After the fire rain ended, Emperor Abandoned Heaven controlled the blood river in the sky and returned to the Nile River. Although it was only two minutes, it also consumed three layers of his skill. Destruction was easier than protection. He controlled tens of millions of tons of river water. Not an easy task!

The fire rain was blocked, and Immorton, who was in a mummified state, looked up into the sky in disbelief. This meteor fire rain was not only guided by his mana, but also the curse power of the god of death Anubis. .

"It actually possesses divinity! I don't know which plane is the god of?" Imorton looked solemnly at the Abandoned Heaven Emperor standing in the void. As the high priest of ancient Egypt, he naturally had access to existences that many people could not touch. "God Realm" also has a certain understanding, but he never thought that there will be gods in this world!

This made the unscrupulous Immorton have to be cautious. Taking advantage of which unknown god "has not noticed" himself, Imorton, led by Benny, went to the place where the remaining sacrifices were, but he did not know how high Abandoned Heaven Emperor in the air looked at the position where he left with a playful smile.

A series of sudden changes overwhelmed the residents of Cairo. Originally, all the water sources turned blood red, which made them feel incomparably frightened, and then a large rain of fire fell from the sky.

But just when they were desperate, the blood-colored water curtain that rose up into the sky dispelled the terrifying rain of fire. Many people saw the Abandoned Heaven Emperor in the sky, and immediately fell to their knees. In their opinion, this must be the arrival of the true God. Otherwise, there would be such a powerful ability. The blood-colored water curtain that covered the sky covered the entire Cairo. Except for the legendary gods, they really couldn't think of anyone else who could achieve this level.

Compared with ordinary civilians, the secret agents, the intelligence personnel thought of more, and they spread what happened here to their respective organizational departments at the fastest speed.


O'Connor and Jonathan ran all the way back to the hotel to find Evelyn. At this moment, Benny happened to run downstairs. O'Connor grabbed the skinny Benny and asked, "How come you scumbag? it's here?"


Before Benny could speak, there was a shrill scream from the second floor...  

Taking advantage of O'Connor's distraction, Benny ran away quickly. The three of O'Connor looked at each other and rushed up with a pistol. When they entered the door, they found that the old archaeologist had turned into a mummified corpse, and Immorton's body had recovered. It was half of it, and a part of skin and flesh grew.

"Looks like we're in really big trouble!"

"Bang bang bang..."

O'Connor and Jonathan fired a burst of fire at Immorton in tacit agreement, but ordinary firearms did not have much effect on Immorton. I saw Immorton ignored the flying bullets and pushed his hands suddenly. He flew O'Connor and Jonathan out, and then he came to Evelyn, looking at Evelyn with a rotten face.


Evelyn, who recalled his previous life, did not back down in the face of Immorton, and said angrily in the ancient Egyptian language: "Evil, I am Princess Nefidiri, you betrayer who killed my father, you are still right to this day. That bitch Ansuna never forgets."

"Princess Nafidiri?" Immorton fell into short-lived memories. After all, three thousand years have passed. Except for his beloved Ansuna, he has become a little vague about the past! 0.5


A white cat jumped on the piano and slowly approached Immorton, as if interested in Immorton's bones.

Seeing this cute white cat, Imorton roared in horror as if he saw a ghost, and he instantly turned into a ball of sand and flew out of the window.

Evelyn saw Imorton who was leaving and said, "As long as he is devouring two sacrifices, Imorton will be completely resurrected. We must destroy him. Only by using the "Golden Book of the Sun" can we do it."

Jonathan shook his head and said: "The Golden Sutra of the Sun is in the hands of Lord Tenjin. He looks much stronger than Immorton. I don't dare to borrow anything from him!"

Evelyn looked at O'Connor expectantly: "I remember he said he could help you make a wish come true, maybe it's time to make a wish! Do you think so?".

 295 Ten Disasters Come, God's Redemption 3 【For Collection】

"The Golden Sutra of the Sun" Evelyn has already copied a copy, but just knowing the incantation, without the "Golden Sun Sutra" still has no effect, after all, they are ordinary people without mana, even if they recite the incantation, they can't play it. out of power.

O'Connor and the others discussed it, and decided to seek help from the Abandoned Heaven Emperor, hoping to take advantage of the Abandoned Heaven Emperor's promise to deal with Immorton. Walking on the road, Jonathan held the white cat in his arms and said, "Why was the mummy afraid of cats just now? "

Evelyn explained: "In Egyptian mythology, cats are the guardians of the underworld, mummies belong to the dead, and cats are its nemesis."

Jonathan nodded and said, "So that's the case, so we'll be fine as long as we hold the cat?"

Evelyn shook his head and said, "Before he is completely resurrected, the cat can temporarily restrain him, but just before he is completely resurrected, when he is completely resurrected... the cat will have no effect on him at all!"

O'Connor said lightly: "I don't care about anything else, I don't want to deal with mummies that have been rotting for thousands of years... 17... Just leave that monster to the gods to deal with!"

Evelyn suddenly akimbo stood in front of O'Connor, and she said dissatisfiedly, "No, we have the responsibility to stop him."

Everyone swept the snow in front of their own door, no matter who else was covered with frost, not everyone wanted to be a hero, at least O'Connor didn't want to do it now, he took a deep breath, stared fiercely at the beautiful woman in front of him, and said loudly: "Wait a minute. Wait, it's not us, it's you, what's it about me? Why would I do this, you're the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian princess, I'm not a reincarnated prince, and I didn't touch the book, who really said that at the time Is there no harm in reading?"

Evelyn was stunned, she murmured: "Yes, it's me, so I have the responsibility to stop him, when Immorton is fully resurrected, his curse will harm the world."

O'Connor shrugged: "What's the matter with me? The sky is falling and the gods are holding it up. Didn't you see the river of blood in the sky just now? He has the ability to solve it."

Evelyn said seriously: "It's all about everyone, we don't understand what the gods think, we can't put all our hopes on him!"

O'Connor gently pushed her away, still walked forward on his own, and said as he walked, "So, after you have seen the gods, you will either stay and save the world by yourself, or leave this place with me. The hell... you choose!"

Evelyn said firmly: "I choose to stay!"

O'Connor turned around and looked at her blankly. He admired Evelyn's courage and responsibility, but also felt that this woman was stubborn and stupid. After a while, O'Connor spit out a few words between his teeth: "Okay. Ah, whatever you want!"

Evelyn said angrily: "Of course I do, I don't care!"

"up to you……"

Jonathan walked behind the two with the white cat in his arms, shaking his head constantly. With his years of experience in love affairs, he could see that O'Connor and his sister had developed a love for each other. They both cared about each other, but they were like children. Just like bickering, doing all the sulking actions, it's really childish!


The blood curtain of the sky was poured back into the Nile River, and the Emperor Abandoned Heaven flew back to Yu Cixin.

Yu Cixin under the mask suddenly said, "Why are you doing this?"

"What do you mean?" Abandoned Heaven Emperor asked back.

Yu Cixin heard the Heavenly Emperor knowingly ask, and said a little unhappily: "You let that enchanting out! You can hide it from O'Connor and the others, but you can't hide it from me. Why did you do this?"

Abandoning Heaven Emperor put his hands on his back, looked at the awe-inspiring crowd below, and said with a strange and rich sound wave: "This is the test of God."

Seeing the appearance of Abandoned Heavenly Emperor's attire 13 like the wind, Yuci frowned, walked directly to Abandoned Heavenly Emperor and grabbed his clothes, raised it back, and said viciously, "Stop pretending in front of me and talking about people. talk!"

"Let go, let go, my majestic image."

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