Hearing the words, Eric said: "Hank, why should you change yourself? We are the direction of human beings, we are different, but we shouldn't work hard to integrate into society, society should move closer to us, mutate, and be proud."

"I don't think there's anything to be proud of!" Hank looked at Eric fiercely, really wanted to slap the guy with his mutated soles, and growled in his heart: "Proud peat! It doesn't hurt to stand and talk, you With the ability to control metal, it is natural to think that mutation is a good thing, but Lao Tzu's mutation is a pair of short and poor feet, is there any comparison between the two!"

Seeing the sparks in the eyes of the two of them, they seemed to want to have a real-life PK. Charles and others acted as peacemakers and persuaded them to calm down.

Abandoned Heaven Emperor looked at Eric and said, "Not everyone wants to be different, Eric, you should learn to respect other people's opinions, instead of imposing your own ideas on others! Hank wants to change back to normal. There is nothing wrong with man, it is his own choice, you can disagree, but you have no right to interfere with his decision."

"Everything has two sides, and the mutation of the X gene is no exception. This is a double-edged sword, which can make you invincible, or it may make you doomed. Here, in order to make your judgment more intuitive, you can divide it up. Super power level."

Everyone wondered: "The level of super power?"

As the Emperor Abandoned Heaven waved, the three-meter-long wooden table was folded and transformed. In a moment, the long table turned into a two-meter-high five-story pyramid model. Looking at everyone's astonished expressions, he continued, "According to the power and potential of superpowers. , which can be roughly divided into five stages.”

The classification of Qitiandi made everyone in the room very interested. Everyone got up and walked to the pyramid model, wanting to hear how Qitiandi divided the superpower levels.

"The X gene is a special gene lurking in the human body in ancient times. It has infinite possibilities, so it also leads to the diversity of abilities. Because of each person's innate physique, personality, living environment, and acquired development, many factors have led to supernatural The difference between the strength and the weakness of the ability.”

The Emperor Abandoned Heaven pointed at the bottom of the pyramid model and said: "This first-order delta level, this is the superpower who has failed in evolution. About [-]% of superpowers are at this stage, and they Has major flaws and weak capabilities."

"Second-level Gamma level." Abandoned Heavenly Emperor clicked on the location of the second floor: "Gamma-level has the ability to surpass ordinary people, but there are defects that seriously hinder their lives. Thirty percent of superpowers belong to this group. Stage, superpowers classified as Gamma-level usually have no control over their abilities, or have strange appearances and cannot be eliminated at will, Hank, and El Salvador belong to the second-order range."

Hank and Salvador felt a little depressed when they thought of their unusual appearance.

Then Abandoned Heaven Emperor pointed to the third layer of the pyramid model: "This is the third level, called the beta level. The superpowers at this stage have powerful superpowers, but they have obvious flaws, and they can't control their abilities freely. There are about a hundred people. Fifteen out of [-] superpowers are beta-level, and Ruiwen, Alex, Darwin, and Sean all belong to this stage."

Hearing that she was only a little better than Hank and Salvador, Ruiwen was still a little unhappy, but she didn't say much.

"The fourth rank, Alpha-level, possesses extremely powerful superpowers without major flaws. Only [-]% or less of superpowers are Alpha-level, and superpowers classified as Alpha-level have the appearance of ordinary people, Powerful mutant abilities that can be freely controlled, Charles and Eric are the representatives of this stage."

Speaking of this, Emperor Abandoned Heaven looked at the young Magneto and said, "It's just that Eric's potential has not yet been developed, so your level is between the Alpha level and the Beita level. If you can freely control your ability, You can advance to Alpha."

Eric didn't worry too much about his level, but pointed to the spire of the pyramid and said, "What kind of existence is this last level."

Abandoned Heaven looked at the place where Eric pointed, and under the curious eyes of everyone, he said: "The fifth-order, Omega level, this is the most powerful superpower level, can control matter and energy, has unlimited potential and even Immortal, it's no exaggeration to call it a god! All omega mutants are alpha, but not all alpha can reach omega, there is only a [-] in [-] chance of appearing, Eric, Charles, Raven, Darwin and Sebastian Shaw all have the potential to be Omega."

"Do I really have the potential to become an Omega-class?" Ruiwen said with a smile after hearing the explanation of the Emperor Abandoned Heaven.

Darwin also looked at Abandoned Heavenly Emperor expectantly. He really did not expect Abandoned Heavenly Emperor to rate him so highly.

Abandoned Heaven Emperor nodded and said: "You do have the potential to become Omega-class, but it is only potential. Before you develop your abilities, you are still very vulnerable!"

