The Buddha's double body also made great moves at the same time. The three sides were strong, and the three sides were extremely strong. Then they shouted in unison and burst out.



After the shock, the three parties were injured at the same time. However, the Buddha's business was two enemies and one, and the damage he suffered was much lighter than that of the Buddha Emperor. It was absolutely difficult to kill the evil spirits. Brahman sound descends from heaven.


"The fruit of the three bodies comes from the mortal roots, and there is no trace of karma in the six realms.

Good passing is never true, and withering prosperity is empty. "

Deep in the night sky, dazzling and magnificent, the Buddha's head, the Buddha's head, the Buddha's head.

"Buddha, I'm here to help you."

"Buddha's head!" The Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms immediately showed joy when he saw the reinforcements coming.

Buddha Head. Emperor Tathagata, Buddha Zun. Heavenly Buddha Zun, Nine Realms Buddha Emperor Yuzhixiang, are the three major sources of the Four Realms Buddhism, and the Buddha Head is titled as the head of all Buddhas and the head of the Four Realms of Buddhism. With the help of the Buddha's head, even if the Buddha's double body cannot be eliminated, it can change the situation of the battle.

"Buddha, you are courting death, heaven and earth are guilty together!"

When Tianchi Jiye saw that the Emperor Tathagata intervened in the battle, he was immediately furious, and the majestic evil essence slammed out.

"The Three Forms of the First Meditation: Between Bodhi!"

However, when he saw that the Emperor Tathagata used the wonderful method with his hands, although he was on the defensive, facing the evil leader of the annihilation realm, the Emperor Tathagata did not show any signs of weakness, like a rock in Mount Tai, and the palm prints clashed, showing the innate demeanor of Buddhism.

In the previous battle, although Tianchi's extremely karmic evil essence was depleted, his arrogant attitude did not change, and he rushed towards the Emperor Tathagata brazenly.


The fists and palms collided, the Buddha Yuan, the evil Yuan collided, the Buddha head, the evil head collided extremely, the violent air flow flew away, impacted the four fields, and the sky and the earth were misty.


The battle between Buddha and Evil begins a new chapter, with fists and palms fighting each other, brimming with energy, fighting not only moves, but also the foundation!

105 Double Buddha Fighting Double Body 2 [seeking monthly pass]

The "City of Sin" is a place that is abandoned by God, has no morals, and lives on instinctive desires.

Years ago, in order to confirm this rumor, the legendary knight "Yu Shenfeng" personally visited, where Yu Shenfeng encountered a "Tianqiong" who questioned the values ​​of the city of sin, and Yu Shenfeng wanted to follow the trend. God is poor for good.

It's a pity that God made people!

At that time, the three major sources of Buddha (Heavenly Buddha), Buddha Emperor (Nine Realms Buddha Emperor), and Buddha Head (Emperor Tathagata) had not yet appeared. A monk, one day, "accidentally" obtained a "rhinoceros horn". The soldier, in the dark, hears his voice, telling him that this weapon can wash away the sins of the world, and it can better prove the way of oneself.

During the process of eliminating sins and preaching, the monks acted more and more extreme, and even killed the rumored "March [-]" city of evil, and performed the "Ceremony of Sacrifice Blood and Massacre for Thousands of Sins", the legendary city of evil, within seven days, Rivers of blood.

However, all this is the calculation of "Tianyan Mocheng", in order to cultivate Buddha's guilt and ghost Tathagata, this is the real function of "purifying rhinoceros horns".

The plan of Tianyan Mocheng was already close to success. The monks turned into ghosts, and the killing karma was heavy, until the ghost Tathagata and Yu Shenfeng's common friend "Yu Hengxue" died under the "purifying rhinoceros horns". Guilt, stubbornness to eradicate sin, and devour the Buddha's roots. When ghosts are on the verge of dispersing, they sacrifice their lives with the blood of good deeds to break the demonic barrier.

The so-called "Blood of Good" means that Yu Hengxue used to be evil, and then returned to the right path, and the person who enlightened him is actually a ghost Tathagata!

Therefore, Yu Hengxue repaid the former kindness, and Yu Shenfeng also decided to help the ghosts hide the past because of Yu Hengxue's complete trust!

After the ghost Tathagata regained his senses, he was helpless.

At this time, a monk who claimed to be Zhaoti gave him an empty sword with abundant spiritual power, which was enough to counteract the "Rinning Horn", representing a choice from scratch.

