
Hongyi let out a strange cry like a night owl, and tried to press the wound on her neck with both hands, but it was of no use. After rolling on the ground a few times, there was no movement at all.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang were also attracted by Hong Yu, and looked back unconsciously, and found that Hong Yu was lying motionless on the ground.

Fatty Wang put down the military shovel and asked Lin Feng, "This thing is dead!"

"Brother Lin, what's the matter with your knife?" Hu Bayi noticed the red-colored blood-like saber in Lin Feng's hand.

Lin Feng said: "This is the blood of the most yang, and it is designed to overcome the evil of yin."

(biec) Yingzi asked curiously: "Brother Feng, what is this blood of the sun? I saw you cut that monster with so many knives just now, but it didn't respond. As soon as this thing fell, it was solved with a swipe. It's gone!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "The blood of Zhiyang is a special kind of blood, which has a strong effect on monsters and monsters, but it is more effective than the black donkey's hoof."

Fatty Wang asked, "Brother Lin Feng, what kind of blood is so miraculous. We got it there. Let's get a few pounds when we get a chance. What big zongzi will we be afraid of after that time!"

"A few kilograms, Fatty, you really dare to think, this is the blood of a friend of my demon slayer, don't count on it!" The demon slayer in Lin Feng's mouth was the Wuxin Master he met during the Republic of China, the fake monk Wuxin He is also a strange man, immortal, immortal, soulless and soulless. Lin Feng can't figure out his true background, but this guy's blood is really the most yang thing, and he can restrain various types of ghosts and evil spirits. Lin Feng used gold bricks at that time. I exchanged two bottles of blood for him, but I didn't expect it to be used now!

Fatty Wang said in surprise, "Monster slayer? Are there really monsters in this world?"

Hu Bayi and Yingzi also looked at Lin Feng blankly.

Lin Fengyan said: "There are indeed many mysterious creatures in this world. The definition of monsters is very broad. The red horns on the ground can also be regarded as a kind of monsters. You don't need to think too much. You may never see it in your lifetime.”

Fatty Wang said, "Hey, what the hell, this monster is already dead anyway, let's open the door first, grab our things and leave this hellish place!"

"Wait!" Lin Feng looked at the back room and said, just now he saw the figure of a child running out of there, but when he saw himself, he ran back in fright.

Hu Bayan wanted to continue to pry the lid of the coffin, and when he heard Lin Feng's words, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Feng said, "I saw a child run into the back room just now!"

"Children? This is the catacombs, how could there be children? Don't scare me!" Fatty Wang took a flashlight and swept around in a panic.

"What did I lie to you for? That's a kid. I should ask for something. I'll go take a look." Lin Feng said nonchalantly.

When Fatty Wang heard that it was a ghost, he gave a jolt and held Lin Feng back, "Master Feng, I'll call you a master. You know it's a ghost and you still dare to go! If you want me to see it, let's go with thirty-six strategies. Best policy."

Yingzi also advised: "Brother Feng, let's go!"

Breaking Fatty's hand and patting Yingzi's shoulder, Lin Feng smiled confidently: "Don't worry, I can see that it's not malicious, and it can't hurt me."

Saying that, Lin Feng gave the blood-stained saber to Yingzi for self-defense, and then walked to the back room.

Yingzi held the saber and said, "Big Brother Feng, I'll go with you! It's good to have someone to take care of."

Fatty Wang looked at Hu Bayi, and Hu Bayi said, "We come in together, and we go out together. Let's follow along and have a look. It's so big, I haven't seen what a ghost looks like."

"I've never seen Fat Master, let's get to know him for a long time today."

"Ha!" Lin Feng chuckled and walked into the back room, but there was no trace of the kid just now except for some crocks of weapons.

Fatty Wang and the others followed, and swept the back room with a flashlight, but found nothing, Fatty Wang said, "Master Feng, you must be dazzled!"

But he saw Lin Feng pick up a copper rod and beat it on the surrounding tomb walls.

"Dangdang...dangdang...dangdang... dong dong... dong dong..."

The copper rod hit the tomb wall opposite the tomb, and there was a hollow echo. Lin Feng said to Hu Bayi and the others behind him: "There should be a secret room here, you all stand back."

"Ding ding ding..."

The three of them stepped back according to the words. Lin Feng quickly tapped the copper stick in the side of the tomb wall several times, knocking out a crack in the surrounding tomb wall, and then stabbed it hard at the center, with a "bang" sound, Knocked out a big hole in the wall of the tomb in the back room.

"I'll be darling, there really is a secret room!" Fatty Wang looked at the big hole that Lin Feng smashed, and when he flashed a flashlight, it was bottomless. It seemed that the space was huge and it was a long passage.

Lin Feng said with the copper stick: "Let's go, go in and have a look, there may be some unexpected gains."

The four of them walked from the entrance of the cave like fish to the inside, Yingzi suddenly said, "Look at this wall, why are there still writings? What is it written on?"

Lin Feng, Hu Bayi, and Fatty Wang followed Yingzi's flashlight to look at the wall, and saw a red road sign with a row of big characters that read "Mengmengheikou Fortress Underground Gnaku".

Fatty Wang sighed: "Old Hu, Master Feng, it is the underground fortress of the Kwantung Army. We are here for it. I didn't expect that this fortress and the general's tomb are only separated by a wall!"

The passages of the underground fortress are intricate, like a labyrinth. In order to avoid getting lost, everyone slipped by the wall and moved forward.

The passage of this underground fortress is a circular arc, which is very high. This is a kind of anti-seepage structure. When you light up with a flashlight, you can see that there are emergency lights and pipelines installed on it. If you can find it If you have a generator, you should be able to figure out a way to make these lights come on.

The few people didn't go far, and they saw a map of the fortress on the wall, which marked some main passages, traffic trenches, warehouses, Tibetan soldiers caves, shower rooms, barracks, rest rooms, grain depots, drainage pipes, Auxiliary facilities such as power stations, inside the hills and hills, the fortress is also divided into three layers. The complex structure and huge scale of the fortress show the importance the Kwantung Army paid to this military base.

Hu Bayi had worked as an engineer and quickly found the generator of the underground fortress with a map. After some fiddling, he finally turned on the surrounding lights.

I saw that all kinds of military-style coats, blankets, dry batteries, lunch boxes, gas masks and other materials were piled around. Because the air was relatively dry, the materials were well preserved.

Then the four of them came to the weapons warehouse on the right. With guns in their hands, they didn't panic. If they didn't order weapons, Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang always felt uneasy in their hearts.


Thank you for the monthly tickets of "Phoenix", "The Flashy Dying Fleeting Years", and "748402zong", thank you for your support! .

321 Secret Room【For Collection】

Hu Bayi, Fatty Wang, and Yingzi found a lot of guns and weapons in the arsenal for self-defense, with a Type [-] submachine gun in their hands, Fatty Wang froze: "If there were these guys just now, Fatty, what would I be afraid of? Stupid!"

When Fatty Wang was complacent, Yingzi suddenly patted him on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "Brother Fatty, I seem to... see a child running past you."

"Where is it! Why didn't I see it!" Fatty Wang was startled, but turned around and found nothing.

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