What's more, Lin Feng and Su really don't have any hatred or conflict of interests. He only needs to fight monsters at the right time, grab some magical weapons to strengthen his strength, or occasionally change the fate of some people, and he has no plans to dominate the misery. It can be said that well water does not make river water, so there is no need to ask for trouble.

Just when Lin Feng was thinking about it, Cang also explained the purpose of his visit, and indeed, as Lin Feng thought, he came for the "unbreakable flower".

"Xuanshou is very polite. Since this flower can help the white lotus to revive, it is absolutely necessary to give it to Xuanshou."

Lin Feng readily took out the "Unfolded Flower" and handed it to Cang. Anyway, the "Unfolded Flower" is of little use to Lin Feng now. Su still really owes him a favor, whether it is beneficial or harmful, why not do it.

Seeing this, Huang Quan's entourage felt a little indignant. He and the others asked for the "Unbreakable Flower".

However, Lin Feng was disdainful of the idea of ​​Huang Quan's introduction. A group of street fighters who thought they couldn't understand the situation were not enough to fight with one hand. If it wasn't for their usefulness, Lin Feng would have killed them long ago. !

Cang took the "Unbreakable Flower" and bowed with a smile: "Thank you, Your Excellency."

"Where, compared to Xuanshou and Su Huanzhen's contributions to Shenzhou, these are all done by their own divisions, so why thank you." Lin Feng also politely said.

Cang Xin was still in the real situation and had no time to stay, so he gave a salute; "It's not too late, I'll retire first, please!"

"Please!" Lin Feng nodded.

Then Cang Fei got on his body and got off the boat, sailing at night, the corpse did not turn into bones, and the people who were led by Huang Quan also left with him.

Now that Su Huanzhen's body and soul are on the boat, Cang still needs to use the ability of Huangquan's lead to get the "Unbreakable Flower", and the purpose of Huangquan's lead is mainly the "Unbreakable Flower". Because they heard that this flower can remove all death spells, and maybe it can also remove their curse, so they are determined to get it. As for the "Rahu Ring", it is secondary to them.

The ghost ship rose from the sky and flew into the ground. This ghost ship can sneak underground, and can also be used as a weapon to hit opponents when necessary. It has a certain threat to the top innate, and it can be regarded as a good magic weapon.

Cang took away the "unbreakable flower", believing that it won't be long before Su Jianzhen will be resurrected, and Lin Feng doesn't care about that, as long as Su Jianzhen doesn't come to trouble himself, and the rest he loves to deceive whoever. Might as well take the opportunity to pick up a bargain.

Mo left the ship, and on the battlefield, the Sun-Blind Clan and the Zhu Yi Dynasty were left again.

Watching a group of old and weak women and children holding hoes and shoulders in front of Zhi Yuchang Xin, watching the Japanese blind people are both fearful and firm, they were influenced by the "Luo Hou Ring Seal", and they were completely convinced by Zhi Yuchang, But they still maintain their own consciousness, and they are also afraid of fear, but as long as Zhiyu has a long heart, they will launch a death charge without hesitation.

Moral kidnapping is really troublesome. If we start killing people today, I am afraid that it will not be long before many "mere" condemnations will appear. .

51 days without age【for collection】

The night is getting darker and the autumn wind is cool, and the sun-blind people can see at night without being affected at all. Instead, they are stronger because of their long-term living habits.

However, the dominant Sun-Blind Clan began to retreat slowly. It wasn't that Lin Feng and the others were soft-hearted and could not kill the killer, but they had to take into account the reputation of the Sun-Blind Clan.

Originally, with Lin Feng's ability, it was not difficult to solve the problem in front of him, but he didn't want to expose too many trump cards. After all, there were too many hidden bosses in the "Thunderbolt" plane, and he had to guard against it.

The sun-blind people were evacuated first under the leadership of Qianye Legend, but Lin Feng did not leave. Lin Feng's eyesight can still see clearly.

After the transaction of the god of death, Zhiyu's long heart is indeed beautiful. It is absolutely gorgeous, flawless, indescribable, shocking, not like a mortal woman, like a graceful goddess, and like a poppy flower with a temptation that can lead to destruction . Confused.

But this is only appearance. As the price, she has lost herself and become a slave of power. She is narrow-minded, mean and unkind, and has a strong possessiveness. Although she is an empress, she does not have the heart and vision that an emperor should have. .

