Hu Bayi: "Fatty is right, but it's getting late now, and everyone hasn't had a good rest in the past few days. I think it's better to go down early tomorrow morning to have a look!"

Everyone also thought it was reasonable, so they decided to go down to investigate tomorrow morning.

Silent night, the next day.

The archaeological team built a triangular steel frame above the wellhead and tied a rope ladder to it, so that anyone who wants to go down can climb down from the rope ladder. The people who finally decided to go down were Professor Chen, Xue Li Yang, Satipeng, and Hu. Bayi, Lin Feng, Hao Aiguo, Wang Kaixuan, Ye Yixin and others.

Only Chu Jian and An Liman stayed above.

When the group came to the stairs down the well, Professor Chen pointed to the animal skin on the door and said, "People from ancient times would kill the live animals in the sacrificial room, and then immediately put the freshly peeled animal skin on the gap in the stone gate. The above is used to isolate the water vapor, and the items inside can be better preserved. Looking at this, no one has been here for many years!"

Xue Li Yang came over and said, "I have checked just now, there is no mechanism here."

Hu Bayi said proudly: "In such a hidden place, all you can find are people you understand..." But when he turned his head and saw Xue Li Yang, he immediately changed his words and said, "I can't find what I don't know, don't we just bump into each other? Are you on!"

Lin Feng said to Wang Kaixuan who had just come down: "Fatty, bring the guy over here, come and take off this animal skin first."


Then Hao Aiguo and Sa Dipeng carefully removed the animal skins on the stone gate. Lin Feng took out the prepared gas masks and distributed them to everyone. They all stood on both sides, while Hu Ba and Fatty Wang pushed open the stone gate that had been closed for some time!

"Crack, click..."

Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan pushed open the heavy stone door, and the group slowly walked into the dark and silent tomb with flashlights one after the other. Suddenly sparks flickered, and the candles used to illuminate the tomb were automatically lit one after another. stand up.

It turned out that these oil lamps were filled with white phosphorus that would spontaneously ignite when exposed to air. By candlelight, they walked about ten meters and came to a spacious and dry stone room with a length and width of almost [-] to [-] meters and a height of [-] meters. Lin Feng, etc. People standing inside don't seem cramped at all.

In this stone room, the ground is full of white bones, and I can't find a place to put my feet. It can be seen that those bones are all animal, extremely loose, and they will break when they are stepped on. Two air-dried human skeletons were tied, both male and female, but the current appearance was indeed a little cautious.

Seeing these corpses, Lin Feng and others were not unusual, but Sa Dipeng was originally timid. Seeing so many mummified corpses, he was so frightened that he couldn't even speak, and Ye Yixin couldn't help retching.

Lin Feng said to the crowd: "This should be a hall for sacrifices. In ancient times, the customs of all countries in the Western Regions were similar. They would tie criminals who violated the law and tie them to the desert to die of thirst. After the bodies were completely dried, they would be placed here. Then pour the blood of slaughtered animals on these mummified corpses."

Fatty Wang looked at the mummified corpses, shook his head and sighed: "It's so miserable, fortunately we grew up in a new society, this wicked old society! It's barbaric!"

Hao Aiguo had long been accustomed to this, and said plainly: "In the slave society, this is very common." Then he picked up the magnifying glass to observe the surrounding pillars, and studied with the two students.

Fatty Wang gave Lin Feng and Hu Bayi a wink, and the three walked aside, Fatty complained, "I looked around just now, except for these pillars and bones, there is nothing here, not even broken pots and jars. No!"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "What are you thinking about blindly?"

"I have. Aren't we helping the archaeological team? I don't want to see more and gain more insight." Fatty Wang explained, but Lin Feng and Hu Bayi didn't believe it. I have no idea, that's weird!

At this time, Fatty Wang accidentally tripped and fell on the ground. When Lin Feng and Hu Bayi stepped forward to help him up, they found that the object that tripped Fatty Wang was a ring-shaped object. The bones were all removed, and a large slate with relief was exposed on the ground, and there were four circular pull-rings at the four ends.

Lin Feng, Hu Bayi, Fatty Wang, and Sa Dipeng pulled open the slate on the ground together, while Xue Li Yang threw a cold fireworks in, illuminating the ground below.

I saw that this was a tomb about the same size as the one above. There was a square coffin in the middle of the tomb. It was said to be a coffin, but it was very different from a middle-earth coffin. There was no decorative pattern on it, nor was it a rectangle. Yes, it looks like a big box.

Sa Dipeng returned to the well and brought a ladder, and the group descended to the bottom of the tomb one after another. Hao Aiguo walked in front excitedly, watching the situation of the tomb with excitement.

Professor Chen found that the surrounding murals recorded events related to the ancient city of Jingjue, and speculated that this was the tomb of Prince Gumo.

