When Fatty Wang heard that An Liman said that his brother was angry, Professor Chen broke the embarrassment and said to An Liman: "Brother, we are running out of water now, and we urgently need to find a source of water to replenish drinking water. , Do you know where there is a water source nearby?"

Although Lin Feng, Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan carried the supplies on the (cdad) camels early this time, not many were lost, but after so many days, some were lost when the black sandstorm came, and now there are only a few It's three days' worth of storage!

An Liman looked at the surrounding situation and sighed: "I, it seems that we are going in the opposite direction!"

"What, went the wrong way?" Everyone looked at An Liman, going in the wrong direction in the desert was no child's play, but it would be fatal.

An Liman said: "When we were hiding from the black sandstorm yesterday, we had already gone the wrong way. Today we are running around again. I think we have already deviated from the original direction, and it's still the opposite direction!"

Everyone became anxious when they heard this. Hao Aiguo took out a map and spread it on the sand. Professor Chen asked, "Brother, where are we now?"

An Liman pointed along the map: "The black sandstorm came from the northwest. After running for a day, we should be hiding in this place at night, and we should be in this area."

An Liman said and drew a large circle on the map. Xue Liyang looked at the range drawn by An Liman, frowned, and asked, "Can you be more specific about such a large range?"

"Suddenly escaping this morning, who can remember the direction in the wrong direction." An Li spread out his hands and said that he could do nothing.

At this time, Chu Jian, who was beside the team, suddenly exclaimed: "Hey, look, it's a white camel, it's coming towards us!"

Everyone looked around and saw a white camel limping along, snorting while walking. Everyone just saw Lin Feng chasing after him so quickly, and thought he hadn't rescued the white camel!

The white camel walked towards Lin Feng in diameter, and An Liman, who was beside him, knelt down after seeing the white camel, muttering words such as thanking the gods for their blessings.

The white camel stopped in front of Lin Feng, called out to Lin Feng, then lay on the sand, exposed the injured leg, and waved at Lin Feng.

Fatty Wang looked at the actions of the white camel and said, "What does it mean?"

"I think it is hoping that we can heal it." Xue Li Yang guessed while looking at the wound on the white camel's leg, saying that she herself did not believe that the white camel would be so spiritual.

Fatty Wang said in surprise: "My darling, this won't be fine!"

Ye Yixin trotted over with a roll of bandages and a box of wound medicine, and bandaged the wound for the white camel, but the white camel didn't recognize it and didn't move around. There were no good conditions in the desert. Fortunately, its The wound wasn't very deep, so Ye Yixin simply cleaned it up, rubbed the powder on it, and wrapped a bandage on it.

After a while, the white camel stood up again, snorted "puchi", walked towards the direction of the sun, took two steps and looked back to see that Lin Feng did not move, shook his head, and called out to Lin Feng, as if It is to let everyone follow, and then step forward and slowly walk forward.

An Liman got up and said excitedly: "This is the messenger sent by Hu Da, let's follow quickly, it will lead us to find the water source."

"Follow, follow."

Hu Bayi gave a sound of harmony, and everyone rode on the camel again and followed the white camel.

The sand dunes under his feet fluctuated high and low. As he walked, An Liman pointed out that he could find the well after crossing the sand dunes in front of him.

It turned out that many years ago, An Liman had been here. When he was tired and thirsty, a glowing white camel appeared. With despair, An Liman found water. Camels see so much.

After more than an hour of swaying on the camel, everyone was led by the white camel to another ancient city ruins.

The camel team walked down the Dasha Mountain and slowly moved towards the ruins. An Liman negotiated with Hu Bayi, who was the leader of the team. After reaching the ruins, he would rest for two more days before entering the Black Desert, because it was not easy to turn back after entering the Black Desert. These days, the camels have been frightened a lot, and they are carrying a lot of supplies. They have to take good care of their legs before they can set off again.


Thank you for the monthly passes of "Su Huanzhen", "Wenluo", "Come", "Three Little Fishes", "No Dao, No Devil", flowers!.

335 Dry Armor Gold Star 【Subscription】

The desert is vast and has no boundaries. Only when people are in it will they understand their insignificance and insignificance.

"Ding ding ding dong..."

The bell rings, crisp and clear.

Lin Feng and his party followed the white camel to an unknown ruin. When they saw a ruin that had been eroded beyond recognition by the wind and sand, An Liman said excitedly: "I see, I see, that is the ruins of the city, then Beneath a piece of yellow sand lies an ancient city."

"Great, it's finally here!"

"found it!"

"I see!"

The members of the archaeological team all looked happy and moved towards the ruins. After An Liman came here, he got off the camel, spread a blanket on the sand, and began to pray again.

After bringing Lin Feng and others here, the rather spiritual white camel looked at Lin Feng, and then walked into the distance.

Seeing the magical white camel leave, everyone was a little reluctant, but no one stopped it, because the white camel belongs to this desert!

Hu Bayi looked at the yellow sand all around, and asked An Liman, "Master, where is the water here?"

An Liman stopped to pray, pointed to the sand cave of "[-]" in front of him and said, "There is a well in there."

Lin Feng helped Professor Chen down. These intellectuals had a bit of backbone, but their bones were too weak. They were all exhausted from traveling in the harsh desert.

Hu Bayi turned around and said, "Everyone, let's take a rest and don't scatter. Fatty, Brother Lin and I will go inside and have a look."

Not long after the three entered the sand cave, they saw a well located in the center of the sand cave. When they took a picture of it with a flashlight, Fatty Wang said with a smile, "There is water in this well, that's great!"

At this time, a six or seven pound hare was startled by the three intruders, and suddenly jumped out of the corner. Fatty Wang was startled, his heel hit a stone, and he fell to the ground with a shotgun in his hand. He fired a shot frantically.


The sound of gunshots echoed in the sand hole, and the sound was amplified a lot. The bullet hit the sand wall and hit a small hole, but it missed the rabbit. Seeing that the rabbit was about to run out of the hole, Lin Feng swung his hand. The pistol was pulled out instantly, and a shot was shot in the back of the hare, killing him.

"Master Feng, this marksmanship is really good. I am ashamed of Fat Master. This rabbit scared me. Today, I can finally eat something fresh!" Fatty Wang got up and patted the sand on his body. The hare picked it up, weighed the weight, and said with a wide-eyed smile.

Hu Bayi smiled and said, "Look at your prodigy, a rabbit, it scares you."

"Are you running on me? If I hadn't hit a rock just now, Fat Master, would I have fallen over?"

"Okay, Fatty, check your surroundings, I'll tell everyone to fill up with water." Lin Feng put away his pistol and walked outside.

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