Since he rescued Xiang Ling last time, Lin Feng took her to the top of the Nine Heavens. Xiang Ling was originally a person who killed and slaughtered Shattered Island, so he was not restricted by the top of the Nine Heavens, and there was no trouble.

And Tianbugu and Jiuqingshu have already moved here. Although there are many people who can be the top of the Nine Heavens, Aliens such as Destroyer Realm, Dead Kingdom, Yutian Wulong, etc. can enter, but compared to Qianzhuwu It is much safer, and with the formation that Lin Feng has set up outside, unless it is a master of the level of Heaven and Buddhism, it is impossible to forcibly break in.

Although Xiangling had been clamoring to find Wedge (the owner of Fengyou), Lin Feng would not let her make a fool of herself. The situation was still very dangerous. If something happened to Xiangling, I was afraid that Sister Wang would take the "Or Tianji" Chasing after Lin Feng.

And Lin Feng also decided to leave the "Thunderbolt" plane after a period of time. One is to hand Xiangling over to Sister Wang and Han Yancui, and the other is to prepare to solve some endgames that have not been dealt with before.


On the other side, after obtaining Luohu's head, Emperor Yuanxie went to the Thousand Corpse Wall to find Luohu's body, because Luohu once ate the blood of Xietian Yuwu and was transformed, and his body would not be destroyed for thousands of years.

Now that the corpse, the head, and the spirit are all gathered together, it is natural for Emperor Yuanxie to revive Rahu, but he didn't want to just revive Rahu, but prepared to bring Rahu one step closer.

Practitioners of the "Thunderbolt" plane will produce various polar essences in their bodies when they practice a martial art attribute to the highest level.

Jiyuan is divided into various attributes such as Buddhism, Taoism, Evil, Demon, Confucianism, and Demon. Although Luohu is a human body, he has cultivated the Jiyuan of Demon. When activated, the whole body is enveloped in demonic energy, and the aura of destruction is over. There is not an inch of grass left.

But compared to Luohu's attack power, his defense power was a little underwhelming, so Emperor Yuanxie decided to overturn Luohu's body, and he had already thought about this place, that is the blood pool of the demons in the alien world. .

 The composition of the alien demon world is the transformation of the black demon dragon beast killed by the god of war in the celestial world abandoned by the emperor in ancient times. Basically, it is divided into four halls and three clans. pioneer tribe.

The second hall is dominated by the "evil clan" ruled by the nine evils. The evil clan specializes in supporting logistics and manufacturing, and is good at united front and defense.

The third hall is the "Ghost Tribe" force headed by Yinzhuang Zhuwu. Its territory is located in Lucheng, which is at the end of the devil world. It is also known as the city of Chaolu. It's a snow-covered land.

The fourth hall is the Heavenly Demon Blood Pond where the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor Golem is located!

The power of Xenopus Demon Realm is huge, and it once brought huge damage to Divine Realm, but unfortunately, it has become a thing of the past.

Years of fighting have exhausted the masters of the Xenophobic Demon Realm. After abandoning the Heavenly Emperor and returning to the Six Heavens Realm at the Panyin Shrine, the Xenopus Demon Realm was "focused on" by Zhengdao. Now the masters of the three clans have been killed and injured, and only a few are left. The devil with low cultivation base hides in the alien demon world and lingers.

Emperor Yuanxie and the headless Luo Hu were strolling in the magic city of flames filled with magic flames.

It didn't take long for Emperor Yuanxie and Luo Hu to come to the Heavenly Demon Blood Pond in the fourth hall.

Looking at the broken Abandoned Heaven Emperor Golem, Emperor Yuanxie did not go to test it. Although the pillars of Shenzhou have been repaired now, Abandoned Heaven Emperor cannot easily descend to the realm, but after all, the other party is one of the ancient gods of creation in this world. It is difficult to estimate how many means. Emperor Yuanxie didn't want to rashly provoke the other party.

Take out the box with the Rahu head from the inner space. This box is made of seven-sided steel. This steel has the miraculous effects of absorbing and reflecting light, releasing it when exposed to heat, and shrinking when it is cold. If it is reflected twice, one seven-edged steel molecule is counted once, and there are [-] million seven-edged steel molecules in the box. Second Universe.

Of course, this is just a theory. In fact, it is impossible for the seven-edge steel molecules to withstand such a large force!

Otherwise, make it into a weapon, and any demonic horn can overwhelm a super innate master!

