The Yuanxie Emperor's long sword was stationed, and all of a sudden, the wind and water rose, and the frozen ground flew countless water blades, mighty, and the rapid rotation was like a huge water blade vortex.

Rahu was in it, and saw the crystal clear water blades flying from all directions, and he immediately waved the sword with both hands.

"Cut the wolf and burn the earth!"

The blade air was like a fan, swept all directions, and smashed thousands of water blades. Immediately, it turned into a huge long sword and slashed at the Yuanxie Emperor.

"Horizontal knife. Split the ground!"

Emperor Yuanxie didn't dodge or evade, his right hand "Myth of Doomsday" was held high, his blood was surging, and the magic power was soaring to the sky.


When the sword qi collided, the Emperor Yuanxie got the blessing of the formation, and smashed Luohu's sword qi into pieces. The magic knife was difficult to destroy with a single blow.

However, Emperor Yuanxie did not relax. Instead, he became more dignified. When he was on guard, He Jian's beam of light poured into the sky, and the sword energy broke through the mountains and swept through the clouds. It shattered in an instant.

"Dead Heaven Slashing Star Art!"

(Zhao Hao) Luohu's whole body skills are condensed on the "Jidu Knife", so that the "Jidu Knife" emerges with a huge bright red energy that runs through the sky, forming a spectacular scene in the line of heaven and earth. Crazy, the enlightenment of the Buddha's vision.When the sword qi swept down towards the Yuanxie Emperor, the huge scarlet sword gang drew a bloody track in the air, and it seemed that the sky was also drawn with long bloodstains by the "planning knife".

"Is this the Heaven Slaying Star Slashing Art? It's really spectacular!" The Emperor Yuanxie also praised it, and the "Eye of the Holy Demon" recorded it, and at the same time, it also ran Jiyuan and poured it into the sword.

"Endless wind and thunder!"

The extreme essence of wind and the extreme essence of thunder are injected into the "Demon Sword Creation" and "Doomsday Mythology" respectively. The swords and swords strike together, and the wind and thunder move, and the life is endless.

Luo Hu was swept away with a knife, like a giant god opening chaos, bloodstains appeared in the sky, the vast pillar of wind and thunder collided with the sword light, the sky and thunder collided with fire, instantly detonated the circle, a huge mushroom cloud rose, and the entire alien demon world was in turmoil. The hall was instantly destroyed, and even the first and third halls were affected, and the three tribes of the alien demon world even reached the blood mold. Under the strong impact, if you are lucky, you can still leave the whole corpse, but bad luck. There are no bones left, and the death is extremely painful!



Yuan Xiehuang and Luo Hu were also attacked by Yu Jin, and they both vomited blood. .

103 Mr. Qiu [for collection]

The world is sealed.

The news of Emperor Yuanxie's resurrection of Rahu spread like wildfire. Influenced by preconceived ideas, Su Huanzhen waited for the righteous people to divide Rahu into hostile forces, and Emperor Yuanxie, who resurrected Rahu, also became a careerist in their eyes.

Therefore, Su Huanzhen, Chiba Legend, and the righteous people who are active on the bright side of the world, such as the sword, began to contact, but because there is no direct contact, they are still in a wait-and-see state.

Just when Dao Wuji and Black and White Shuanglian were discussing the issue of Luohu and Yuanxie Huang, another uninvited guest came, a masked man, who called himself Mr. Chou.

As soon as he heard the name, he knew that this person had deep hatred and hatred. At the request of Dao Wuji, Mr. Qiu took off his mask, revealing a face full of scars.

This Mr. Chou was originally one of the founders of the world's Fengdao, whose real name is Cang Haiping. In the past, he was a swordsman who was as famous as the swordsman of the sword. He was invited by the sword to be the first vice chairman of the world's Fengdao. The mask of no queen, the two sides turned their faces, and was later disfigured by Dao Wuji, a swordsman without a queen, with "Shen Lei Raising the Sky", and disappeared.

Cang Haiping, who survived the catastrophe, lived in isolation, and went by the pseudonym 997 Mr. Chou. Because of what happened in the past, he hated the world's sealing knife and Dao Wuji. Now that he heard the news of the rise of the sky and the resurrection of Luo Hu, he felt that this was an opportunity, so he decided to tell right and wrong. .

"It turned out to be Mr. Chou." Seeing Cang Haiping's face, Su Huanzhen recognized it immediately. He had had a little encounter with this person.

Chiba Legend joked: "Su is really true, your friends are too broad! Even such a strange person knows."

