"I don't care who you are, it's impossible to take her away." Nanfeng can't control this, no matter who, he can't take her away from him.

Lin Feng shook his head: "That's not up to you."

"Humph!" Nan Feng Bujing snorted coldly: "I am not dead, you are not victorious, take this move and brag again! The shock of God's killing!"

Nanfeng does not compete to enter the clouds, seeks all the ethereal things, and opens the top-level ceremony of "The Scroll of God" for the first time. In an instant, the golden feathers fill the sky, and the brilliance is magnificent. In the breath, the huge pressure suddenly covers the sky, and Nanfeng does not compete with the power of thunder to break the sky. from the ground.

Not the mind, not the body, not thinking, not thinking, laughing at the delusions of the world to save the test.

Who can stop it from coming and going, neither birth nor extinction, neither emptiness nor emptiness, the only way to kill it is my Maha.

In order to win the opportunity, Nanfeng Bujing slammed the palm of his hand, shaking the sky and the earth in an instant, with a shocking momentum.

"Heaven's Lamentation!"

The situation is pressing, Lin Feng decides to make a strong hand, raises his palm to overturn, fully absorbs the power of the universe, and in the blink of an eye, thunder breaks through thousands of mountains, and gusts of wind swept the four directions.

Extremely tricky, swallowing thousands of miles of dust, Lingyi in the four fields, in the aurora, the two figures shook each other with thunder.


At the moment of palm-to-hand, the blood-colored scene and the image of purple thunder rushed into the sky together as a world-shattering force, and instantly the flying sand fluttered to cover the sky, the falling rocks shook the sky, and six out of the sky were terrified to see the apocalypse!

After the huge explosion, Nan Feng did not compete with blood and flew out, and the waves of his palms shook the surroundings. Seeing that the fateful girl would also be affected, Lin Feng instantly blocked in front of the stone statue, using his hands to transform the yin and yang.

"Three thousand in one gas!"

I saw that the Daqian water vapor contained all things, and the impact of destroying all things was completely turned into nothingness by Lin Feng in an instant.


Thank you [**] for the reward, as well as everyone's monthly pass, flowers! .

The past of the 97 month family [for collection]

The sad wind caresses the eyes, and the whole place is full of loneliness, loneliness, the dust settles, and the crazy people will finally be defeated.

Lin Feng glanced at Nan Feng Bujing, who had fallen to the ground and vomited blood, and then turned to look at Ming Ming's daughter: "I know you can feel things from the outside world, I am your king... Brother Wang Huai Sheng Qi Ao's friend, I am here. To pick you up to meet her."

Originally, Lin Feng wanted to talk about Sister Wang, but after thinking about it, I was afraid that the daughter would not believe it, so he changed it to Brother Wang.

"Now I will unravel the spell for you." Lin Feng's eyes flashed with a trace of light.

The girl was sealed by the curse of the Fire House Buddha Prison. Combined with her mood at the time, it could be regarded as a kind of self-protection, and it could only be solved by the person who was most concerned about in her heart.

Originally, it took the master of Fengyou to crack the stone seal, but there is no absolute thing in this world, only absolute power, and it is not difficult to break the skill with force.

As Lin Feng waved his hand, a holy light shrouded the Daughter of Life, and the holy light shone, unraveling the ancient curse of indulgence. , The woman slowly retreated from the stone body and turned into a human body again.

Hundred years of lovesickness, once blew tears over Pingwu.

Nan Feng Bujing stared at him, feeling inexplicably dazed. This was the moment he had been looking forward to for a long time, but he was so embarrassed right now, which made him feel very ashamed and angry.

"Thank you... ah!" Shi Feng was released, and the woman gave Lin Feng a low salute, but the long-term seal made her very weak, and she fell to the ground without physical strength. Lin Feng hugged her to prevent her from falling.

"Let go of her, she's mine." Seeing that the life-threatening girl was thrown into Lin Feng's arms, Nan Feng was stunned, and regardless of the serious injury, he forcibly got up and rushed over, trying to knock Lin Feng away.

But now he has difficulty even moving, how is Lin Feng's opponent, swept with energy, Nanfeng fell to the ground again without competition.

"Don't hurt him, thanks to his care all these years, I've been fine." Nan Feng pleaded with Lin Feng. Although Nan Feng did not compete with Nan Feng, even though Nan Feng did not have any love, she had watched Nan Feng's inability for hundreds of years. Jing worked tirelessly for her, and it was impossible not to be moved.

Lin Feng didn't kill him either, otherwise Nanfeng would have returned home long ago if he didn't compete!

Seeing that Lin Feng did not intend to continue to take action, the woman then said to Nanfeng Bu: "When I am a stone statue, I can perceive the external world, and I forgive you for not repaying your love! You have done a lot of things. , just touching yourself."

Gu Mingnu also knows that she shouldn't say such ruthless words now, but she also understands Nanfeng's non-competitive personality very well. If she doesn't speak clearly, it will not be a good thing for anyone.

When Nanfeng Bujing heard the words, he was immediately hit by a [-]-point crit. He seemed to hear his heartbroken voice, and smiled sadly: "Hahahaha... Self-motivated, self-motivated! Get out! Get out!"


Rai Ming girl doesn't know how to speak. People are not plants and trees, who can be ruthless. After hundreds of years of company, she doesn't want Nanfeng not to be so sad, but feelings can't be forced. Rai Ming women are extra soft and firm, and know that they should never stop. Confronted by the chaos, only by breaking the fantasy of Nanfeng not competing can they be freed from each other.

"Crack, boom~"

The thundering fans, the sudden rainstorm, the old maple and the flow of pills, the reed flowers blowing, the beautiful and mournful sound of the erhu strings and the clear flute reflect the sadness of the heart and soul.

Qingfeng Sanxuan was puzzled, and he smiled a lot.

In the midst of the rainstorm, Nanfeng held on to his heart, as if he was trying to grasp something, but he had nothing but a broken heart: "Hahahaha...hahahaha..."

The sad and long laughter, silent and sad, and sad laughter, is like a heavy hammer beating the heart of the fateful daughter. He is already dead, in the final analysis, he has indeed lived up to Nanfeng Bujing's affection!

The past of the 97 month family [for collection]

The sad wind caresses the eyes, and the whole place is full of loneliness, loneliness, the dust settles, and the crazy people will finally be defeated.

Lin Feng glanced at Nan Feng Bujing, who had fallen to the ground and vomited blood, and then turned to look at Ming Ming's daughter: "I know you can feel things from the outside world, I am your king... Brother Wang Huai Sheng Qi Ao's friend, I am here. To pick you up to meet her."

Originally, Lin Feng wanted to talk about Sister Wang, but after thinking about it, I was afraid that the daughter would not believe it, so he changed it to Brother Wang.

"Now I will unravel the spell for you." Lin Feng's eyes flashed with a trace of light.

The girl was sealed by the curse of the Fire House Buddha Prison. Combined with her mood at the time, it could be regarded as a kind of self-protection, and it could only be solved by the person who was most concerned about in her heart.

Originally, it took the master of Fengyou to crack the stone seal, but there is no absolute thing in this world, only absolute power, and it is not difficult to break the skill with force.

As Lin Feng waved his hand, a holy light shrouded the Daughter of Life, and the holy light shone, unraveling the ancient curse of indulgence. , The woman slowly retreated from the stone body and turned into a human body again.

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