This surge of mana Immorton is still unable to completely control. As far as the sandstorm technique he uses, it is completely flashy. It can also be crushed, but it will be powerless to deal with opponents of the same level!

The wide attack range is doomed to the dispersion of power, and the effect is naturally unsatisfactory.

Abandoned Heaven's "Hand of God" not only destroyed Immorton's spells like the autumn wind swept away leaves, but the aftermath also flattened several surrounding sand dunes!

Evelyn was also blown away by the strong wind, and people screamed in mid-air. At this moment, the space behind her suddenly twisted, but it was Yu Jixin who used the space to move behind her and grabbed Evelyn at the moment, In the blink of an eye, the two returned to the place where the Emperor Abandoned Heaven was.

Yu Cixin placed Evelyn on the sand, made eye contact with the Emperor Abandoned Heaven, and then walked towards Imorton with the "Or Heaven Halberd" in hand. 760

Evelyn was obviously still a little frightened. O'Connor stepped forward and held her in his arms, comforting her in a soft voice. Facing the two of them, the three old men, Adebe, O'Connor, and Allen, consciously ignored them. After meeting them, he nervously looked at Imorton, who got up, and Yu Cixin, who was like a goddess of war.

Immorton climbed up from the sand pile, half of his face was shattered by the backlash of the spell, and his neck turned a few times and crooked his back. This kind of injury was an ordinary person, and he could not die any longer, but He is an undead, as long as his soul is not hurt, his physical injuries can be repaired in an instant.

In just a moment, Imorton regained his original appearance, but his spirit was a little sluggish. Looking at Yu Cixin, who came in agitation, Imorton, who had experienced the blow, was obviously insufficient in his confidence, and quickly sent a message with his spiritual sense: " I am the apostle of the god of death Anubis, the high priest Imorton, and I have no intention to offend the two true gods, I just want to resurrect my love Ansuna..."

"The slaughter in the very beginning, the martial arts; the slaughter of chaos, the slaughter of soldiers."

Yu Cixin stopped in her footsteps, and the "Or Tianji" inserted into the sand under her feet. In an instant, the mighty coercion stirred up great changes in the world.

Immerton was captured by this momentum, and he only felt that he was pressing down on a mountain, and half of his body was sinking into the sand.

"Which god is the true god of the realm, so powerful!" Imorton was shocked, thinking that he had experienced more than three thousand years of pain and torture, and obtained powerful mana, so he could run wild in this land abandoned by the gods. Ji, but I didn't expect that it would be bad to be a teacher. As soon as he was resurrected, he encountered two unknown gods.

"Evil, are you ready to die!" Ignoring Imorton's words, Yu Cixin pointed at Immorton and said coldly.


The icy consciousness made Imorton feel terrified. In the face of the strong Yu Cixin, he had no certainty of victory. In addition, there was an unfathomable Abandoned Heaven Emperor next to him, and he suddenly had the idea of ​​running away! "Sandification" "Art" can make Immorton turn into yellow sand flying, in this case his speed will be increased several times, and he is not afraid of ordinary physical attacks.

"Sandification" was launched, and Immor suddenly turned into a salon scroll and flew into the distance, but he didn't know that his actions ruined his last life!

Sometimes the more afraid of death, the faster one will die!

If Yi Moton confronts Yu Cixin, even if he shows his determination to have a fight, the Emperor Abandoning Heaven will let him live and bring him under his command.

But Immorton chose to flee without a fight. Facing a powerful enemy, the act of escaping is understandable! The Emperor Abandoned Heaven doesn't mind his subordinates being greedy for life and fear of death, bullying the weak and afraid of being tough, but he can't accept a subordinate who has no fighting spirit. People stay useless!

The world is pouring snow!

Yuci's heart was as cold as electricity. Seeing Yimo Dun escaping from the sand, how could he let him do his best? Luck made a move. The majestic cold air instantly triggered the celestial phenomenon, and the sweltering desert actually fell heavily in the sky, "or the sky (bhcf) halberd" horizontally. Sweeping the room, an ice and snow storm swept out.


The white tornado whizzed past, the wind and snow were mixed, and a layer of ice was condensed wherever it passed. Although the speed of Immorton's sandification was good, it was still not as fast as Yu Cixin's move.