I have to say that the legend of Chiba does have a poisonous tongue attribute. The strange person in his mouth refers to a strange person. To put it bluntly, it is this kind of ugly that makes you know.

Su really didn't care: "There was a relationship once, now let's get to the point!"

Qianye Legend nodded and asked Mr. Chou, "First of all, what is the origin of Luo Hu, who is rarely recorded even in the classics of Xue Hai Wu Ya?"

"Rahu is the founder of the capital of heaven. With the attitude of king over the world, he ran rampant tyranny and caused boundless wars. Later, he invaded the Moon Clan. The Moon Clan was unable to resist, so he sent people to the Central Plains to ask for help. Explanation (bfda)!" Mr. Qiu repeated his old tune, and began to popularize forgotten historical issues to everyone. Of course, he only knew part of it, and some of it was made up by himself, half-truths.

Dao Wuji is also a wily man. When Mr. Qiu appeared, he had already guessed that the person in front of him was Cang Haiping, but he said calmly: "In those days, the first teacher, Dao Wuhou, was entrusted by the Yue Clan to use his gods. The soldier "Shadow God Saber" cut Luohu among the Moon Clan. His body fell into a miserable state and disappeared, but the ghost of the head did not disperse, it did not rot and did not change, and the water and fire were hard to hurt. The Moon Clan sealed Luohou's head in the In the forbidden land of the Moon Clan."

When Mr. Qiu heard the words, he sarcastically said, "Is this the record about Luo Hu in Fengdao?"

Dao Wuji said solemnly: "It was passed down from the mouth of the master, and there is absolutely no deviation."

Dao Wuji is naturally clear about what happened in the past, but he deliberately concealed it. In order to gain the power of Xie Tian Yuwu, Luo Hu is the target he must kill, but for future plans, he still needs to continue to play the role of the righteous pillar.

 Su Huanzhen and Chiba Legend can also hear the disdain in Mr. Chou's tone. It seems that there are still unknown things in it, but they are all smart people and will not listen to partial beliefs.

"To kill Luohou with the power of one person, you can be called a hero without a sword!" Mr. Chou said without anger: "However, the truth is that Luohu's death was not the result of one person's work, but two People join forces!"

Su Huanzhen answered: "If the two join forces, why haven't you heard of the other person's name?"

"This is the crux of the problem!" Mr. Chou said.

Dao Wuji said nonsense in a serious manner: "This is what the teacher said. I believe that there is no need for the teacher to hide it. Where does the teacher's statement come from?"

Mr. Qiu affirmed: "Another person who is closely related to Luohu is a person with the eyes of a sword and dragon!"

"Eye of the Sword and Dragon!!"

Qianye Legend, Su Huanzhen, and Dao Wuji heard the words, and their thoughts were different. Su Huanzhen and Qianye Legend had doubts in their hearts, but Dao Wuji knew that what Mr. Qiu said was his elder brother Tianzun Huangyin. Drunk Huanglong.

For this eldest brother, he is envious, jealous, and hateful, because the drunk Huanglong is uniquely blessed, and he was the emperor recognized by the poetic Tiancheng of the upper heaven from the moment he was born, but he is a heretic. He was confronted by the Dragon Emperor Yutian everywhere, and even sent people to assassinate him. If it wasn't for the protection of the Dragon Queen, he would have already died in Huangquan, which also developed Dao Wuji's tolerant and rebellious personality.

Knowing that there is no place for him in the upper realm, Dao Wuji deliberately released Xie Tian Yuwu, and then went down with Huanglong and others, causing a series of events. It can be said that Luo Hu's life is closely related to Dao Wuji.

As for the elder brother Drunky Huanglong, Dao Wuji has a strong hatred, but he is also a little afraid. At the beginning, he betrayed Yutian Wulong, so that Wulong could not return to the heaven and was forced to reincarnate.

Save others by oneself, if someone treats him like this, then Dao Wuji will definitely hack him to death, so Dao Wuji feels that drunk Huanglong must also feel bad for him, and he is not sure that he can win drunk Huanglong, so Always uneasy.

"The past history is difficult to investigate. The most important thing in front of us is how to fight against Luohou and Yuanxiehuang. If the rumors are true, Luohu is a warlike tyrant, and it will be a matter of time to get his hands on the Central Plains, and Yuanxiehuang's origin is also unknown. But from the fact that he actively resurrected Rahu, it can be seen that his plans are definitely not small!" Although he has cooperated with Yuanxie Huang, he will only endanger the misery, and he will never be soft-hearted.

Dao Wuji nodded: "Then let's return to the main topic, how can we deal with Luohou and Yuanxie Huang?"

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