Emperor Yuanxie stepped on the earth, and instantly detonated a huge earthquake. The strong uneasiness infected everyone present. As the shaking stopped, a powerful dark air flow spread out from the entrance of the Moon Clan. It was quiet and chilling. Quietly disturbing.

Everyone present was experienced in battles, but they were also infected by this inexplicable silence, and inexplicable fear struck the hearts of everyone present for some reason.

He knew that disaster was imminent, and he knew that the crisis was approaching, but the breath of the people in front of him made the fear reach the limit, and his feet could not move an inch.

At this moment, a strange green flame came flying, and Firefox Yelin suddenly appeared: "Such a terrifying demonic energy, it seems that the only way to stop Yuan Xiehuang is to destroy the passage of the moon."

You Ming said in shock: "Fire Fox Yelin!"

"Hmph, our grievances will be counted slowly in the future. The universe moves and the fireworks break through!" Huohu Yelin ignored You Ming, recited the secret mantra, destroyed the inner essence, and demonstrated the magic clan's stunt.

I saw the swirling red flame turned into a giant blade, severing the path of Yuehua with one blow.


The Yuehua Road was impacted by the spell, and it was instantly broken and shattered. At the same time, the Yueming Lake was also impacted, and the sky shook in an instant, and a majestic mountain slowly emerged from the center of the lake.

There is also a layer of sweat under the mask of Firefox Yelin: "The Moon Road is broken, no one can travel through space to the Moon Clan except me. As long as the Emperor Yuanxie can be prevented from resurrecting Luo Hu, it is worth spending seven layers of power."

Outside the Moon Lake.

The unhurried footsteps brought strong coercive pressure, step by step, Emperor Yuanxie, advancing towards the passage of the Moon Clan, looking at the mountains rising in front of him, Emperor Yuanxie said indifferently: "Moving mountains to fill the sea is a good method, But Shan, can you stand in the footsteps of this emperor?"

"The smoke is buried and the clouds are extinguished!"

With one palm strike, the mountains and lakes are split open, and the peaks of ten thousand feet are in front of them, as if they were destroyed, they collapsed and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Emperor Yuanxie stepped on the surface of the water, the demon Yuan was destroyed, and the Yueming Lake burst into shocking water waves, ignoring the distorted space in front of him.

"How is that possible!" Firefox Yelin, who was about to leave, saw that Emperor Yuanxie's faction calmly entered the realm of the moon, and his mask almost fell off.

Emperor Yuanxie glanced at everyone present: "Yue Clan, the world seals the sword, hand over the head of Rahu, this emperor allows you to submit to my feet."

"Impossible!" Cang Yue Yinxue categorically refused, and then said to You Ming, "Your Majesty, leave first and leave it to us."

Youming shook his head and said, "My skill has been restored. In this battle, our brothers are side by side. The people of the Moon Clan will help me."

You Ming flew up and transported out the secret trick of the Moon Clan Dynasty. Tens of thousands of Moon Clan warriors transported True Qi into You Ming's body and gathered into a powerful force.

At the same time, the silver blood made the first attack, and the "Juehuang Silver Halberd" moved to buy precious time for You Ming, only to see the vast flying snow falling down, gently touching his body, but the killing intent was invisible.

The three thousand black-clothed sword guards who sealed the sword in the world, led by the red-clothed six swordsmen, also rushed towards the Yuanxie Emperor in a mighty manner.

"Heavenly Maha!"

Emperor Yuanxie opened his eyes, and a vast and infinite power of wind and clouds suddenly erupted, forming a terrifying tornado storm. Wherever they passed, the three thousand black-clothed sword guards and the six swordsmen were instantly shattered by wind blades. Even the more than [-] Moon Clan warriors turned into flesh and blood.


The shrill voice resounded through the sky, and as soon as they touched it, all the people who sealed the sword in the world were wiped out, and the Moon Clan also suffered heavy casualties. .

100 love this catastrophe

Kingdom of the Moon.

Emperor Yuanxie demanded Rahu's head.

And to prevent Rahu's rebirth to bring disaster to the common people, the Yue clan fought with their entire clan.

As soon as they came into contact, it was covered in blood, and Wan Jun died.

You Ming flew in the air, with his arms spread wide, absorbing the power of the thousands of warriors of the Moon Clan, transporting a stream of energy, and condensing it into a shocking spear.

"Back to the snow!"

In order to delay, Cang Yue Yinxue danced the "Extremely Bright Silver Halberd", and the Moon Clan God of War attacked with all his strength, first slashing out a qi blade, then the court shot up, spearing out like a dragon, piercing the Yuanxie Emperor's heart.

"You can't delay this emperor!" Emperor Yuanxie said indifferently, the demonic energy in his palms tossed, transforming the ghost fire skeleton "One Eight Seven".

"Devil of Karma!"

The white bone skeleton formed a bone wall in front of Emperor Yuanxie, and easily attacked Cang Yue Yinxue, and then his vigor shook, Cang Yue Yinxue halberd let go.


Cang Yue Yinxue spat out a mouthful of blood.

"It's a waste of time, it's a pity!" With a light voice, Emperor Yuanxie slammed into Youming in the air.

Seeing that the success was about to fail, and in a crisis, Firefox Yelin joined the battle group.

"Rage fires!"

Firefox Yelinfei attacked as Youming at the moment, seeing that the delay had reached the limit, at this time, Youming's ultimate move followed.

"Tianming Jueshi, ten thousand yuan will return to the ancestors, drink!"

"Retreat." Cang Yue Yinxue and Huohu Yelin retreated, but Emperor Yuanxie was Wei Ran motionless.

The power of the whole clan, the glory of the moon clan, the incomparably surging blow, is the condensed moon clan elite, and the belief in survival, a brazen blow, the divine spear pierced the protective shield of Yuanxie Emperor, hit directly ontology.


With a loud explosion, the dust filled the sky, and the figure of Emperor Yuan Xie was instantly buried by the dust.

Cang Yue Yinxue regained the "Extraordinary Brilliant Silver Halberd": "Success!"

"We finally defeated the powerful enemy Yuanxie Huang." You Ming also said with some happiness.

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