But it is a fact that the attack can be doubled and reflected. According to Emperor Yuanxie's estimation, the limit of this seven-sided steel box can reflect [-] times the attack of his full blow.

Don't underestimate this one point five times, the battle between masters, the difference between life and death is the difference between life and death, and one point five times is enough to change many things.

However, everything has its weaknesses. There is a tiny red spot in the seven-edged steel box, which will not reflect, so you can break the box.

In order to accurately attack this red spot, extreme sword energy is needed. This is not a problem for Yuanxie Huang, but he did not do it because he has a better method, which is to use the "Scar of the Sky" 』Absorb the seven-sided steel, so that not only can you open the box, but also increase the power of the 『Scar of the Sky』, the best of both worlds!

"Not yet?"

On the headless corpse of Luo Hu, there was a cloud of black gas where the head was lost, and 470 looked like a headless knight, which seemed a little weird, and urged Yuan Xie Huang impatiently.

Emperor Yuanxie ignored Luo Hu's complaints, and said plainly, "I've been waiting for thousands of years. It's not bad for a while, it'll be all right soon."

The headless Luo Hu made another sound wave: "To put it lightly, the headless person is not you."

"Crap, it's almost time!"

The "Scar of the Sky" has long since turned into a mass of metal liquid. The body wraps the seven-edged steel box and slowly absorbs and assimilates it. During the period from the Moon Clan to the Alien Demon Realm, it has been assimilated for a small part, and about one more time has passed. Around the hour, the "Scar of the Sky" turned into a ball and flew to the Emperor Yuanxie, and Luo Hu's masked head floated in the air.

Emperor Yuanxie looked at the dark head: "You grow up like this, are you African?"

"What African? That's a mask, a mask!" Luo Hu said angrily. If it weren't for the fact that he was not resurrected now, his strength was not complete, and he knew that he was not the opponent of Emperor Yuanxie, Luo Hu would have already started to let Emperor Yuanxie know the anger of the tyrant!

Emperor Yuanxie didn't care, and took the "Scar of the Sky" back into the inner space, and then said to Luo Hu who was holding his head: "Now you enter the pool of demon blood, this emperor will use the demon blood of this place to reshape your body for you. , to help you come back to life."

"Wait, after I'm resurrected, I'll be the first to cut you." Luo Huzhi said in a mad and domineering tone.

Emperor Yuanxie said calmly: "This emperor is looking forward to your challenge, and now let me lie down obediently!"

After the words fell, the Emperor Yuanxie waved his hand and sent Luo Hu into the blood pool of the devil. With a "pop" sound, the blood splashed everywhere, and the Emperor Yuanxie transported the power of regeneration and combined Luo Hu's body with his head, only to see an endless stream of demon blood. He trained Rahu's body to make it stronger.

Luo Hu also knew what Emperor Yuanxie's intentions were, and he did not object. He was a human being and a demon. For him, it had no meaning anymore. He could gain more powerful power, and Luo Hu didn't mind changing his bloodline. .

 102 Die Heaven Slashing Stars [for collection]

Alien Demon Realm.

In the blood pool of demons, the ancient tyrant is about to be resurrected.

"Puff, puff, puff~"

The strong heartbeat shook the blood pool into ripples. After three days, with the blessing of the Yuanxie Emperor's magic power, Luo Hu's body finally got rid of the mortal body and achieved the supreme demon body.

Wearing a robe of dark magic, Luo Hu slowly floated away from the pool of demonic blood, surrounded by countless demonic blood. His eyes that had been closed for thousands of years were opened again, and a majestic demonic energy surged.

"My feet stepped out of the fire, my hands clenched and destroyed, my name - Luohu."

With both feet on the ground, the flames of war swept out in an instant.

Luo Hu chanted a poem, and without saying a word, grabbed the robe of dark magic, revealing the golden robe, and the "Ji Du Dao" was instantly activated.

"Ji Du Dao" is the portable saber of Wujun Luohou. The unilateral cutting edge extends to the edge of the blade to cut obliquely. There are several barbs on the back of the blade. Two kinds, when the "Ji Du Dao" has a long handle, it is a big pass knife, and the power of a single knife is infinite.It can also be combined with the characteristics of Luohu's moves to transform it into a short-handled broadsword, which can be held with both hands, which is beneficial for close-up slashing.

With a wave of the long knife, Luo Hu pointed at Emperor Yuanxie: "Battle!"

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