Professor Chen pointed to the first few paintings and said: "Look at this mural, what is recorded in this painting is related to the ancient city of Jingjue! The owner of this tomb should be the tomb of the prince of Gumo before his death, and this should be the first picture. , Gumo Kingdom is a vassal state of Jingjue Kingdom. It is oppressed. It donates a large number of treasures and cattle and sheep slaves every year. The painters of these murals are superb! It is gorgeous and expressive everywhere, even if there are no text annotations, The content of the murals is also clear and vivid, and we can clearly understand the world and characters in the paintings through the murals."

Having said that, Professor Chen looked at the second mural and said: "This is Prince Gumo asking to see Queen Jingjue, wanting to reduce or exempt taxes for his subjects, but Queen Jingjue refused to see him. Prince Gumo is the incarnation of the sun god of war. He infiltrated the Jingjue Kingdom alone, trying to assassinate the evil queen, and accidentally discovered a shocking secret."

Hu Bayi and others listened with relish, but Lin Feng was not very interested. His biggest purpose of this trip was for the Kunlun Shenmu, and the Queen Jingjue and the Ghost Cave tribe were brought with them.

The others were attracted by the mural, but they didn't see anything unusual about Lin Feng. Professor Chen walked to the next mural and looked at it carefully for a long time: "The meaning of this painting is very strange. Prince Mo hid in the corner and spied. In the previous murals, Queen Jingjue 860 was covered with a veil, but in this painting, the Queen is only a silhouette, she lifted the veil with one hand, and a person opposite him, It seemed like a slave or something, and it became blurred...disappeared?"

Xue Li Yang said at this time: "This queen... is a banshee."

Hearing the word "banshee", Hu Bayi and Wang Kaixuan looked at Lin Feng subconsciously, because Lin Feng had also told stories about monsters.

And Professor Chen was stunned for a moment when he heard that, and then said to Xue Li Yang, "Interesting, tell me what you think."

Xue Li Yang pointed to the mural and said, "This mural is the most difficult to understand of all the murals. The queen in the mural lifts the veil that always covers her face!

All the figures in the murals are realistic, but the person who saw the face of the Queen Jingjue turned into a dotted line, and only drew a vague outline. From this only outline, we can't see this The identity of the character can only be speculated that the character with the dotted line is a slave or an assassin, an enemy that the queen wants to get rid of. "

Hearing this, Fatty Wang couldn't help but interject and asked, "Miss Yang, do you mean that the person in the painting disappeared after seeing the Queen's face?"

Xue Li Yang nodded and said, "Mr. Wang said the same thing, but to explain it in my words, the queen looks at this person and the person disappears."

Professor Chen recalled: "I remember that Comrade Xiaolin once said that Queen Jingjue made a contract to gain power and ghost eyes, dedicating her eyes in exchange for boundless mana, and now looking at this mural, maybe it really does have its thing."

When Fatty Wang heard this, he said anxiously, "If Queen Jingjue is really a monster, let's go to her tomb, wouldn't that be a death sentence?"


Thanks for the flowers sent by "then flashy", "amber", "**", "zuo164181" and others!.

 337 Fire Snake 【For Collection】

Seeing the content of the picture on the mural, Professor Chen suddenly saw a corner of the mural, and excitedly asked Xue Li Yang to open the notebook, and found that the painting on the mural was the Zagrama Valley recorded in the notebook, Professor Chen said excitedly: "It's far away. We're not far away!"

The members of the archaeological team were very excited when they discovered this situation. Lin Feng, Hu Bayi, and Fatty Wang returned to the ground first. Professor Chen led the archaeological team to make records in the tomb, and then carefully placed the animal skins on the stone gate. After sticking firmly, you can leave with confidence.

After a night of rest, everyone loaded up all the water they could hold, and then grew their hair again, and the group rode a camel and embarked on a vast journey.

In the afternoon, everyone stopped to rest. Lin Feng, Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Chu Jian started to build sand walls and set up camp. Xue Li Yang took Ye Yixin to the back of the dunes for convenience, but they just walked through the dunes. , Ye Yixin stepped on the air with one foot, and then suddenly the whole body sank. Seeing this, Xue Li Yang hurriedly pulled Ye Yixin and shouted at the same time: "Help!"

Hearing Xue Li Yang's cry for help, Lin Feng, Hu Bayi, Fatty Wang and others rushed over quickly. When Lin Feng arrived, he found that Ye Yixin's feet were immersed in quicksand and was sinking rapidly. She kept struggling, Xue Li Yang Zheng grabbed her arm and pulled Ye Yixin with great difficulty.

Seeing this, Lin Feng ran up instantly, grabbed Ye Yixin's hand, and lifted her up. Ye Yixin was already terrified, and after she got up, she fell into Xue Li Yang's arms.

Xue Li Yang patted Ye Yixin on the shoulder and comforted her, and then said to Lin Feng: "Let's go quickly, if we get stuck in quicksand, it will be troublesome!"

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