The holy light emanated from Lin Feng's body, and he walked slowly in the void. With each step, the pressure on his body became stronger, and the entire ghost cave space seemed to be frozen.

Before Hu Bayi, Professor Chen and the others could react, they were enveloped by a blue light, and then they felt dizzy and dizzy. When they came back to their senses, someone had already appeared near Bosten Lake, and then a blue light flashed not far away. , An Liman and his camel appeared in front of Hu Bayi and others.

Wang Kaixuan looked at the surrounding Huangshayu River, confused, and asked Hu Bayi next to him: "Old Hu, what's going on? Weren't we still in the ghost cave just now, why did we run here in a blink of an eye? coming?"

"You ask me, who am I going to ask! Is it an illusion again?" Hu Bayi was also confused, he didn't know what to do, he squatted on the ground and grabbed a handful of yellow sand, feeling the texture in his hand, if it was an illusion , that is too real!

At this time, Professor Chen also woke up faintly. Seeing that Sa Dipeng, Hao Aiguo, Chu Jian and others around him were all in peace, he said in a trance: "Aiguo, Xiao Sa, Xiao Chu, you are all fine... Great! I thought you...cough...cough..."

"Teacher, don't get excited, come here and drink some water first." Seeing that Professor Chen was dying, Hao Aiguo quickly opened the lid of the kettle to drink water for Professor Chen, hoping that he would get better.

An Liman spread a blanket on the ground and prayed with words in his mouth...


After sending Hu Bayi and others away, only Lin Feng, Xueli Yang and Queen Jing Jue were left in the ghost cave.

"Who are you? Why are you so powerful?" Queen Jing Jue lost her calmness, and Lin Feng's sudden burst of breath made her feel a lot of pressure.

Xue Li Yang also looked at Lin Feng in shock. Although she had long noticed that Lin Feng was not an ordinary person, he was probably a superhuman, but the ability that Lin Feng showed now was far beyond her expectations.

"Your Majesty, I don't want to bully women. As long as you let Shirley go and go back to your underground world obediently, then there will be no conflict between us."

Lin Feng can't say that he likes or dislikes the legendary cruel queen, but he does appreciate it a little. Kindness does not control the army, and kindness does not control power. The real king should have great power, kill decisively, and take everything to the disadvantage. The factors of domination are excluded. Since ancient times, the hands of the monarchs are not covered with blood, and the queen of the elite has conquered the countries of the Western Regions by herself. Such arrogance is indeed worthy of admiration.

As for the so-called cruelty of the Queen Jingjue, Lin Feng is not denied whether it is true or false.

History has always been written by the victors. Unless you see it with your own eyes, who can judge the truth submerged in history? You can't look at things from someone's point of view, maybe standing in the position of Prince Gumo, Queen Jingjue is a bully The tyrant of the country, but the subjects of the elite country may not think so. A strong monarch can bring them a better life, and it is better to bully neighboring countries than to be bullied by neighboring countries!

Weak countries have no diplomatic relations, and countries are inherently antagonistic. Especially in ancient times, it was normal for strong countries to oppress weak countries.

And it can be seen from the temple on the tomb of Prince Gumo that this so-called incarnation of the sun god is not a kind person.

What is justice?To put it bluntly, what is good for you is justice!

The Jingjue country is so strong that other countries can't lift their heads. Naturally, these small countries will not be reconciled, and the source of their togetherness lies in the Jingjue Queen. Therefore, at that time, the countries in the Western Regions hated the Jingjue Queen to the core, and it is not enough to vilify her. strange.

His hero, my enemy, that's all!


Hearing Lin Feng's words, Queen Jing Jue sneered, took off the mask on her face, three thousand blue silk draped over her shoulders like brocade, a pair of willow eyebrows curved like a crescent moon, but the tip of her eyebrows was dyed with a faint coldness; her eyes were slightly closed. When he smiles, he is as charming as the dark night; the few strange lines on the corners of his eyes add an indescribable and mysterious color to the whole face; the bridge of the nose is straight and delicate, dividing the beautiful face into two sides, Makes the face extraordinarily rich in lines; a cherry, peach, small, ruddy mouth, like a silent temptation, the most unique is the vertical eye on the eyebrow, exuding a faint cold light that captures the soul!

Xue Li Yang looked at Queen Jing Jue in shock. She found that Queen Jing Jue's appearance, except for the evil "ghost eyes", was similar to her seven layers, but she looked more noble and glamorous.

Queen Jing Jue let go of Xue Li Yang and looked at Lin Feng opposite: "Are you surprised? Shocked? Remember this king's beautiful and glamorous face, and only then can you be exiled in the dark world."

I saw that Queen Jing Jue's eyes were still slightly closed, her body flashing with a splendid blue color, and the "ghost eyes" between her eyebrows turned blood red. Lin Feng only felt a force of space enveloped her body instantly, and then she fell into a daze. into nothingness.

"Is this the imaginary space? It's interesting."

Lin Feng stood in a dark place with no sun, moon and stars above his head. The only light source was the hot magma surging in front of him. With Lin Feng's eyesight, he could only see things within a kilometer. There were many corpses around. , Some seem to be left by humans, some are strange, and I don't know what kind of creatures they are.

