The X-Men face an unprecedented existential crisis, and they must save their own destiny.

Now, the only hope for the X-Men is to use the evolutionary ability of "Phantom Cat" Kitty to go back to the past, change history and solve this crisis at the root before Trask's research eventually leads to their extinction.


Inside the huge ancient hall, in a closed secret room.

"Wolverine" Logan was lying on a stone platform, and "Phantom Cat" Katie put her hand on his head to reverse the future. No matter which world you are in, it belongs to the power of taboo. Among the mutants, Only the infinitely regenerating brain of "Wolverine" can withstand the power of time and space.

"Phantom Cat" Katie explained to "Wolverine": "Basically your body will fall asleep, during which your consciousness will travel to the past, as long as you are in the past, both the past and present worlds will go on at the same time, but as long as you wake up……

Anything you do becomes fixed and becomes history, and all we remember is the history you changed.In other words, the past 50 years have never happened, including this world, this war! And remember that all that is happening in this world is you alone.

All right!Logan, I need you to clear your mind, lie down as usual, and be as calm as possible. "

"Well (⊙_⊙), what do you mean?" Logan asked in confusion.

"If your consciousness is disordered, it will be difficult for me to control the journey, and you will fall into the gap between the past and the future." Katie said solemnly.

Logan frowned: "How can I be conscious so that I don't get confused?"

"Think of something peaceful!"

"Calm thing, okay! Is there anything else to remind?" Logan said.

The "Iceman" on the side said: "You can't stay in the past for a long time, the sentry will find us."

"Logan, it's all up to you this time, go back in time, find me and Charles, guide us on the right path, and stop this from happening."

Magneto said hoarsely, after saying this, "Magneto" led the X-Men out, and at the same time used the ability to control metal to seal the surrounding doors and windows, he had sensed that the Sentinel's spaceship was approaching, Apparently the Sentinels have found this place and they need to buy time for Wolverine.

And the old "Professor X" didn't go out with "Magneto", his telepathy had no effect on the sentinel, and he just died in vain.


Xavier School for Gifted Teens, 1973.

In the early morning, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. This is a good weather to go out for an outing.

Qitiandi woke up from his sleep and stretched out. In fact, when he reached the realm of Qitiandi, it didn't matter whether he slept or not. Even if he didn't eat or drink, he wouldn't feel tired, he just needed to absorb the world. The spiritual energy in between can meet the needs of the body.

But even so, the Emperor Abandoned Heaven still maintained the habit of human beings. He should eat and drink. This was not a physical need for him, but a spiritual enjoyment.


"Wake up, it's still early, you can sleep for a while, and we'll set off at noon." Abandoned Heaven said to Rui Wen who was beside the pillow.

As for why "Mystique" Rui Wen was lying beside the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor, this is from last night's indulgence, let's make up the content!

Rui Wen opened her eyes lazily, winking like silk, with a happy smile on her face, radiant and indescribably beautiful.

Ever since she saw Abandoned Heaven Emperor, Rui Wen's heart has been imprinted with his shadow. After ten years of waiting, her wish has finally come true, and it is still a little unbelievable.

After kissing Rui Wen's forehead lightly, the Emperor Qi Tian put on his clothes and walked out of the room.

After breakfast, Emperor Qitian was about to bring some bread for Ruiwen, and the milk went over, but he sensed that Logan was driving a car and hurried to Xavier Gifted Youth School.

During this period of time, Logan had not implanted Edman alloy to become "Wolverine", and he should have nothing to do with Charles, but the emperor quickly remembered the plot of "Reversing the Future", is this Logan a reversal? Logan coming back in the future?

Logan drove the car and quickly entered the gate of the academy. Charles' telepathy also sensed Logan's arrival. He once invited Logan to join the X-Men, but the lone wolf refused his invitation. Come here now, when Charles wants to come, he must be in big trouble, otherwise, with what Charles knows about Logan, Logan will never come to him on his own initiative.

After a while, Logan, led by Hank, came to Charles' office.

Abandoned Emperor and Charles are already waiting here.

After Logan came in, he went straight to the topic: "Professor, I am from 50 years later, the future you, send me here to change the world."

Charles was a little confused: "50 years from now, me in the next 50 years? I asked you to come here in the future?"

Charles was a little confused and didn't quite understand what Logan meant, but the Emperor Abandoned Heaven knew that this was the plot of "Reversing the Future", but with the butterfly effect brought by his overlord butterfly, the plot of "Reversing the Future" should not be. It will happen, why does "Wolverine" return from the past to the present?

Logan also knew that what he said was a bit bizarre. Fortunately, he understood that Charles had the ability to telepathically, so he said eagerly: "Professor, use your ability, you should know that what I said is true."

"I will not enter anyone's brain at will!" Professor X shook his head and said, "Everyone has free will, there is no need, I will not invade anyone's privacy."

"Trust me, it's very necessary now!" Logan looked at Charles solemnly, with a trace of inescapable sadness in his eyes.

It was the first time Charles saw this lone wolf with such an expression, and he could see the seriousness of the matter. After all, no one would like to expose their memories unless absolutely necessary.

Seeing that Logan was absolutely determined, Charles was not rejecting it.


Immediately using his telepathy ability, he probed Logan's memory. He was surprised to see from Logan's memory fragments that many things would happen in the future, such as how Logan became Wolverine, the death of Silver Fox, and the death of Qin in the end. Devoured by the dark phoenix, he finally chose self-sacrifice and died under Logan's claws.

Feeling the happy memory of Logan, Charles sighed: "You are a... poor person."

Rogan heard the words and said, "You saw my painful memory?"

Charles entered the brain of "Wolverine", empathized with what happened to Logan, and said with tears: "No, I don't want to see your pain, I don't want to see your future!"

Rogan insisted: "It's not my future, it's our future, and we have to try to change it!"

Seeing Rogan insist so much, Charles took a deep breath and continued to read his memory.

In a barren ruin, mutants and humans are like brothers, fighting side by side. They face an overwhelming army of robots. These robots are extremely powerful, manipulating various abilities, slaughtering humans and mutants, darkness and Despair hangs over the world...

After a while, Charles came back to his senses, with a complex look of sadness, determination and doubt in his eyes.

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