Lin Feng also brought the two daughters Tian Bugu and Jeremy Shu to the bottom of Tianjian Cliff to watch the fun.

The most prosperous event in martial arts recently, in order to fight against the god of death, the Heavenly Sword finally came into the world, and fourteen top swordsmen participated in this battle of the century.

When the three came to the periphery of Tianjian Cliff, tens of thousands of martial artists had gathered here.

Most of these people are here to watch the fun, and most of them are at the level of warriors, or some unnamed demon horns. Although the plane of "Thunderbolt" is inherently like a dog, it is compared to the entire martial arts. That said, there are only a few.

In Lin Feng's perception, among these tens of thousands of people, there are only dozens of innate masters who have really set foot on it, and many of them are "acquaintances", such as Su Huanzhen, Ye Xiaochai, Legend of Qianye, Eternal Sky, Buer Do, ask Jian Guming and so on.

At this moment, a golden holy light emitted from Tianjian Cliff.

Lin Feng looked around and saw that the names of the fourteen participants on Tianjianyan were all shining brightly, indicating that the "Tianjian Controversy" was coming.

The time has come, the night wind is slightly cold, and an invisible chilling air radiates from the participating swordsmen, making the crowd around Tianjianyan who were already noisy couldn't help but shut up.

Liu Zhuyi, who had been standing silently on the Tianjian Cliff, suddenly opened his eyes, fluttered the dust in his hand, and said aloud:

"The Prophet of the Sword World, One Sword Knows in Kyushu."

"The myth of the sword of the night clan, the eternal sky."

"The Sword Saint of the Central Plains, Ye Xiaochai, the mad swordsman."

"Chief mate Li, sailing at night.

"Master of the Second Court of Shenjian Ancient Courtyard, coldly say goodbye to Yan Yan."

"One ride in Luyuan, breaking the box to seek Zen. 423"

"Sail and sail without a boat."

"Young Master Wu Que, the Pearl seeks flaws."

"Emperor Yuanxie, Candle Nine Yin."

"Vengeance and revenge, don't do it twice."

"Wulin cutting-edge, ask Jian Guming."

"Yewang lock."

"Night Evil Devouring Shadow."

Following Liu Zhuyi's roll call, Ye Xiaochai, Wangu Changkong and others all walked to the stage.

"Night lamp picks the sword, Mo Xuandeng... Mo Xuan, etc."

The voice fell, but Mo Xuandeng did not appear at the scene. Liu Zhuyi had a bad premonition in his heart. Mo Xuandeng was not someone who did not believe in his words.

He sighed in his heart, but the "Tianjian Controversy" could not be lost, Liu Zhuyi had no choice but to say: "This person chose to abstain, and there were [-] people who left their names to participate in the jihad, but one abstained, and one of the thirteen people present will be The lucky ones directly advanced to the second round, and the remaining twelve people were eliminated one-on-one. In the first round, a total of six were eliminated.

In the second round, the remaining seven people will be directly promoted to the third round, and the remaining six people will be eliminated one-on-one, and three people will be eliminated in the second round.

There are only four people left in the third round of the quasi-decision battle. After the one-on-one elimination, the last two people will conduct the final final battle to compete for the first place in the battle of the Heavenly Sword. "

Liu Zhuyi explained the rules of the decisive battle, and everyone listened intently.

After Liu Zhuyi finished speaking, he asked Chan from the box, "How to decide the opponent, time, and place of the decisive battle?"

Liu Zhuyi explained: "The thirteen of you each send out a sword energy, and the 'Golden List' can display the battle list. As for the time and place of the battle, I will open the gate of Tianjian and enter it from participating in the battlefield. The time and place, whether it is beneficial to you or not, depends entirely on personal luck.”

"It sounds very interesting, like playing a game." Fujitsu said with great interest while carrying the big sword.

Jiuzhou Yijianzhi said indifferently: "If you can't be moved by the environment, Fang is a real master."

Martial artists have their own pride, and everyone around them has no opinion on it.

Emperor Yuanxie said proudly: "How to determine the victory or defeat?"

Liu Zhuyi said: "Once one side admits defeat, or is unable to fight again, as long as Tianjian decides that it has failed, the door of Tianjian will open. As for life and death, each has his destiny."

"This is the real battle of the Heavenly Sword!" Wen Jian Guming said.

Jiuzhou Yijianzhi looked at Emperor Yuanxie, Yan Wangsuo, Ye Nie Xiying and others, and raised his brows: "What's the situation now? Even the demons and ghosts have come to report."

Yan Wangsuo has now taken his head back, facing Jiuzhou with a sword and knowing: "You should be grateful for the rare opportunity I gave you."

"Hahaha... Regardless of death, this is indeed a hunting ground." Ye Nie Xingying gave a sharp laugh.

Quezhou Yifandu was silent and waited quietly, but the aura emanating from his body made people noticing.

Farewell Yan in a cold voice: "In this battle, I will definitely make a name for Shenjian Ancient Academy."

Liu Zhuyi glanced at the participants: "When I open the "Golden List", everyone's sword energy will move together."

"No problem." Fujido and the others all nodded to show their understanding.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Liuzhuyi waved the whisk and sang in his mouth: "Wearing in Liuzhuyi, Yuyu hides the truth. The road to the gods is sealed in the clouds, and Ziwei descends the apocalypse."

As soon as the words fell, the "Apocalypse Gold List" behind Liuzhuyi spun into the air, only to see the reappearance of Apocalypse, and everyone present moved with sword energy.

"Whoosh whoosh~"

I saw thirteen sword qi of different shapes shot into the "Golden List", and the "Golden List" hovered in the air, and then the holy light made a masterpiece, and a row of golden words appeared in the night sky, which is the first round of battle list.

Liu Zhu Yi Nian said: "The first battle of the battle of the Heavenly Sword, the first battle: Mingzhu Qiuxia vs. Eternal Sky.

The second battle: Yuan Xie Huang versus Ye Xingzhou.

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