The master of the Taixue didn't take it seriously. To him, the night boat was just a pawn in a small game. It was insignificant, so what if he broke the contract? , I give you a task, and if you can complete it, I will send you all to the bright and pure land."

The surrounding Huangquan people were shocked when they heard the words. They did not hesitate to betray their companions in order to be freed, and they all looked at the first mate Ye Xingzhou.

Ye Xingzhou was also a little excited: "Please speak."

"I want you to win the [Heavenly Sword] in the Holy War of Clouds."

The Master Taixue was still quite apprehensive about the "Heavenly Sword". Although he felt that Ye Xingzhou had little chance of winning the sword, he might as well give it a try.

"Okay, a word is settled." In order to reach the bright and pure land, Ye Xingzhou decided to win the "Sword of Heaven" no matter what, this was their only hope of liberation, and he could do whatever he could.


After Liu Zhuyi sent the ancient lantern Buddha back to Luyuan for a ride, in order to increase the odds of winning the "Tianjian Contest", he went to Manse Qiuyin to visit his former friends, hoping that they could also participate in the "Tianjian Controversy".

Liu Zhuyi was originally a top swordsman, but later he was instructed by Jiutian Xuanzun to practice immortality.

Mo Xuandeng is pure white, lit by the night wind, seeks light in the dark, and retreats to the full color of autumn clouds. The Chinese lantern in his hand can transform thousands of sword energy. Hearing Liuzhuyi's invitation, he readily agrees.

The Yuan Bahuang is the peak of the sword world three hundred years ago, and it is called together with the Kyushu Yijianzhi: South Kyushu. North Bahuang.

His skills in swordsmanship have reached the pinnacle. He once lived in seclusion in Manse Qiuyin, and then left because of the pursuit of the limit of kendo. He went to find a new martial art. Many years ago, he participated in the "Fujian Liuyuan" founded by the old man of Tianjian. Left, but now I don't know where I am!

The peak of the sea of ​​clouds, the misty mist, Liu Zhuyi closed his eyes and meditated: "In the famous post of decisive battle, in addition to the masters of the right way, there are also Ye Xingzhou, Yan Wangsuo, Ye Xingxiying, Yuan Xie Huang and others. Ye Xingzhou has taken refuge in the god of death, It must not be allowed to succeed. Yan Wangsuo is a clan, insidious and cunning, and cannot be trusted. Ye Nie's shadow-loving origin is unknown and must be guarded against. As for the Yuanxie Emperor, his strength is unfathomable, and it is the most competitive "Tianjian dispute". One of the most powerful people, but after all, they are demons. Although they occupy the same front, there is no guarantee that they will not become the next disaster after destroying the god of death!"

"Yeah!" While thinking, Liu Zhuyi sensed a holy aura approaching: "A distinguished guest is visiting!"

When the words fell, I heard:

"Half god, half saint and half immortal, all Confucianism and Taoism are all sages;

There are thousands of real books in the mind, and half of the sky is mastered in civil and military affairs. "

Su Huanzhen recited poetry and took a step, came to the front of Liuzhuyi and said: "Su has really seen Senior Liuzhuyi."

Liuzhuyi obviously knew that it was not a good thing to be called senior by Su Su, and immediately said: "Deduct the word senior and call me Liuzhuyi."

Su Huan really smiled, looked at the list above Tianjianyan and asked, "God of death Jie'e, can I only hope for 'Heavenly Sword'?"

Liu Zhuyi said: "'Heavenly Sword' is the aura of grandeur that has reverberated between the heavens and the earth since the beginning of chaos, and only such a power can destroy the god of death."

Liu Zhuyi is also very helpless. If there is another way, he is not willing to sacrifice the god of wildness.

Su Huanzhen said: "I understand, this is the same as the resentment left behind by the "Blood Horns and Three Greens"."

Between heaven and earth, all things generate and restrain each other, and the "Sword of Heaven" is the nemesis of the god of death.

Liu Zhuyi nodded and looked at Su Huanzhen: "Sanqing's resentment is for the 'Dragon Qi Sword' hidden in you."

"So, 'Heavenly Sword' is..." Su Huanzhen looked up at the Aragami flying in the sky.

Liu Zhuyi sighed, "That's right, it's the Arrogant God."

"Liuzhuyi has guarded the dragon spirit for a long time, just for today?" Su Huanzhen asked.

"This is the destiny of Yutianhuang God!"

Su Huanzhen was silent for a moment, before he stopped talking: "Su has already known the candidates for the war, but..."

"You have a question about the list."

Su Huan really said: "Yes, this matter is not simple."

Liu Zhuyi also knew that there was another mystery in this matter, and said: "In the original famous post, there is Ye Xiaochai, a sword madman who has already become famous, and the sword of the invincible myth of the night clan, the nameless eternal sky."

Su Huanzhen went on to say: "And Jiuzhou Yijianzhi is a legend of the sword world in Nanwu Lin hundreds of years ago. Hengjian Kyushu has never failed and has a long-standing reputation, and the swordsmanship is also unpredictable. "

Liu Zhuyi: "Shenjian Ancient Courtyard Erzhang Court coldly said goodbye to Yan, from a famous school, swordsmanship and background are worthy of recognition."

These people are all righteous people, and there is no problem with the "Heavenly Sword" in their hands, but the remaining three people are strange!

Su Huanzhen's expression changed: "Ye Nie is addicted to shadows, Su has limited understanding, and can only reserve his attitude towards his strength and position..."

Liu Zhuyi felt the same way, and then said: "Ye Xingzhou and the Yan Wangsuo are also among them, which makes me very puzzled! In order to increase the odds of winning the "Tianjian Contest", it has been avoided that the people with intentions will succeed. I have added candidates for the "Sword of Heaven"."

Ye Xiaochai, Wangu Changkong, Jiuzhou Yijianzhi, Yan Wangsuo, Ye Xingzhou, Ye Xie addicted to shadows, and Leng Sheng Faye Yan, these seven people are the default people of the "Apocalypse Golden List".

And the five people who broke the box and asked for Zen, did not do it, asked the sword and Guming, Mo Xuandeng, and Quezhou Yifandu were all added by Liuzhuyi, which was regarded as an open back door.

In the later period, Emperor Yuanxie and Mingzhu Qiuxia met the requirements of Tianjianyan to participate in the war.


Kingdom of the Moon.

Quezhou Yifandu escorted Airan Empress to the Moon Clan, but was regarded as an intruder by the Moon Clan people, who wanted to be interrogated.


Just as the Moon Race warriors were about to start, a majestic voice came.

I saw that the visitor was holding a long-handled halberd with blazing silver light, with sharp blades at both ends, and the handle was tied with elegant red cloth. He was dressed in battle armor. Group Lun.

"See General!"

"See General!"

When the surrounding Moon Clan warriors saw the person coming, they respectfully gave up a passage.

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