There was a sound of gold and iron, and the "Sacred Sword Heaven Weeping" in Fei Ren Fei's hands suddenly let go, and he saw Fei Ren Fei's body vacated in the air, three pairs of black wings behind him, and the ultimate move was about to appear.

"Reincarnation Tribulation. Break the Universe!"

Lin Fengqing shouted, the aura shocked the four wilds and surging, the palm knife drove the spiral airflow, the feathered non-deer was restrained by the airflow, and the six wings were difficult to open.

On the side, Fenghuang Ming saw the opportunity, bullied his body and slapped Yuren Fei's back with a palm, and Haoran Yuan Gong forced out the evil spirit in Yuren Fei's body.

Fei Ren Fei Dee fainted and Fenghuang Ming opened the "Heaven Scroll" to include Fei Ren Fei Dee in it.

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Lin Feng put away the "Shadow God Knife" and looked around: "The evil spirit here is extremely dignified, and the chrysalis on the dead wood is rooted in the nourishment of the land. It seems that there is a mystery in the ground, the seniors retreat first."

Fenghuang Ming saw Lin Feng's intention, stepped aside, and said at the same time, "Be careful yourself."

Lin Feng nodded, luck clasped his palm, and saw that the pure yang energy between heaven and earth quickly gathered in Lin Feng's palm, and the golden light was glamorous in an instant, like a god.

"Pure Sunshine!"

With a slap on the ground, the ground cracked and the land collapsed, and the ground where Lin Feng was located instantly collapsed into a huge pothole. As soon as the hole opened, the surging evil power surged up, and Lin Fengfei retreated to the side and stood with Fenghuangming: "The source of evil power is below, enter a view."


Mountain trail.

No two, Kuanghe Binglie, Fei Yu and Ji Ji walked quickly.

Buer Zuo complained, "Jiji, it's getting harder and harder to find where you live."

"Sorry!" Fei Yu complained about Ji apologetically. Since she and Meng Baiyun retired, in order to avoid disputes in the martial arts, they went to their homes several times in a row. I'm afraid it will be really difficult to find them.


It was just a joke, not really dissatisfied, and then thought of someone who looked like a long-tongued woman, and complained: "Brother Baiyun is also true, it's just a trip to the Colored Glass Wonderland and a lot of long-winded explanations, it's really annoying. , I don't know how you can stand him."

"He's just a little worried!" Fei Yu complained about Ji with a smile.

Bu Er Zuo tilted his head and said, "Speaking of which, you were my wife in name at the time when the Red Chamber was competing with swords. Although it was the big palace lord's stubbornness, this uncle took it as real, so let me take good care of it. You!"

Seeing Buer's pretentious appearance, Feiyu resentfully shook her head and said, "Buer, don't be joking!"

Kuanghe Binglie, who was beside him, covered his forehead with a look that he couldn't bear to look directly at.

At this moment, purple smoke filled the front.

"Poison gas, be careful everyone! Tornado!" Fujitsu pulled out the "swirl sword" behind his back and quickly spun the poison gas away.

"Feng. Hua. Jue. Generation Emei state, tender, affectionate, indulgent. Want to kill thousands of miles."

Buer Zuo frowned and said, "Xiafengdu, it's you stinky woman again."

"Hahaha, yes, do you miss me?" Xiafengdu Su Mei's voice was ecstasy and provocative, making people imagine, but the people present were evasive.

Bu Er Zuo shouted: "If I miss you, it will be amazing!"

Fengdu led the way, the swordsman roared, and then he faced Xia Fengdu, the two top players on the blood list, each showing off their abilities.

Kuanghe Binglie just wanted to go up to help, but Yan Wangsuo suddenly appeared to block him: "Welcome to this beautiful event, this is a performance, your stage, your only reward is death!"

"Go away!" Kuanghe Binglie, although cultivating the ice-attribute technique, was a man who burst into flames. He immediately took out the "Binglie Knife" and fought with Yan Wangsuo.

On the other side, Fei Yu's Resentment Ji also encountered the siege of the two people, Blood Breaking the Heaven Punishment and Ye Zhu Shen Fierce, and the situation is in jeopardy!

 79 Buddhist double body [Subscribe]

Desolate forest forced to kill.

Xia Fengdu, Yan Wangsuo, Blood Breaking Heaven Punishment and Ye Zhushen Fierce listened to the orders of the Master Taixue, and stopped and killed Fuerdo and others.

Bu Er Do and Xia Feng, who were originally both killers of the "Blood List", were in full swing, each showing their extraordinary abilities, poisonous gas, sword gas slamming into the wild, and their tricks were ruthless and deadly.

Kuanghe Binglie and Yan Wangsuo also fought extremely fiercely.

Now the weapon in Yan Wangsuo's hands is "Tianyan Zhanfengyue". This weapon used to be the king of the demon world, Yinzhizhuwu, is not as easy as "Yanwang", but its power is not bad, and Kuanghe Binglie is also suppressed.

As for Feiyu Resentful Ji, although she came from the Red Chamber, but she specializes in medical research, she is not outstanding in swordsmanship, and neither the Blood Breaking Heaven Punishment nor the Night Punishment is weak. After a few tricks, Feiyu Resentful Ji has fallen into danger. .

In the corner of his eyes, Buer saw Fei Yu's resentment against Ji in danger, and shouted angrily, "Damn, what kind of hero are two big men bullying a woman."

"It's not the same for you." Xia Fengdu said.

Bu Er made a sword to smash the evil mang, and looked at Xia Fengdu with disgust: "You are not a woman, you are a stinky woman, give me death! "Nine Five Seven""

However, the evil spirits dissipated, and the invisible poisonous mist penetrated into the body of Fuji, and Xia Fengdu was charming. He smiled and said, "Xiafengdu's soul goes to Jiuquan, and Buer is the evil spirit poison in your body, how long can it last!"

"Don't do it, damn it! Crazy River Storm!"

Kuanghe Binglie saw that Buer was poisoned, and his anger was unstoppable. The "Binglie Saber" danced wildly.

"Are you angry? Don't worry, none of you want to leave alive today, yay!"

Yan Wangsuo will move "Tianyan Zhanfengyue" to block Kuanghe Binglie's attack, his sly and cunning eyes are looking for the opponent's vitals, and he is ready to strike at any time.

On the other side, if you defend for a long time, you will lose it. Facing the combined attack of Blood Breaking Heaven Punishment and Ye Zhu Shen, Fei Yu's resentment was hit by a palm on the left shoulder, making it even more difficult to deal with.

"Invisible sword. Jiujue cut off the head!"

Seeing this, Fuer forcibly suppressed the poisonous victim, and decided to fight to the death for Fei Yu and Qi Ji, Kuanghe Binglie cut a bloody path, the invisible sword killed the blood, and killed the gods in the night, repelling the two. Xia Fengdu took the opportunity to cut off Fuerdo's left arm.

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