Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang both looked at the showy big golden tooth with bad expressions, but the big golden tooth said unmoved: "If you don't have [-] yuan, this jade, you really can't take it without [-] yuan."

Lin Feng nodded, took out his wallet from his trouser pocket, took out five hundred dollars and put it on the table: "Five hundred dollars, return the jade to my friend."

The exchange rate of the US dollar is now [-] times, and the five hundred dollars Lin Feng took out is only a lot more.

"Okay!" After Da Jinya took the money and identified the authenticity, he smiled and said, "Brother, Zhanyi, this piece of jade belongs to you! I'll invite you today!"

"Oh, it's not..." Although Fatty Wang likes to take advantage of small things, he is still very loyal. Seeing Lin Feng pay for him, he immediately felt a little uncomfortable and felt a little indebted to Lin Feng.

Hu Bayi also feels the same way. When they meet by chance, they are willing to pay so much for the friends they have met. It is indeed worth making deep friendships.

Da Jinya is also a person with exquisite faces. Seeing Lin Feng so forthright, he regards him as a potential customer. As soon as the money is in his hand, he smiles at Fatty Wang and says, "Brother Kaixuan, this is difficult for you, it's my brother's fault. , we can’t make a deal here either.”

Then he looked at Hu Bayi and Lin Feng and said, "Don't mind the two brothers, I'm a businessman, I'm in business, let me introduce myself, I, known as Master Jin, Panjiayuan is in the antique business, and my father, early During his youth, he was a folk fighting artist. Later, he captured strong men and became soldiers. Later, they revolted and joined the People's Liberation Army. My father worked as a cook in the army. Later, he frostbited his leg on the Korean battlefield. After the reform and opening up, I will go back to Kyoto and do some business like antique toys."

Hu Bayi looked at Da Jinya and said, "In those days when your old man fought, he didn't find a big zongzi."

"Yo, I didn't expect that Mr. Hu is also an expert!" Da Jinya said in surprise, Da Zongzi is an insider's joke, and ordinary people don't know it.

Fatty Wang said sternly, "What kind of zongzi?"

Lin Feng suddenly said: "Zongzi is a code word in the tomb robbery. It means that the tomb is well preserved and there are no rotting corpses. If you encounter a big zongzi, it means you are in trouble!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Hu Bayi and Da Jinya both looked at Lin Feng, and it turned out to be the expressions of fellow people.

Da Jinya smiled and said, "Forgive my clumsiness, I didn't expect the two experts to hide their secrets, so here's an apology for the two of you."

Lin Feng said: "I'm not fighting, but I have met a group of captains who touch gold and know some ways."

Hu Bayi was obviously not interested in fighting, but Da Jinya knew that Hu Bayi was an expert, so he became more enthusiastic, poured wine for the three of them, and chatted while eating.

Chinese people like to talk about things at the wine table. After a few glasses of wine, it is easy to shorten the distance between people.

After three rounds of drinking, the relationship between the few people has eased a lot.

Da Jinya is a good-natured person, narrating the experiences of the older generation.

"Before my father was arrested as a strong man, he learned it from a hand-to-hand fighting expert named Cai in Hunan. He knew a lot about grave digging and grave digging. They mainly rely on the nose to smell."

Hu Bayi, Fatty Wang and Lin Feng were all interested, eating mutton and listening to Da Jinya's story.

"In the [-]th year of the Republic of China, there was a Luoyang shovel, so you don't need to smell it, you can see it with your eyes! You can know what's under the ground with the soil brought up by the Luoyang shovel. Look, what you bring up in this shovel is like porcelain chips, wood chips, etc. , tiles, gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, mercury, lead, including rammed earth, bricks, etc., etc., etc., you can know the age and layout of the tombs under the ground!"

"Come on, let's go." Said here, Da Jinya picked up the wine glass and slammed a glass with the three of them.

Hu Bayi was also aroused by Da Jinya's desire to express, and said: "This is a fight! Earlier you and I have heard some of the older generation, the real master is that no one uses iron drill Luoyang shovel. Yes, someone who has the ability, when you go to one place, you will know whether there is an ancient tomb underground, where it is buried, what structure it is, and you can see it at a glance.

When Da Jinya heard what Hu Bayi said, he couldn't help but glance at him, and listened carefully to what Hu Bayi said.

