Yu Xiaoxiao wanted to keep up, but was stopped by Lin Feng by the side: "Where do you want to go?"

"Vengeance." Yu Xiaoxiao tightly held the 'Autumn Frost Sword', her palms were turning white because of too much force.

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "How do you think your strength is better than Bieyan's cold voice?"

"Of course my second brother is amazing." Yu Xiaoxiao said without thinking.

Lin Feng looked at Yu Xiaoxiao and said, "Even your second brother is not Ye Nie's adversary, so what are you going to take revenge for?"

"I..." Yu Xiaoxiao also gradually calmed down. She was dazzled by anger just now, and now she thinks it is true, but she doesn't plan to just let go of the night, even if she is not an opponent, she still has a big brother, so it's okay Please don't act alone.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaoxiao thanked Lin Feng, and then left with a cold voice Bie Yan's body.

Tian Bugu looked at Yu Xiaoxiao's back and said to Lin Feng, "Why, did you like that little girl?"

"It doesn't count." Lin Feng asked with a smile, "Why, are you jealous?"

"As soon as a blue boat leaves, the oars rush across the waves. I am greedy, I don't know how to leave the thread, there are thousands of square inches, but I drink hatred, and my pulse is the same."

Is it arrogance and arrogance to recite poetry when a word disagrees?

Unlove Letter glanced at Lin Feng angrily, then followed, Lin Feng shrugged indifferently, he really didn't understand the thoughts of Jiao Wenqing.

Liu Zhuyi didn't pay too much attention to Lin Feng and others, and said loudly: "The first round, the fifth battle, the best way to fight against Kyushu Yijianzhi.".

70 Broken boxes for Zen vs missing boats and sailing [for collection]

The fifth battle of "The Battle of the Heavenly Swords", Kyushu's swordsmanship is known to be the best.

One is a hero in the rivers and lakes, and the other is a pioneer in the sword world.

Yokono is green, bleak and dazed, the first round of the "Tianjian Contest" has come to the fifth battle.

Jiuzhou Yijianzhi looked at Fujido and nodded with satisfaction: "It's rare to see a young man as handsome and handsome as me, are you interested in being my apprentice?"

I saw Buer making a giant sword leaning on the ground: "That Abo, your tone is really big, it would be amazing if I were your apprentice!"

Jiuzhou Yijian said casually: "Young people don't know how to praise, do you know how many people are lining up to be my apprentice, you are lucky to meet me today, don't think about it anymore."

"Laughing, if I were your apprentice, I wouldn't be bothered to death by you, stop talking nonsense, pay attention!" Fujitsu pulled out the "Swirling Sword", the momentum was like thunder, and the sword energy was violent.

"Fast lightning strike!"

I saw Bu'er make a masterpiece of electric light all over his body, and the purple thunder slashed out with the sword energy, making a ditch of more than ten meters, and the gravel splashed.

"Cross sword marks!"

When the chain is called, the sword qi draws a huge ten "zero one three" characters on the ground, and then the sword qi reflects high in the sky and shoots down.

"The swordsmanship is not bad, but it still lacks the heat."

At this moment, an invisible sword energy passed by Kyushu Yijianzhi's ears, and the sharp sword energy took away a few strands of his gray hair.

"These stray hairs have long been unhappy with them, and now it's me!"

Jiuzhou Yijianzhi snorted softly, and "Silence of the Gods" flew out of its sheath, the silent sword, sharp and majestic, but like a gentle envelope, it was the sympathy of the swordsman.

"A sword of light and cold shines on Kyushu!"

"Wind Dragon Endless Style!"

Not to be outdone, the sword qi turned into two purple tornadoes, the wind and thunder were mixed, and the power was extraordinary.

Compared with strong moves, Buer's "Invisible Sword" is good, but it is far worse than Kyushu Yijian in terms of foundation, experience and weapons.

Fu Er was the resident of the giant sword, and said with a displeased face: "I didn't expect such a big sword to lose!"

"Young man, don't be discouraged. In fact, you are very good, but you are still too young. If you want to apprentice, you can come to Nantian Qiyue to find me." Jiuzhou Yijian Zhi did not forget to say before he left, he is really looking for a successor now, no The second is to his liking.

"It would be amazing if I were looking for you!" Fujido also picked up the "Swirling Sword" and walked towards the Gate of Heavenly Sword.

The two walked out of the gate of Tianjian, and Liu Zhuyi announced: "The first round, the fifth battle, Kyushu will win with one sword. Next is the last battle of the first round. , please enter the gate of the Heavenly Sword."

Broke the box and asked for Zen to cross the road to Quzhou Yifan: "Buddhist friends have taught me!"

"Please." Quezhou Yifandu smiled casually, and entered the Gate of Heavenly Sword with Broken Box Qiuchan.

The Gate of Heavenly Sword fell into the ground again.


On the high mountain not far from Tianjian Cliff, Legend of Chiba watched the battle attentively. This was the best place he found to watch the battle.

Su Huan really did not hesitate to walk to Chiba Legend: "Here you can see the venue of the 'Tianjian Controversy', it seems that Mr. is very concerned about this battle!"

"That's right, don't you care?" Chiba Legend was not surprised that Su Huan really came, and there was no reason why he couldn't think of anything he could think of.

Su still really didn't deny it: "'Heavenly Sword' is not only the key to destroying the god of death, but also a peerless weapon. Su naturally cares about it."

Chiba Legend choked out: "What I'm saying is that if Su is really carrying the magic weapon on his back, I don't know how many people have changed."

"Cough cough!" Su Huan really coughed twice, and then said without a trace: "It's just an ordinary collection, not a superb product."

"Ha!" Chiba Legend is also an extremely smart person, and instantly saw that Su Huanzhen had other plans: "Su Huanzhen, you are really cunning."

"Oh?" Su really wasn't embarrassed in the slightest, and the pretence was unclear.

Chiba Legend Kansu is really so thick-skinned, and immediately said bluntly: "You want to introduce me to the topic, let me ask you, what is the best, so that you can make eloquent eloquence?"

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