"It's worth looking for a confidant in my life, laughing at the wind and thunder shaking Kyushu, leaning on my sword and singing wildly, and roaring through the ages."

Jiuzhou Yijianzhi was in high spirits, chanting poetry and walking, his pace seemed slow and fast, not much slower than that of the meteor.

The desert is located on the boundary of the Western Territory of Misery, a region farther away than the Great Khan Empire in the past.

Due to the harsh living conditions, the ethnic groups in the desert are fighting all day long to obtain resources for survival, and even witchcraft and blood thorns are ravaging the outside world.

The Desert Sword Emperor eliminated the Wuxue Jingliu, repelled the witch cult, and unified the desert, but the good times did not last long. After the Desert Sword Emperor's death, the shamanism made a comeback and was once again occupied by the shaman cult until the "Desert Sword Juechen" wiped out the shamanism. , so that desert dwellers can enjoy a peaceful life.

Seamo, on a desolate cliff, a long knife wrapped in yellowed and full of mantras, cloth and hemp rope, oozing blood from time to time, reflecting the sorrow that the soul in the knife could not be freed.

At this time, the ghost that was flying like a "meteor" shot into the knife, and the blade suddenly emitted a strange light.

In the cave at the foot of the mountain, a person stood silently. He had long gray hair with a shawl and curls, embellished with several obvious red strands, a ruby ​​necklace hanging from his forehead, and a simple gray short-haired coat with a red scarf. , black lapels, leather pants and boots and other special clothing, just like the shape of a wandering knight, full of melancholy temperament.

He is Mo Dao Juechen!

Mo Dao Jue Chen was originally a purple awn star mark, one of the five royal dragons in the poetic heavenly city of the four worlds. He was trapped in a miserable situation by hunting down the demon god Xietian Yuwu and another criminal Wedge. As a result of the failure of the action, he was reincarnated as a human being in a miserable situation, his memory fell into a sealed state, and the five dragons in the sky were also separated.

Mo Dao Juechen has the blood of the sword dragon, and has a very high talent in sword skills.

The saber "Desert Sword" binds the soul of the Sword Emperor who made a contract with the God of Death. As long as he kills one person, the Sword Emperor will suffer a bit.

Many years ago, Mo Dao Juechen came to the Central Plains in order to hunt down the remnants of the witch cult. Under the guidance of Yixi Haitang, he retreated from the world, waiting for the opportunity to liberate the soul of the Sword Emperor.

Feeling the change of the "Desert Sword", Mo Dao Juechen's eyes flashed, maybe the time has come!


Dongwulin, in a cave with a dark tide.

In the silent darkness, a blood-soaked long sword shone with a cold light that captured the soul. The sword was dripping with blood. Countless bloodthirsty bats fed with the blood on the sword, making a creepy high-pitched sound.

The shape of this sword is like a bat. It is bloodthirsty. There is a touch of blood red in the black sword. It is called "Leng Xie's Greed". best food.

Suddenly, the flames appeared, and the blazing sound brought out a sinister and sinister figure.


The evil voice laughed wildly, the bats swarmed in groups, accompanied by blood swords, and the bloodthirsty light flickered in the eyes of "Night Evil Shadow Eater".

"When the night falls, the greedy sword, only constant killing, cannot be satisfied!"

Ye Nie Yingying pulled up the bloody "Leng Xie greed" and prepared to start another killing. For him, killing was a pleasant thing, especially for a master killer. In his opinion, " The Heavenly Sword Controversy is a feast of slaughter. .

 The Kingdom of 64 Months【Subscribe】

In the battle of Xuehai Wuya, Huang Quan and Lu Yuan suffered heavy casualties and sailed without a boat. Su Huanzhen and Liu Zhuyi rescued the shadowy head, Aidan and the ancient lamp Buddha.

After the battle, the three of them were wounded, among which the ancient lamp Buddha was the most seriously injured by the "Myth of Doomsday". After being sent back to Luyuan Yicheng, in order not to be corroded by the demonic energy and become a monster, he chose to let the sword-wielding King Ming "broken". Shard for Zen" ended his life.

dark woods

Su Huanzhen came to a forest with the wounded shadow scorpion, stopped, and Su Huanzhen said: "Da Shou, ~ you are not lightly injured this time!"