Hu Bayi continued: "Any place with excellent feng shui must have a large tomb, and those who can be buried in it were not ordinary people during their lifetime. The tombs are full of treasures. things are dismissive.”

Da Jinya's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Master Hu, have you done research on this gold-dividing acupoint?"

Hu Bayi drank a glass of wine a little proudly, and pretended to be modest and said, "I know a little!"

Da Jinya saw that Hu Ba must be very good, and said: "Admiration, admiration, so, if the three don't dislike it, let's go to my place after dinner?"

Although Fatty Wang didn't understand, he didn't realize it. Hu Ba glanced at Lin Feng, who nodded. Lin Feng didn't like the tomb robbery, but there might be some unknown treasures among many ancient relics. It can be noticed.

After a few people were full, they came to Da Jinya's antique shop in Panjiayuan. (Zhao Zhaohao)

Da Jinya opened several locks in a row, and said three times to Lin Feng: "Three masters, please sit inside, just sit down!"

"I'll give the three masters a welcome gift." Da Jinya took out a wooden box from a cabinet, took out three cloth bags and handed it to the three of them: "Master Hu, Master Feng, look at you."

Fatty Wang held a gadget like animal claws and asked Hu Bayi, "Old Hu, what is this."

Hu Ba took a look and said, "Touch the golden talisman."

Da Jinya smiled and said: "Master Hu is right, touch the golden talisman, at that time Cao Cao had an army under his command, and the treasures obtained from the digging of graves were paid for by the army. In this army, everyone wore With the touch of gold talisman, the official title is the commander of touch gold, and later it was handed down, and in the upside-down line, there is one called commander of touch gold."

Lin Feng held the gold touch talisman in his hand and said to Da Jinya, "This gold touch talisman is fake, right?"

"Oh, how can you see it?" Da Jinya said in amazement.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "The real gold touch talisman is pitch-black and transparent, and will shine moistly under the light of fire. The front end is sharp and sharp, and the lower end of the tapered shape is inlaid with several terpene gold threads, and the silk is in the style of "through the ground". , the body of the talisman is engraved with two ancient seal characters "touching gold", although the style of the touching gold talisman you gave is very similar, but the material is very different, and it is a fake at first glance.".

315 Niuxin Mountain 【Subscription】

Hearing Lin Feng's story of breaking the fake gold talisman, Da Jinya not only was not ashamed, but gave Lin Feng a thumbs up and said, "Brother is really knowledgeable, admire, admire!"

Fatty Wang originally thought it was a baby, but when he heard it was a fake, he immediately said, "What do you mean by sending us a fake?"

Da Jinya smiled and said, "No other meaning, I just feel that Master Hu has the ability to divide gold and determine acupoints, and it would be a pity not to touch Jin Xiaowei!"

Hu Bayi had just retired from the army and was still very resistant to grave digging, saying: "Actually, I have no experience in this matter. It's passed down, let's tell the truth! The old man really did touch the gold captain back then, but when he met a big dumpling, he almost took his life! Therefore, I don't plan to do such an unethical thing."

Hu Bayi said and put the touch gold talisman back on the table, and the big golden tooth looked at Lin Feng: "What do you think, Lord Feng?"

Lin Feng smiled and said: "I am a traveler, I like to challenge myself, but I have no interest in tomb robbing."

Having said that, Lin Feng also put the pirated gold charm in his hand on the table.

"Three wait." Da Jinya also saw that Lin Feng did not look like someone who was short of money, but Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were not rich. Da Jinya took out another wooden box from a container and carefully He took out a porcelain bowl and handed it to Lin Feng: "Master Feng, your eyes are on."

Lin Feng took a look. Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang also looked over curiously, but they didn't notice any difference. Fatty Wang asked, "Brother Lin Feng, what is the origin of this bowl?"

Lin Feng played with the blue-and-white bowl in his hand and said: "This is a porcelain from the Wanli period, also known as blue-and-white porcelain. The blue-and-white on it is underglaze, with cobalt oxide as the colorant, and the back cover is painted with a transparent 217 glaze. Once fired at a high temperature of 1320 degrees, blue and white can be divided into blue-and-white blue-and-white, native-glazed blue-and-white, and white-glazed blue-and-white. The official and folk kiln blue-and-white porcelains of the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties have their own characteristics and artistic styles of the times. From the texture and pattern of this bowl, as well as the Judging from the color and luster, it should be produced in Jingdezhen, an official kiln of the Ming Dynasty, and it is of great value."

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