Liu Zhuyi reminded, and the "Sword of Heaven" flew into his hand and displayed "Three Uniques of Heavenly Sword".

"Please enlighten me." Quezhou Yifandu waved his hand modestly and politely.

"Please enlighten me." Quezhou Yifandu waved his hand modestly and politely.

"The first style, the holy road is walking, drink!"

Liu Zhuyi snorted loudly, and flew up. Several holy swords swept across his body and passed by Quezhou Yifandu, hitting the rocks beside him, piercing them instantly.

Liu Zhuyi fell to the ground and explained: "This is the first style, the sword of Haoyu's purification, which is enough to cause the first layer of damage to the dark power of the Death God's bodyguard."

"Yeah!" Quezhou Yifandu nodded.

"The second style, Shengyao Tianguang!"

I saw Liu Zhuyi holding the sword in both hands and facing the sky, the "Sword of Heaven" reproduced the second style, the holy light of the sky, a sword swung out, and the ground split thousands of feet...  

"The shining of the Holy Light will completely disintegrate the underworld air flow around the god of death. Without a boat, only you can make the "Three Uniques of the Heavenly Sword" to the limit, and with my cooperation, can you fully display the power of the "Heavenly Sword". "

"The last must, regardless of you, me, or the wild god, only the three of us together can destroy the body of the god of death in one fell swoop."

"I see."

Quezhou Yifandu knew in his heart that in fact, he only needed to use the power of the wild god to completely destroy the primordial spirit of the god of death. For him, "Three Absolutes of Heavenly Sword" was just the icing on the cake!

Liu Zhuyi threw the "Heavenly Sword" to Quzhou Yifandu: "Use the "Heavenly Sword" to attack me with all your strength."

"Huh? Are you sure."

Quezhou Yifandu is not Ye Xiaochai. If he doesn't hide his strength, Quzhou's foundation is also beyond the peak of the innate. He is even more powerful. It is a grade higher than Liuzhuyi's divine emperor's aura. With all his strength, the lack of boats is really afraid that one move will give Liuzhuyi a second!

"Don't hesitate!"

Liu Zhuyi continued to shout deadly.

"Watch out!"

Que Que Zhou Yi Fan Du reminded, but still did not use all his strength, holding the "Sword of Heaven" in his hand, instantly entered the realm of the unity of man and sword.

"Holy Way!"

Quezhou Yifandu made a move. It was the "Tian 4.8 Swordsmanship" that Liuzhuyi just used. Several extremely penetrating sword qi flew out, and Liuzhuyi didn't dare to resist it. Body dodge.

"Holy Light!"

Quezhou Yifandu immediately used the "Tianjian Sanjue" in the second style, and the sword qi roared past, drawing a bottomless sword mark on the top of the sea of ​​​​clouds, and the power was even better than Liuzhuyi's three points .

"very good!"

Seeing that Quezhou Yifandu instantly took control of the first two styles of "Three Uniques of the Heavenly Sword", Liu Zhuyi nodded with satisfaction, and immediately guided the power of "Heavenly Sword", before his eyes, like himself, the intertwined figure, the sharp sword glow, never again Can't tell who it is.

"Saint Wei Tian Jue!"

"Saint Wei Tian Jue!"

Liu Zhuyi and Quezhou Yifandu simultaneously performed the last form of "Three Wonders of the Heavenly Sword".

Seeing this, Liu Zhuyi smiled: "Death, you, the end is coming!".

 90 Gates of the Dead Country【For Collection】

Quezhou Yifandu mastered "Three Uniques of the Heavenly Sword", and then the plan for the God of Death was officially launched.

Playing with people's hearts, wanton killing. Killing is the standard configuration of villains, but most villains are purposeful. However, after the assimilation of Taixuezhu by the god of death, it is purely for playing games, the game of the god of death, not for good or evil, not for Fame and fortune, regard all beings as playthings.

Eradicating the god of death has become a very important thing in today's China. Many people of the righteous way, and even the people of the evil way, have united to fight against the legend of the god of death.

Xi Wulin Tiandu.

The majestic Tiandu Royal City stands on the ground of Wangchen, and in the solemn atmosphere, exotic colors flow, as if entering the imperial world of the Middle Ages.

Emperor Yuanxie sat alone on the throne. He had already received news from his deity, Lin Feng, and was ready to deal with the Death God Taixue.

At this moment, Haitang and Binghua walked into the empty hall.

"What's the matter?"

Indifferent words, but full of majesty, Emperor Yuanxie looked at Yixi Haitang with some doubts, since this woman came to Tiandu, she usually doesn't open the door, and the second door doesn't open, why would she take the initiative to come to him today 15.

"I came to thank you for taking care of you these days." Yixi Haitang bowed to Yuanxie Emperor Yingying with the help of Binghua.

Emperor Yuanxie gave Yixi Haitang a deep look: "Just for this, then you can go back!"

"I..." Yixi Haitang hesitated.

Emperor Yuanxie didn't answer, just looked at Yixi Haitang indifferently. This woman has lived for nearly a thousand years, and she is old and mature, not as simple as it seems.

Seeing that Emperor Yuanxie didn't play cards according to the routine, Haitang said helplessly: "I don't want to cause you trouble."

Emperor Yuanxie supported his head with one hand, leaned on the throne, and said casually: "You, it's not a trouble, it seems that you have figured it out!"

"Forget it!" Yixi Haitang smiled bitterly. As for the son of death, she originally didn't want her to be born, but now she was powerless to stop her, so she could only go with the flow.

Emperor Yuanxie said sternly: "No matter who her father is, the fetus is always innocent, blood and family affection should not be mixed with impurities."

"Well, farewell!" Yixi Haitang nodded and left with Binghua.

"This woman..." Emperor Yuanxie looked at the back of Yixi Haitang leaving, thoughtfully.

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