The potential of Mystique Ruiwen can be seen from the sentinel in "Reversing the Future". Not only can she change her appearance, but her abilities can also be maintained, which is evident.

And Darwin's ability to survive the fittest is also very strong, just like the Saiyan in "Dragon Ball", as long as there is no fatal blow, he will become stronger and stronger, as long as he is given enough time to grow, become Omega-class without any question.

Seeing that everyone was immersed in the division of grades, Emperor Abandoned Heaven said: "The division of grades is only for your better positioning, and does not represent absolute strength, just like Charles, although he is a variant of the fourth-stage Alpha grade. People, but as long as there is a helmet that can shield mental power, an ordinary strong man can defeat him."

Eric looked at the Abandoned Heaven Emperor and said, "Then what level are you!"

Hearing Eric's question, Ruiwen, Charles and others also looked at Abandoned Heaven Emperor, waiting for his answer curiously. .

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Eric looked at the Abandoned Heaven Emperor and said, "Then what level are you!"

Hearing Eric's question, Ruiwen, Charles and others also looked at Abandoned Heaven Emperor, waiting for his answer curiously~.

"My division of strength is different from yours. Of course, you can also regard me as an Omega." For his own strength, Abandoned Heaven Emperor did not hide it. First, it was unnecessary, and second, he had confidence in his own strength.

"Omega class!"

Hearing Abandoned Heavenly Emperor's answer, everyone seemed to have expected it long ago, and they were not too surprised. If even Abandoned Heavenly Emperor, who could easily defeat Sebastian Xiao, did not have an Omega-level, then it would be hard for them to imagine an Omega-level. How _ powerful.

Let everyone go back to their original positions, and the Emperor Abandoned Heaven turned the pyramid model back into a long table, and said solemnly: "I won't say anything extra, now, on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D., I am inviting you to join the X-Men, you are willing to Give your strength to the world."

Sean raised his hand and said, "What kind of organization is that SHIELD and the X-Men?"

"The full name of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency. It is a special force of the International Security Council to deal with various strange events. I am one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the X-Men are specialized Recruit combat troops with special ability personnel, if you join, you will be the first batch of members, enjoying state subsidies and protection, and at the same time, you can eliminate the gap with ordinary people and appear in front of people as heroes."

"You mean, let's be heroes? You must be joking." Eric, including Charles and others, had unbelievable expressions on their faces.

But the Emperor Abandoned Heaven said seriously: "Why not? This is the choice I gave you. You want to be an alien hidden among ordinary people, living a day of anxiety and trying to cover up your differences. , or go to the opposite side of human beings? Or want to be a hero who maintains justice, just like Captain America, enjoy the cheers and maintenance of people, be proud of your differences, and even let those ordinary people be proud of your differences what about arrogance?"

Sean, Alex, Darwin and other young people can't help but move. Captain America's deeds are widely circulated. They all read Captain America's cartoons when they were young. Everyone has a heroic dream, and now they have this opportunity , how not to be moved.

Charles is a little gloomy. He has passed the age of dreaming. The so-called hero is often accompanied by sacrifice. Even Captain America has an unknown fate. He doesn't want these young people to take this road. Some dissatisfied He got up and said, "Heroes are not that easy to do, and if you do this, there is a good chance that they will get involved in a dangerous business."

"There is no absolute security in this world, Charles, contrary to Eric's radicalism, your thinking is too conservative, some problems need to be faced after all, and evasion can't solve the problem, you don't have to make a decision in a hurry, I will give you a day Consider the time, and give me an answer tomorrow morning."

From a certain point of view, the Emperor Abandoned Heaven can be said to be extremely tolerant in his attitude towards Charles and others, and he does not want them to be as embarrassed as mice crossing the street. I feel sorry for them, and now I have the ability to make up for the regrets I once had, and the Emperor Abandoned Heaven doesn't mind helping.

After Abandoned Heaven Emperor left, Charles and Eric looked at each other and could feel each other's attention, which was almost related to their future!

Although Charles doesn't fully trust Abandoned Heaven Emperor, he is not a dictator either. Looking at the young and energetic faces around him, he said, "Tell me, what do you think about joining the X-Men?"

"Ravager" Alex thought for a while and felt that he didn't seem to have any reason to object, so he took the lead and said: "I think the X-Men sounds good."


"Ultrasonic" Sean leaned back in the chair, whistled with his hands on the back of his head, and said, "Sounds really cool."

Darwin looked at Charles and said: "Captain America is my idol, and if I can, I also want to contribute to the world."

"Angel" Salvador: "I want to live a decent life."

Charles turned his head to the "Beast" Hank and "Mystique" Ruiwen who hadn't made a statement: "How about you?"

Hank said dumbly: "I agree with everyone."

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