Qianye Legend looked at Dongfang Yi and said with a smile: "I once said that I have set up the middle game, and the gentleman has just started the game. You are in the game, and you don't know it, you are defeated."

"Hmph, who will kill the deer, it's still undecided!"

Dongfang Yi didn't expect Qianye Legend to be ready, and his face suddenly became difficult to look at. From the current situation, I'm afraid that it would be a good idea to steal chickens. Seeing things in the sun, this is the season, and they are in the sea of ​​​​learning.

Lin Feng glanced around, and finally said to Qianye Legend: "Leave Dongfang Yi to me, and you can handle the others yourself."

"In that case, please!" Qianye Legend said politely. Among these people, Dongfang Yi was the most difficult one to deal with. Although Qianye Legend was sure to deal with Dongfang Yi, he didn't mind taking the opportunity to observe Lin Feng's strength. level.

Qianye Legend led the Eternal Sky, Bu Er Do and others killed Xue Hai and the Zhu Yi Dynasty.


Dongfang Yi looked at Qianye and the others who were killing the Quartet, and there was Lin Feng who was staring at him. With a light voice, he took out the "Sun-Controlling God Bow" and "Sun-Controlling God Arrow", bent the bow and set the arrow in one go.


Dongfang Yi Peiran's Yuan Gong gathered in the "Sun Controlling Divine Arrow", pointed directly at Lin Feng, and shot out suddenly, the arrow galloped like lightning, piercing the clouds and breaking the wind.

"The stars change. The wolf's teeth break through the sky!"

Lin Feng took out the "Lone Star" in one thousandth of a second, swung the sickle and slashed, and the crescent blade qi surged out. .

47 big wins [for collection]

A life-and-death battle within the sea of ​​learning.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The "Sun-Controlling Divine Arrow" pierces the clouds and pierces the sky, swirls like electricity, sometimes twists and turns, traverses nine days, sometimes hits straight, tigers roar and dragons travel, Dongfang Yi is one of the most outstanding archers in the "Thunderbolt" plane, "Sun-Controlling Divine Bow" ' is also one of several great divine bows, and the two complement each other and are extremely powerful.

And Lin Feng intends to retain his strength, and at the same time uses the "Eye of the Holy Demon" to write down Dongfang Yi's archery skills.

"Bingmei Lengyue!"

Dongfang Yi opened the bowstring again, and the arrow body of the "God Controlling the Sun" exuded an aura of frost. In an instant, white snow fluttered and shot at Lin Feng with the power of extreme cold. where the ground freezes.

"The scroll of the earth. Slash in the air!"

Lin Fengyun made the "Bingjia Wujing", with the real essence condensed on the "Lone Star", he turned his body and slashed, and the sword qi turned like a wheel, spurting out, breaking the sky and pulling the ground.


The sword qi collided with the "Sun-Controlling God Arrow", and the powerful energy was scattered, destroying everything around it, the trees and flowers were uprooted, the Donggao Pavilion was blown away by the air and dust, and the ground was completely lifted. Floor.

"King Day Arrow Prison!"

Dongfang Yi saw that he could not help Lin Feng, and his luck was shocked, and four "Sun-Controlling God Arrows" flew out from behind.

This move is not only a magic arrow, but also a strange technique. It can fix the arrow and make it difficult for people to move. However, the power also depends on the foundation of both parties. Strong enough to forcibly break the shackles.

I saw four arrows circling and fluttering, and the arrow paths were unpredictable.

"The stars change. The Thousand Wolf Shadows Breaking the Sky!"

Lin Feng swung his sickle to block the move, and the blade of the "Lone Star" flickered with cold light, and his energy shot out in an instant, destroying stones and trees. Turn to break the Confucian archery skills.

"Come again."

In order to get rid of Dongfang Yi's old bottom, after breaking the move, Lin Feng did not choose to fight close to him. Instead, he kept a distance from Dongfang Yi, provoked and let Dongfang Yi play.


Although Dongfang Yi was an old fox, he couldn't see Lin Feng's intentions for a while. However, for archers, "distance produces beauty", and it is natural to be able to maintain an effective distance. Now that the war is in jeopardy, Dongfang Yi can't think too much. Get out of school again.

"Through the sky and control the sun!"

Dongfang Yi stepped on the bow and held the string in the other hand. The "Sun-Controlling Divine Bow" was like a full moon, and the arrow pointed at Lin Feng. The divine arrow was shining brightly, gathering the fiery power of destruction.


With a light cry, I saw the divine arrow cut through the sky, and instantly transformed into a phoenix flying.

"The Six Secrets of Aohan. A cold glance!"

Lin Feng jumped in the air, looking down from a height, without hesitation, he swung his sickle and slashed. Under the surging real energy condensation, "Lone Star" turned into a huge ice sickle more than ten feet long, facing the fire phoenix and beheaded it down in an instant. The electric light and flint were connected, the ice sickle and the fire phoenix collapsed one after another, and the bursting flames and ice crystals shot in all directions, making people unable to not be moved.

The original "Aohan Six Tactics" is much weaker than Dongfang Yi's "Sun Controlling Divine Arrow", but Lin Feng has a solid foundation, and even ordinary moves can exert great power, plus subtle control. , it is "evenly divided" under one blow.

The legend of Qianye in the distance has already solved the goddess Yaoji, who is currently fighting against Dongfeng Nuxue. From his observation of Lin Feng's situation from time to time, it is clear that he can handle it with ease. Eternal Sky and Wen Jian Guming, Buer Do and others are also Killing the Quartet, the coalition forces of Xuehai and Zhu Yi Dynasty were defeated.


On top of the boundless banquet of learning.

The sun rose, Yan Tinghong, Ying Wuyan and other sun-blind people felt the dazzling sunlight, and they all felt uncomfortable and closed their eyes.

Guzhou Jianru led a group of students from the sea to surround the Japanese blind people.

"Under the sun, the sun-blind people have nothing to hide! Drink!"

Guzhou Jianru let out a deep drink, and instantly pulled out the "Guzhou Cold Sword", the real yuan was destroyed, and a cold sword energy suddenly shot at Yan Tihong.

"That's not necessarily true!"

A mocking smile hung on the corner of Yan Tinghong's mouth, her eyes suddenly opened, and a cold light flashed, blowing away the sword energy in her vicinity.

The disease that the blind people cannot see in the sun has long been cured by Lin Feng. The reason why they have waited until now is to surprise the opponent and surprise them!

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