West Wulin, the capital of heaven.

When Emperor Yuanxie went out, he went to a forest.

"Murder without setting fires, build bridges without paving roads, and repay your kindness and revenge!"

Buerdou came to Yuanxie Huang with murderous aura on his back carrying the "Swirling Sword". At this time, Buerdou was controlled by the four gates of death, and his memory, vision, and hearing became confused. At this time, he regarded Yuanxie Huang as a The "Blood List" is a powerful man behind the scenes.

"Quan Qingtian, today we will make a decision."

While speaking, Bu Er waved his sword sideways, and an invisible sword energy attacked the Yuanxie Emperor.

The invisible sword energy is invisible and invisible, even if the congenital master is not careful, it is very likely that his head will be in a different place, but he still cannot hide it from the eyes of Emperor Yuanxie.

"Swordsmanship is not bad."

Emperor Yuanxie said indifferently, raised his right hand slightly, and instantly shattered the invisible sword energy. Such an attack was not enough to make him serious. It wasn't because his swordsmanship was bad, but because his foundation was far from that of Emperor Yuanxie. .

"Poor swordsmanship, that's amazing!"

In the eyes of Fuji, Emperor Yuanxie looked like Quan Qingtian, and his words turned into sarcastic words, which made Fuji's anger run high.

Emperor Yuanxie also saw that Buerdo was being controlled by the four gates of the god of death, but he didn't care, he tickled his right hand lightly, and said casually: "Come on, what can you do, let's do it all!"

At this moment, a white-haired young swordsman chanted poetry and stepped forward.

"Entering the rivers and lakes, walking in the world, people alone shadow, Jian Guming, traveling thousands of miles, laughing at ambition, sighing and asking the sword a madman!"

The person who came was Wen Jian Guming. He was also under the control of the four gates of the god of death. The poem name fell, and the "Guming Sword" behind him issued a black sword of death.


The sword qi broke through the 783 air and let out a scream.

"The Sword of Death, it's interesting!" Emperor Yuanxie didn't turn his head, the blood-red cloak behind his back was automatic without wind. The seemingly gentle cloak collided with the sword energy that came, but there was no damage.

"Quan Qingtian, go to hell!" Under the influence of the four gates of the god of death, Buer Zuo regarded Yuanxie Huang as the enemy of life and death, and he did not leave any room for action. .

"Junior Yuyang, pay for the innocent people who died in vain in Shacheng!" Wen Jian Guming, who was also affected by the Four Passes of the God of Death, regarded Yuanxie Huang as Yuyang Jun.

"Death, your provocation, this emperor accepts!" Yuanxie Huang looked at the void and said lightly.

"Sword Spinning Cross Slash!"

"Sword · Guming!"

Wen Jian Guming and Buer Zuo shot at the same time, one is mighty and domineering, with unmatched sharpness, and the other is ethereal and agile, strange and unpredictable.

"This emperor will accompany you through two moves, Magic Transformation: Bitan Reflecting the Moon!"

I saw Yuanxie Huang's heart move, and the blood-red "Demon Sword Creation" instantly took hold, swinging his sword like a wheel, and at the same time blocking the attacks of Buer Zuo and Wen Jian Guming.


The two swords came out at the same time. Although they attacked separately, they formed an inexplicable cooperation. ', 'Guming Sword' is fast and slow, the power and speed are intertwined, and the murderous intention is full.

Emperor Yuanxie held the sword in one hand and the back in the other, indifferently, seeing the move and dismantling the move, pressing with force, pressing the speed with speed, from beginning to end, never moved a single bit under his feet.

"Invisible Sword, Ten Thousand Swords Breakthrough!"

Fu Er slashed the ground with a horizontal sword, and in an instant, countless cyan sword qi roared out like a gust of wind and rain (bdei), and the ground was instantly scratched with countless sword marks by the sword qi.

"Sword Divine Seal!"

Wen Jian Guming also acted at the same time, the "Guming Sword" swirled, countless black air currents surged, the sky rang thunder, dozens of black sword qi rose through the sky, and then crossed a perfect arc and hurled it towards Yuan Xiehuang. go.

"Sword of Death" and "Sword of Invisibility", the two swords come out together, one day and one place.

Emperor Yuanxie's body was surging with demonic energy, the situation changed dramatically, and the world moved.

"Go to the poor and order Zhan Xiyue!"

Emperor Yuanxie's sword was split into two, the blood-red sword energy was like a waterfall of swords, and at the same time, he struck at Buer Do and Wen Jian Guming's move.

In one move, the two types are broken together!

Seeing that the war situation is favorable, I ask Jian Guming and what Buer should do, and at the same time use the sword in one fell swoop to use the peerless sword style "Twelve Rounds of Ice Sales"!

"Sword. Ice Mark!"

"Sword. Ice Mark!"

Wen Jian Guming and Buer Do raised their swords to the sky at the same time, and the extremely cold sword energy emanated from the swords in their hands, and immediately raised their swords and waved towards Yuan Xie Huang.

"Whoosh~ whoosh~"

 One after another icy blue ice swords roared out, killing the Yuanxie Emperor with an endless momentum.

"Junior, you all tried your best!"

Emperor Yuanxie was like a high mountain Wei Ran, even though the two of them tried their best, they still didn't have the slightest intention of dodging.

"Magic Sword Eleven Nirvana!"

Huge demonic energy emanated from Emperor Yuanxie's body, and when "Creation" flew into the sky, it caused the world to change color, and immediately shot down in boundless blood-red sword rain.

All the ice swords were swept away in an instant under the overwhelming sword rain. Both Buer Do and Wen Jian Guming were horrified when they saw this. The strength of their opponents was simply hopeless.


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