I saw two tornadoes colliding together, and Imorton's painful howl came from the storm. After a while, the dust settled, and an ice sculpture more than ten meters high appeared in front of everyone. Morton's twisted face!

Under the cold freezing air, Immorton was frozen, but this was not enough to kill him. Although the desertified body was imprisoned, Immorton's soul and mana were not greatly affected. Imorton struggled violently with his mana, and the ice sculpture began to have cobweb-like cracks. If nothing else, Imorton would be able to break out of the ice in a short time!

Scroll of Spirit. Variation. Mysterious Thunder!

It's a pity that King Yuci of Jianwu didn't give Imorton this chance. The "Or Heavenly Halberd" in his hand was round, and he pointed to the sky. Ten arm-thick purple lightning bolts fell rapidly, all of which hit the ice sculpture that sealed Immorton!


Electric light flashed, and in the sound of thunder, the ice sculpture burst into pieces, and countless broken ice cubes splashed. In the purple electric light, like a splendid fireworks, it reflected colorful light spots, beautiful and deadly!


Thunder is the energy of the sky and the yang, and it is the heart of all evil things. Even if Immorton is immortal, he is not immune to the damage caused by the power of thunder. Morton let out an inhuman scream. If it weren't for the three thousand years of torture that had transformed his soul, I'm afraid he would have been dissipated by now!

"I can't die, I finally have a chance to be resurrected. I can't die, I want to resurrect Ansuna and live happily with her. How can I fall here!"

Immorton's body was incomplete and he walked like a dead bone. At this time, he had no extra mana to recover from his injuries. He was able to stand up because of his faith in Ansuna. Looking at the abandoned emperor who suddenly appeared in front of him, Imorton knelt down on one knee, crossed his hands on his shoulders, and begged: "True God, I beg you to let me go, I just want to resurrect Ansuna and live a plain life with her!"

"Those who were sacrificed have also begged you! Have you ever thought about letting them go? I appreciate your dedication to love, but unfortunately, what I want is not a lover!"

God's Flame!

"Do not……"

The divine flame of purification engulfed Immorton, and the unwilling howl stopped abruptly!

It's like the sand of the past, but no one will forget, three thousand years of waiting, but a bubble, and now it dissipates with the dust flying all over the sky...


Thanks to "A**", "q3550353", "Knife God? Qi Gongsheng", "Ye Yao" flowers, monthly pass!.

298 Excessive [for collection, ask for monthly ticket]

After Immorton died, Adebe and the old curator returned to the tribe, O'Connor and Evelyn officially began their love affair, and Jonathan enjoyed life with the gold he brought back from Hamnata.

The Emperor Abandoned Heaven went to the next stop, the capital of ancient Egypt, with Yuxi, the king of Wu, looking for the legendary "Bangle of Death". The Emperor Abandoned Heaven was using "Illusory Art. The Realm of Reincarnation" to wake up Evelyn's previous life. At the time of memory, her memory was detected, the location of the "Bangle of Death" was stored, and the "~Spear of Judgment" was obtained in Hamna Tower!

"The Mummy" has a total of three parts, "The Mummy 2 The Return of the Mummy" tells the story of the high priest Imorton resurrected again, and released the Scorpion King, in an attempt to defeat the Scorpion King and obtain the Scorpion King's army to rule the world, "The Bracelet of Death" The "Spear of Judgment" is one of the main props-tools.

About [-] years ago, the Scorpion King sacrificed his soul to the god of death in order to win the victory. "Bracelet", you can summon the army of Anubis, the god of death, to rule the world, or send the army back to the underworld.

The "Spear of Judgment" was the weapon used to shoot the Scorpion King.

But now Immorton has been dissipated, even if the god of death Anubis comes, he can't revive him. Naturally, he has nothing to do with him. As for the curator of the British Museum who is loyal to Imorton and Imorton's lover, Ansuna, They are just ordinary people with some power, and they are insignificant in the eyes of Emperor Abandoning Heaven.

Abandoned Heaven Emperor and Yu Cixin left Cairo and embarked on a new journey, but their influence began to spread. The residents of Cairo who were rescued by Abandoned Heavenly Emperor even spontaneously erected more than a dozen buildings for Abandoned Heavenly Emperor in the center of Cairo. The tall statue.

To these people's actions, Emperor Abandoned Heaven just smiled, neither stopped nor cared too much!

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