When he came to this unknown area, Lin Feng was not worried, or he came here because of his own will. Otherwise, the "ghost eyes" of Queen Jingjue alone would not be enough to force Lin Feng to this place.


Thanks to "Mo Luo Jiutian", "Evil Dragon", "Alon099", "Braised Pork", "xwx-1991", "xiao Qiang", "alon099", "s1yusk" and other book friends for their monthly tickets, flowers, thank you for your support! .

 349 Double Personality, Jean Grey [For Collection]

Xavier School for Gifted Teens.

After a brief conversation with Charles, the Emperor Abandoned Heaven asked about the business: "I heard that you asked someone from SHIELD to find me, did you encounter any big trouble?"

Charles said solemnly: "A few days ago, I found a very special child - Jean Grey, she has powerful material control ability, can control any object from the microscopic world, has extremely powerful power, it is likely to be you The Omega-Class Mutants Once Said!

But Qin is extremely afraid of this power and has no self-control ability. Because of her fear, she gradually formed a second personality in her heart, a powerful dark personality full of negative emotions. I call her the dark phoenix.

In order to prevent the destructive dark phoenix from harming others, I used "Mind Cage" to seal the dark phoenix and most of the abilities of Qin together!"

"Dark Phoenix!" When Emperor Abandoned Heaven heard the words, he immediately thought about Phoenix Nuqin Gray and the information about the Dark Phoenix, but he said quietly, "Since you have solved it, what are you going to do with me? "

Charles smiled bitterly and said: "With my ability, I can only barely suppress the Dark Phoenix, but if Qin is greatly stimulated, the Dark Phoenix may wake up at any time, and when the Dark Phoenix breaks through the "Mind Cage", Either Qin assimilates the black phoenix, or the black phoenix devours Qin, if Qin succeeds, it will be fine, but once the black phoenix devours Qin, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

The powerful Abandoned Heaven Emperor of the Black Phoenix naturally knows that telepathy, mind control, resurrection, manipulation of the timeline, release of the power of the phoenix, especially the power of the last phoenix, can be said to be the most powerful in the "Marvel" plane One of the powers, the complete power of the phoenix even surpasses the "Infinity Stones", and Jean Grey, as the host of the fragments of the power of the phoenix, is not just as simple as the Omega class. In the group of mutants, she can be said to be The existence at the top of the pyramid starts a fire, and when the apocalypse sees it, it will only run away!

"Da da……"

After chatting with Charles for a while, there was a knock on the door, and I saw a fourteen-fifteen blond little loli standing timidly outside the door: "Professor, is this big brother the one who can help me?"

Qin stood outside the door, looking a little uneasy. Since she had awakened her superpowers, she could hear the voices of the people around her, so she was far more mature than her peers. After knowing that she was a mutant, she was afraid that she would not be accepted by her family. So she chose to suppress her power until the second personality Dark Phoenix was born, and in a nightmare, she even nearly killed her parents and the whole town, and was later discovered by Charles through a telepathy device and brought back. Xavier School for Gifted Teens.

Although Charles sealed the dark phoenix in Qin's body, his seal was not perfect. Whenever Qin Gray was emotional, a terrifying power would burst out unconsciously. Qin could control it when she was awake, but when she was sleeping In the middle of nowhere, this power can easily affect the surrounding, so that other students at Xavier School for Gifted Teens are afraid of Qin, and even call it the Qin monster in secret!

And can feel what others think of Qin, and naturally know this, and because of this, Qin has become a little withdrawn and inferior. If it wasn't for the careful persuasion and enlightenment of Charles, a spiritual mentor, and Qin's own kind-heartedness, maybe Xavier was a genius. Teenage schools have become Shura fields!

Standing outside the door, Qin looked at the Emperor Abandoning Heaven curiously. Although most of her abilities had been sealed by Charles, Qin could still read the thoughts of others. In the past, except for Charles, she could hear the hearts of everyone around her. But she couldn't see through any thoughts of the Abandoned Heaven Emperor in front of her, which made Qin very curious about the Abandoned Heaven Emperor.

Seeing Qin's arrival, Charles introduced: "Qin, this is Abandoned Heavenly Emperor. He is a powerful god and one of the founders of the X-Men. He is the most powerful existence I have ever seen. There must be a way. ¨" that can help you."

Before Abandoned Heaven Emperor could speak, Charles made a ticket for him, and while praising Abandoned Heaven Emperor, he threw an invisible cauldron on him.

At this time, Emperor Abandoned Heaven suddenly felt that Charles, a sanctimonious guy, also won the essence of "Thick and Invisible, Black and Colorless", and he deserved to be the headmaster. , There is no trace, but this pot is still in the arms of Abandoned Heavenly Emperor, so Abandoned Heavenly Emperor can't help but take it!

There is no doubt about Qin's potential. If she fully develops the power of the phoenix in her body, it can make Earth Lord cry in a minute. Such a powerful potential stock, Abandoning Heaven Emperor has no reason to give up.

"You... hello!"

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