At this time, Zhiyu Changxin was ordering someone to bandage Ye Xiaochai's wound. Ye Xiaochai fought Wangu Changkong. , It's not that Ye Xiaochai's strength is worse than Wangu Changkong.

It was because of the "Frostmourne" and "Phoenix Blade" in Eternal Changkong's hands that cut out wounds with continuous damage. The cold air attached to "Frostmourne" can make people slow to move, and the "Phoenix Blade" has a burning effect. Ye Xiaochai started It can also be suppressed by its own true essence, but over time, as the number of wounds increases, it will gradually fall into the disadvantage.

In the battle between warriors, their own strength is a part, as are their weapons. Weapons of the same level, with special attributes, naturally take advantage of it. What is better than a sword without a sword, that is what the realm foundation is saying when it crushes the opponent.

It's like playing a game. A 40-level tuba abuses a 10-level trumpet. Naturally, you don't need any preparation, but you are also a level 40 player without equipment. Try it on a player with dark gold equipment. Learn to be human.

Even a saint, a great god like Pangu would have to use an artifact, let alone an ordinary martial artist.

Zhiyu Changxin just called the doctor away, and was about to go forward to see Ye Xiaochai's condition, but unexpectedly turned into an elbow, the space behind her suddenly opened a two-meter-high circular crack, and Lin Feng jumped out of the crack in an instant. With the dragon claws transformed by "Capturing the Dragon", Zhiyu Changxin was instantly caught.

Ye Xiaochai's eyes were fast and his hands were quick, and he was alert the moment Lin Feng appeared, and he drew his sword regardless of the injury and let out a sword qi.

However, even if Lin Feng suppressed his strength, his foundation was still stronger than that of Ye Xiaochai. Even if Ye Xiaochai was in a complete state, he would not be Lin Feng's opponent, let alone injured.

"Go back, I won't hurt her life."

After Lin Feng grabbed Zhiyu Changxin, he turned around and waved his palm to block the sword qi, and then turned around and took Zhiyu Changxin to leave through the space crack.

"Ah (break away)!"

Ye Xiaochai wanted to chase into the space crack, but when he was just approaching, a palm slammed into the space crack, Ye Xiaochai had no choice but to wave his sword to resist, but the strong impact still shook him back several meters, and the gauze wrapped around him was again The blood spilled, Ye Xiaochai had just stabilized his body, and was about to pursue, but found that the crack in space had healed, he did not know space magic, and could only sigh.


On a barren mountain, a space crack suddenly opened, and a man and a woman came out.

Lin Feng, who officially packed Zhiyu Changxin away, threw Zhiyu Changxin on the ground, and Lin Feng looked at the angry Suzaku Empress with a smile on his shoulders.

"Bold, dare to be unreasonable to this empress."

Zhiyu got up from the ground with a long heart and glared at Lin Feng. Things happened too fast just now, and she was caught before she could react. Now that she has recovered, she was suddenly furious. Changxin still has the majesty of some superiors, but unfortunately this is of no use to Lin Feng!


Lin Feng's backhand was a loud slap in the face: "I am not a courtier of your Zhu Yi Dynasty, don't show the air of a queen in front of me."

Zhi Yu Chang Xin touched her red and swollen cheeks with an unbelievable speed: "Bastard, how dare you hit me..."


After hitting the left cheek and hitting the right cheek, Lin Feng showed no pity for Xiang Xiyu, and the current Zhi Yu's heart is not a good kind.

"The old lady is fighting with you, swallowing the sky and destroying the world!"

Weaving Yu's heart is not without the power of a chicken. A dark force gathers in her palm in an instant. His power comes from the god of death. Back then, she used the "Hope Horn" to make a wish to the god of death, which not only cured her heart disease, but also gained support from the god of death. The appearance of Guo Qingcheng, the god of death also "generously" bestowed the power of the god of death on Zhiyu's heart.

This power is equivalent to a top-level innate cultivation base, but Zhiyu Changxin is not very familiar with the use of the power of death, but he can be regarded as a top-level expert!

With Lin Feng's strength, in fact, he can completely subdue Zhiyu's heart when he gathers qi, but Lin Feng also wants to see how far Zhiyu's heart can wait, so let Zhiyu's heart play.

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