
Night, blur! Wind, desolation!

The "Sara God Tree" is quietly erected in the night wind. The sacred tree is about [-] feet high and has luxuriant branches. From the verdant leaves, delicate pink flowers are revealed, which are shaped like a canopy canopy. On the top, full of beautiful tidbits like Danxia, ​​flowers are blooming in Zhengmao.

"The situation in the world is beyond my generation, and as soon as one enters the rivers and lakes, the years remind;

Huangtu and Dogey are chatting and laughing, and they are incomparably drunk in life. "

Lin Feng approached the "Sacred Tree of Sara" step by step, looking at the sacred tree in front of him, there was no appreciation in Lin Feng's eyes, only... Destruction!

"Beautiful things are often hidden dangers, and the seeds left by death should not exist in this world!"

"Yeah!" Lin Feng stopped suddenly, turned his back to the person behind him and asked, "Are you the guardian here?"

"Binghua." It was a woman in red who spoke, looking at Lin Feng and said, "You can't destroy the divine tree."

Binghua is the descendant of the Shoutian family, Yixi Haitang's personal bodyguard, using the "Five Willows and Silver Silk" as a weapon, with agile skills and a strong and cold personality, she will never allow others to harm the goddess. What Xi Haitang planted is of great significance, and she has the duty to guard it.

Lin Feng shook his head slightly: "I can only say sorry!"

When Binghua heard the words, the "Five Willows Silver Silk" shot in his hand, but Lin Feng was unmoved. When the "Five Willows Silver Silk" shot three feet behind Lin Feng, he was immediately imprisoned in the air by Lin Feng's infuriating energy. Released from the palm, the Karmic Fire Burning Lotus immediately hit the "Sacred Tree of Sara".


Binghua wanted to stop it, but the difference in strength between the two was too great, so he could only watch Lin Feng burn the "Sacred Tree of Sara", and finally sighed helplessly. Seeing that nothing could be done, Binghua pulled away.

The raging karmic fire calcined the sacred wood, constantly emitting thick smoke, and a vision arose in the gathering black mist.


The black smoke gradually aggregated into the appearance of the god of death, and made a shrill cry, adding a strange atmosphere in the dark night.

The sacred tree was burned, exuding the aura of death.

At the same time, the four gates of the god of death in a strange space were sensed at the same time.


"how so?"

"This is the master's last thought, don't let it be destroyed."

"Follow the source of the breath and hurry."

The four gates of the god of death gathered together, and then locked the aura of the god of death, and quickly approached the direction of Lin Feng.

In order to eliminate the world's appearance, the wonderful method burns the sala, the red lotus karmic fire, and the thick smoke is pulling a distant past!

And Yixi Haitang, who was in Qiyun Zhai, was also in the burning image of the "Salu Sacred Tree", and the image of the power of death showed a painful color.

"When the year turns to spring and autumn, how many times are mulberry fields, is it a hundred years? Or a thousand years?"

One night, Haitang was sweating profusely and her breathing was short. The "Sacred Tree of Shaluo" was connected to her breath, and the divine tree was damaged. She felt the same way, recalling her past with the god of death, and one night Haitang muttered to herself: "The divine tree is immortal, I The body still exists, you gave me absurdity and eternity, and now that Sara has become ashes, should you give me an explanation?"

She has been waiting, waiting for the arrival of death!


Learning is endless.


Feeling the appearance of the breath of the god of death, the door to the sea of ​​learning opened, and the master of the school, who endured the power of the god of death, stepped out of the sea of ​​learning.

"The breath of death?"

The Taixuezhu wondered in his heart, could it be that the God of Death did not die?

Just as the Taixue Master was about to leave, a clear and distant flute sounded, mellow and ethereal, and could not help but feel calm, washing away the vulgarity.

The Master Taixue looked coldly at the white figure in front of him: "Can you stop the god of death... Lack of boats!"

"Thousands of years of joint cultivation, lack of boats and sails.

Boundless sinking, the sea of ​​France sails. "

With fluffy white clothes, white hair in a high bun, Quzhou Yifandu, holding a white jade flute, carrying the "Manjusri Sword", and strolling here, there is an awe-inspiring force that is not anger and self-promotion.

"The boundless sea of ​​suffering, the only way to stop karma is to kill."

Quezhou Yifandu stood tall, blocking the Taixue master.


I burn incense to fill the heavens and the earth, I pay homage to the World-Honored One, I do not destroy my body, I pray for the esoteric transmission of the Diamond Dharma, regardless of whether there are signs or not.

Beneath the "Sara Sacred Tree", the four gates of death appeared, moving vertically and horizontally, and in a blink of an eye, he had surrounded Lin Feng who had burned the "Sara Sacred Tree".

"Blindness is... dizzying."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????

"To turn a deaf ear is to say... treason."

"I don't know what it means to say... concealed deception."

"It's like... evil thoughts."

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