After that, the ghost Tathagata gradually cultivated into the emperor Tathagata, and even in the process of creating Yungu Leifeng, he also cultivated the empty sword into a physical image of "Buddha Punishment Zenna", so the emperor Tathagata incarnates and raises it to atone for his sins. , and secondly, it is for the purpose of backtracking.

However, cause and effect are intertwined. With the cause of the massacre, there will be a result of seeking vengeance.

The guilt of the Emperor Tathagata comes from the attachment to "sin" and the indiscriminate killing. Even if the sin is a place full of original sin, according to the general Buddhist concept, it is still based on compassion to transcend the world. Such a gathering place of sin will definitely attract everyone's attention. Therefore, the madness of the Emperor Tathagata naturally attracted the attention of all walks of life, and it became a past that was "ashamed" by the Buddhists at that time, and naturally tried every means to block it.

Using the blood sacrifice of human life as a means of cultivation, in the end, it can become the head of the Buddha that everyone admires. How can this matter make the only bloodline left in the city of sin resign, full of anger and anger, and go to extremes.

In order to take revenge for blood, Hao Tianqiong practiced "Destroying Illusions", and obtained the ability to be immortal and change his body shape. The most powerful weapon of the earth, the "Rhinoceros Horn", kills the Emperor Tathagata and dominates the world.

This incident attracted Yu Shenfeng, who was always concerned about everything, to stop him, but Yu Shenfeng was so successful that it was difficult to compete with him, so Yu Shenfeng contacted the four great masters of the world, and even invited Emperor Tathagata to participate in the holy war to cut off karma. Karma, but unfortunately, Emperor Tathagata missed the appointment due to other important matters!

Although there are only three types of "Destroying Illusions", the power is infinite. Attack can disintegrate everything in the world, decompose inanimate objects into tiny particles, levitate and transfer, and defend can change the shape of the body, and dispel any attacking palms and moves. .

After several battles, Yu Kamikaze discovered that the only otherworldly treasure "Magic Gold Stone" was the only treasure that could not be cracked in "Destroying Magic", so the evil warrior Yu Kamikaze invited "Extraordinary Craftsman. Lan Zhai" and "Witch. Snow" Lin" cast the "Magic Heavenly Coffin" with "Magic Gold Stone", and finally designed to seal Tianqiong in the "Magic Supreme Heavenly Coffin".

However, this battle Yu Kamikaze was also infected by demonic energy, so he forcibly separated his backbone and killed himself!

After the changes of the times, the three origins of the Buddha, the Buddha, and the Buddha have come together to establish a complete Buddhist system. Today, very few people understand this matter. As time goes by, this past has gradually become dusty. Few people know that the Buddha's guilt back then is today's Buddha-headed Emperor Tathagata!


Half an hour ago, when the Buddha Emperor and the female Rong were discussing the Tao, the Emperor Tathagata in the form of Zhaoti was sweeping the ground at Yungu Leifeng, sweeping the leaves that could never be swept away with a broom...  

Suddenly I received an unnamed flying letter. The content of the letter is roughly: The Buddha's double body is forcing the death of the Buddha of the Nine Realms. If you don't save it, then your basic friend, uh, the Buddha, the Buddha of the Nine Realms will die. upturned.

Although Emperor Tathagata remained skeptical about the content of the letter, Friends of Ji, ah, Buddhist friends were in trouble, so naturally he had to help. Emperor Tathagata was on his way while thinking about who knew his identity, but he had no clue.

When the Emperor Tathagata arrived, the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms had already been fighting with the Buddha's double body, and they were almost crippled by the Buddha's double body!

Although it came a little late, it was still in time. The Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms received strong assistance, and he struggled to open a new chapter in the battle of Buddha and evil.

The Emperor Tathagata folded his hands together and persuaded: "Bing Wu, stop fighting, fight to stop killing, the other side is where you look back."

"The path of the Buddha's double body is to create a truly equal world, and the other side is nothing but vain. Put away your ignorant compassion, what can you do?" Tianchi Jiye dismissed the words of the Emperor Tathagata, as The evil spirit karma that confronts the Buddha, the Buddha's karma breaks the boundaries of the four realms with one heart and one mind, and achieves the purpose of coexisting with demons, demons, demons and people. This is their ideal, and if they let go of their ideals, what is the difference between that and salted fish!

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