The wild laughter came out of the Taixue Master's mouth, and the "Myth of Doomsday" in his hand trembled slightly, eager for a happy killing.

The moon moves and the stars move, the polarities of good and evil, united as a city, united to kill the gods!

"Death is the last glory I give you."

The Master Taixue held up the "Myth of Doomsday", the power of the god of death erupted, the world fell into a state of stillness, and the hundreds of people who were rushing in front of Huangquan and Luyuan were instantly frozen.


The "Myth of Doomsday" in the hands of the Master Taixue slashed horizontally, the blood-red saber aura slashed across hundreds of feet, the light of the saber slashed across, and the flesh and blood of hundreds of people were instantly wiped out.

Huang Quan's "immortal body" is a joke at this moment. The master of the school said proudly: "The soul is flying and scattered, this is the only end of fighting against the god of death."

Seeing this without any complaints, he immediately released the spell to gather all the grievances around him, ready to fight to the death, and Luyuan Yicheng's Five Aggregates Fagang also formed a shield array to attack the Taixue Master at the same time.

"Manjushri's Demon Demon Array!"

The Five Aggregates Dharma Gang is the five vajra law enforcement of the Luyuan One Vehicle. Step on it and descend from the sky, crushing the god of death.

Facing the magic formation falling from the sky, the Master Taixue raised his left hand and easily blocked it.

Seeing this, the shadow scorpion immediately sent out a slap.

"Curse Fire Ghost Order!"

At the same time, the Soul Repelling Curse without Resentment also transformed the surrounding resentment into energy and charged towards the Taixue Master.

The Master Taixue resisted the "Manjushri Conquering Demons Array" with his left hand, and waved the "Myth of Doomsday" with his right hand, easily cutting off the attack of the two.

"Three feet of ice!"

Ai Ran Niang casts the dead country Bingyuan, freezes the feet of the Taixue master, and the limbs are restrained. The opportunity cannot be missed. Lei Ting Yiwu Chan, Ask the Master's meaning from the west, the ghost ship, and the soul curse without complaint seize the opportunity. Recruit at the same time.

"Double Buddhas Appear!"

"."Together to destroy evil obstacles!"

"Yellow Spring. India!"

There is a magic circle and ghost energy pressing at the same time, and there is a chain of hell's ice below, and when the four palms are sent together, the master of the school is like a joke.


The four of them joined together, but they were blocked by the air hood of the Taixuezhu, which failed to affect them in the slightest. The Taixuezhu coldly said: "If you only have this, then die for me!"

Seeing that his subordinates were in danger, the head and the lantern made great moves.

"Ghost Pounder. Slaughter Army!"

The shadow scorpion pulled out the "Saber Dragon Soul", flew up, commanded the sky, and slashed twice.

"Buddha's Dharma Seal!"

The ancient lamp Buddha also pulled away, volleyed to continue his momentum, and issued a grand Dharma seal to directly hit the god of death.

The Master Taixue slashed at will, and at the same time broke the attack of the two, and said disdainfully: "You really let me down!"

"how is this possible!"

Seeing that his own trick was taken lightly and was destroyed by the Taixuezhu, the shadow and the ancient lamp Buddha were all shocked.

"I've given you the chance to perform, now it's my turn!"

With a cold voice, the Master Taixue attracted the power of the god of death in his body, mobilized the vitality of heaven and earth, and then released it suddenly, and the heaven and earth exploded in an instant.


The majestic energy slammed into all directions, and all the monks and Huang Quan were blown away by the powerful impact.

"Such a powerful force..."

"How could..."

"(Nuo Zhao Zhao) Impossible!"

Shocked, terrified, horrified, determined, everyone's mood was mixed.

After the shadow fell to the ground, he reminded: "Everyone be careful!"

"Is it enough to be careful?" The Master Taixue moved a knife and cut Wen Shixi Laiyi's waist into two pieces. Lei Tingyi Wuchan, who came over, was also cut in half by the Master Taixue, killing him instantly.

"Ask the master's intention to come from the west, Lei Ting Yi Wu Chan, damn it!" Seeing this, the monk of Luyuan Yicheng was about to split, and the Five Aggregates Dharma just attacked with the "Vajra Dharma Shield" at the same time.

"Five rounds of Tiangang!"

The Five Aggregates Method just formed a formation with a shield and counterattacked defensively. The Master of Taixue showed disdain. In his hand, the "Myth of Doomsday", killed five times in one second, cut off people and shields together, and then did not stop, killed the Quartet, and collected the soul curse. No resentment, the corpse does not turn into bones, the ghost Jialuo, and other Huangquan lead people also died under the "doomsday myth" one after another.


On the battlefield, the laughter of the Taixue Master and the screams of the resentful monks before they died, the blood rained, and the corpses piled up like mountains. In an instant, the entire sea of ​​learning was like a purgatory in the world, making people scared and flying.

Even in the night boat, Xia Fengdu and the others still had lingering fears and made plans.

The master of the Taixue was murderous, and the "myth of the end of the day" was destroyed. Whether it was Huang Quan Yin or Luyuan monks, there was no one enemy. .

63 Fragrant white lotus is really true [for collection]

Raising a sword and riding a straddle, wielding the rain of ghosts, the bones are as frightened as a mountain bird.

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