enter Baoshan and return empty-handed!

Especially seeing that the female knight in white armor can put away the huge spaceship with a wave of her hand, Jonathan thinks, even if the treasure of Hamnata is piled up like a mountain, I am afraid that it is not enough for her to wave a few hands!

Jonathan felt relieved when he heard the words of the Emperor Abandoning Heaven, even if he could not monopolize it, he could at least get some benefits, but his sister Evelyn became excited: "I see, you must have come to get the "Golden Sutra" and "The Golden Book of the Sun". "The Black Book of the Dead"! You can't even think about it! Even if such ancient documents really exist, they are treasures of history and culture. Even if they are gods, I will never give them to..."

"Hahaha! My sister is just joking, please don't mind, Lord God!" Jonathan sneered, and stepped forward to pull his sister away to stop her from continuing. His sister is fine there, but as an archaeologist , but he is extremely paranoid about cultural relics.

"It is a good thing to have persistence and principles, but you must do what you can, otherwise you will only hurt others and yourself." The Emperor Abandoned Heaven was not angry, a person with principles is worthy of recognition, but the "Golden Sutra" and "The Sun" The Black Book of the Undead is impossible to give up because of Evelyn. If Evelyn doesn't know how to advance or retreat, then he doesn't mind letting Evelyn understand the gap between them.

Silent all night.

At dawn, a group of people from country M also came to Hamnata, and they were obviously a little surprised when they saw that someone came first.

And O'Connor recognized that the leader of the opposing team was his bastard comrade-in-arms Benny.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????

The night is coming to an end, and the surrounding scenery is gradually brightening. In front of everyone is a huge stone mountain. Apart from that, it is an empty desert, but the city of Hamnata is hidden in the desert. It is concealed by the mysterious spells of ancient Egypt, and only those who know the method can enter.

When the sun rose from the ground, the desert in the distance was like a water surface, causing a strange wave, and in a moment, a huge ancient city appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

This is a large-scale ancient building. From the remaining stone walls and boulders, it can be seen that it has indeed once been brilliant. Even thousands of years have passed, it still retains its remaining dignity.

When the sun completely rose above the horizon and finally unveiled the mysterious veil of Hamna Tower, everyone yearned for it.


"O'Connor, why don't we compare who gets to Hamna Tower first! Omaiga, I forgot, you don't have a camel, maybe you can try to see if you can run on four legs on two legs, hahaha... ..." Benny sneered at O'Connor, and began to run wildly towards Hamnata on his camel.

"Driving... jiji..."

Those people from the country M also attacked Hamnata on horses and camels, as if they had been beaten.


Being ridiculed by Benny for a while, O'Connor was obviously very upset. He kicked a piece of yellow sand, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't really race against the camel!

"What should we do?" Jonathan was thinking about the treasure in the Hamna Tower. Watching a group of people rush to the Hamna Tower, his heart clenched. If he arrived at the Hamna Tower earlier, the probability of obtaining the treasure would be high. It's going to be a big one. If these people find the treasure, Jonathan doesn't believe that these people will kindly give him a share.

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