"Death...Death, I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!" All the people who were led by Huang Quan died tragically, but the Taixue master was not in any serious trouble, and the shadows were dark and hated.

Su Wanzhen waited for Shadow Mo to vent, and sighed: "You guys are too reckless this time, even if you join forces with Luyuan Yicheng, plus all the fighting power of Mo Li's ship, you will do it before Death's trump card is revealed. Confused!"

Soldiers are tricky, fighting wit but not strength.

In Su Huanzhen's view, Huang Quan's lead and Lu Yuan's actions were very reckless. If they hadn't gotten the news and arrived in time, they would have been wiped out. Su Huanzhen expressed that he was under great pressure for this kind of teammate who gave away the head. Big!

Shadow Squirrel also knows about wisdom, and he is not very good. He immediately said: "Su Huanzhen, when I helped you resurrect, I was relying on your wisdom to deal with the god of death. What can you do?"

"Su has already had a case, but he needs to think about it in the long run..."

Before Su Huan Zhen Dao was finished, he was interrupted by the shadow head. He thought this was Su Huan's real excuse, and waved his hand: "I don't want to listen to the reason, this is the kindness you owe me."

"That's why Su will rescue the leader. The god of death must be eliminated, but an unplanned attack cannot be effective..." Su really doesn't like things that are uncertain. Unless it is necessary, before there is no absolute certainty, Su will I really won't make a rash move.

But the shadowy head hated the god of death deeply, and now he has lost all his men and became a bare commander. He calmed down there and shouted: "Enough, you just need to give me a time, when will you be able to solve the god of death?"

"The abilities and wisdom of the God of Death are unfathomable, and Su can't make any guarantees about time." Su really didn't make any promises lightly, and the God of Death is not a Chinese cabbage. Cut it as you want, if the God of Death is so easy to deal with , he doesn't have to worry so much!

Shadow's head was burning with anger, and evil turned to courage. While thinking about it, he had a poisonous plan in his heart: "If you can't find a way to deal with the god of death, I have another way."

"Yeah!" Su Huanzhen heard the words, and didn't think that the shadow had come up with any good ideas for the first time, but still asked politely: "What method?"

"Open the door of the dead country and release all the scorpion. The god of death is the public enemy of the clan. The appearance of the clan will inevitably besiege the god of death, causing them both to suffer. I must completely destroy all things related to the dead country. Only then can our souls be imprisoned. Years of hatred!" The Shadow Man had no scruples for revenge, and was obviously on the verge of madness.

When Su Huanzhen heard it, he shook his head and said, "Once the gate of the dead country is opened, the martial arts will surely fall into another wave of catastrophe. Su cannot agree with this method."

"I'm afraid that when the time comes, you can't help but agree." The shadow head said decisively, obviously having made a decision.

Su Huan sighed sincerely and asked, "How can we open the door to the dead country?"

The justice in Su Huan’s heart is to maintain the safety of the misery. He will never allow the door of the dead country to open. This question is just to know ourselves and the enemy, and be prepared. He even decided in his heart that if the shadow man is really desperate to open the door of the dead country. Door, then he can only be ungrateful once!

You must know that although Su Huanzhen is called Su Xian, Su Huanzhen is not a good stubborn, only the wrong name, not the wrong nickname, "Su Laojian", "Black Heart Su" these names are all For Su Huanzhen, as long as he can guard the misery, he doesn't mind bearing some infamy, and there are countless pillars of the righteous path killed by him, and there is no less than one shadow shadow.

Shadow Squirrel still didn't know that Su Huanzhen was already killing him, thinking that Su Huan really agreed with this plan, and said bluntly: "Use the death scythe "Lone Star", "Ye Wang" to perform "Death Crossing", or create another world Cracks are fine."

"Yeah!" Su still knew the truth, and began to think about how to prevent the door of the dead country from opening, but his face remained calm: "Da Shou, you are not seriously injured, you should rest well first, Su is leaving!"

The shadow head reminded: "Su is really true, you are already in the game of death, don't try to escape."

"Su has his own measure." Su really nodded, turned and walked towards the top of the sea of ​​​​clouds.

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