Lin Feng flew down from the clouds, and the top-level innate aura was released, coercing all directions, and some low-strength demon horns suddenly exploded and died, blood-staining the killing field.

"Lin Feng!"

Dongfang Yi also knew a little about Lin Feng who killed Yuyangjun, and knew that the other party had close contacts with the Sun-blind people, and it is not beyond surprise to appear here now.

But the surprise came soon!

"Entering the rivers and lakes, walking in the world, people alone shadow, Jian Guming, traveling thousands of miles, laughing at ambition, sighing and asking the sword a madman!"

The white-haired boy Wen Jian Guming stepped forward, and the "Guming Sword" behind him emitted sword energy, killing him one step at a time, opening a bloody path.

"There are eight wastes in Kyushu, six merged with three lights, and the world is unparalleled. The fronts are all together, but I am the only one who is strong."

The snow fell, and a rude and heroic Kuanghe Binglie walked in front of Lin Feng and the others.

"Murder without setting fires, build bridges without paving roads, and repay your kindness and revenge!"

Because of a favor he owes Chiba Legend, Fujitsu now accepts the business of Dangping Xuehai and shows up with a giant sword.

At the same time, Xuehai Wuya also received reinforcements.

"Everything has always had a body (Li Dehao), and a whole body has a universe. The heaven is divided into the one and the middle, and people have a lesson in their hearts."

"Xuetang's red calyx is worried about people, and the Chibi River is rainy and snowy. The world is full of soldiers and horses. Come and cook wine and go to the Yellow Tower in the evening."

Accompanied by the poem number, Xue Hai Wu Ya, the executive order of several clubs, Rao Beifeng and the club executive Yue Lingxi led the crowd to show up.

"There is no time in the world, there is wind and dust on the wrong road, a hundred years is like drunkenness, right and wrong are a cloud."

A white dragon's breath roared along with the poem, and it was the North Window Fulong Quhuaiju.

Yue Lingxi took a deep look at Fulong from the north window, and there was a wave in his eyes, but Dongfang Yi, who was shy, didn't say much.

Looking at his former lover, Fulong from the north window was speechless and had to laugh at himself!

Rao Beifeng's eyes swiveled around Fulong and Yuelingxi, and he was suddenly jealous, and then said to Fulong of the north window: "Past grievances, today will be understood together!"

"Dongfang Yi is doing the opposite, why should you help Zhou to abuse!" Bei Chuang Fulong looked at Lai Beifeng and wanted to persuade him to turn back.

Lin Feng looked at this bloody love triangle, shook his head, turned to Qianye Legend, and said, "One time to go to school, Hai Wuya, Zhu Yi Dynasty, you owe a lot!"

Chiba Legend jokingly said: "The favor of the Son of the Sun is very valuable, and the opportunity is rare, you have to seize it!"

"Today's battle, the sea of ​​learning will become a sea of ​​blood!".

 46 Death Comes【For Collection】

A spooky swamp house.

The power of the god of death in the main body of Taixue has been completely integrated with it, completing the transformation of the god of death, obtaining part of the power and memory of the god of death, and even the character has undergone a huge change.

Closing "Age of the Dead Kingdom", the Taixue master in black robe and white hair recalled the last memory of the god of death, and muttered to himself: "Opening the door to the dead country is my real game, and "Death Crossing" is for this. Birth! World, here I come!"

The words fell, and the figure of the master of the dead house of Wannian stepped out of the wooden house. At this time, he was dressed like a god of death, with a black robe and a hood, and a half-covered face.

And just at the moment when the Taixue master stepped out of the door, Huang Quan's entourage also appeared at the same time.

"Death, finally come to the world again!"

The Master Taixue looked at the two indifferent Huangquan leads, and said indifferently: "The poor people wandering in Huangquan, you are not qualified to accept my pity, today I only see him..."

The Taixuezhu looked up into the sky, and saw the sea of ​​clouds churning, the golden dragon breaking through the sky, and an aura of familiarity and disgust approaching rapidly.

"Wearing the six-baht clothes, Yuyu hides the truth.

In the cloud, Fengshen Road, Ziwei descends into the apocalypse. "

The waves of the sea of ​​clouds are full of righteousness. In the Qingsheng poem, Liuzhuyi fell from the god of desolation. To deal with the god of death, Liuzhuyi stepped on the dust for the first time and landed on both feet.

"Royal Heavenly Desolation God Six Baht Clothes!"

The Taixuezhu said indifferently, but no action was seen, and an invisible death aura blocked the incoming divine emperor's aura.


 160 With a loud explosion, the ground was devastated, the ground between the two suddenly burst, and the ground shook.

Liuzhuyi swayed the dust, looked at the master of the imperial school and said coldly: "Today, Liuzhuyi, vows to stop the evil from running rampant."

"Can you stop the god of death? Hahaha..." The master of the school laughed wildly, and the power of the god of death caused the thunder to roar, adding even more power.


Suddenly, the Master Taixue seemed to have a feeling, the laughter broke out, and he looked up to the sky again.

"It's him!"

Liu Zhuyi also felt a powerful magic power approaching, showing a dignified look on his face.

"What a powerful magic power!"

The corpse does not turn into bones and the soul-recovering spell reacts slowly for a beat, followed by a heart palpitation, and also looks up at the same time.

I saw the clouds gathered in the sky, the thunder snake danced wildly, the strange sound of the sky sounded, the majestic drums continued to play, and the human voices with the exotic ethnic style were singing, echoing the beat of the tambourine, and the gloomy phrases. It attracted a strange and erratic female voice, which was dotted with piano sounds one after another, which was creepy.

Amidst this exciting sound of heaven and earth, the Emperor Yuanxie, dressed in black and red armor, descended with authority.

"Treading the beacon fire, breaking the front of the army, righteousness and evil are useless;

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